Aird |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #4s | Child Tax Credit (Language Only) | | | | 18.5 | #1s | Virginia Autism Advisory Commission | $0 | $400,000 | | 40 | #2s | Non-Lawyer Staffing Increase for Small Public Defenders Offices (SB 1227) | $0 | $810,985 | | 67 | #1s | Compensation Board to Study Treasurer Model (Language Only) | | | | 109 | #6s | SB 1225: Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund | $0 | $25,000,000 | | 124 | #17s | CodeVA AI Project | $0 | $150,000 | | 124 | #18s | Petersburg - Chronic Absenteeism | $0 | $250,000 | | 124 | #19s | Petersburg - Communities in Schools | $0 | $1,400,000 | | 124 | #20s | Petersburg - Teacher Licensure & Recruitment | $0 | $150,000 | | 124 | #22s | Henrico - Opportunity Schools | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 125 | #17s | Direct Aid - Surry County LCI Adjustment | $0 | $1,614,505 | | 125 | #18s | Direct Aid - Remove Support Cap (SB 1236) | $0 | $222,900,000 | | 251 | #1s | Localities Real Property Tax Exemptions Relief | $0 | $103,000,000 | | 277 | #6s | Establish a Billing Hub for Doulas in Virginia | $0 | $500,000 | | 277 | #7s | Mobile Maternal Health Clinics | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 279 | #3s | Research and Clinical Trial Cancer Consortium | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 280 | #2s | White Oak Water System Expansion - Phase 1 | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 283 | #2s | SB 1260: Hospital Workplace Violence Reporting | $0 | $50,000 | | 288 | #24s | Post-Partum Doula Visits | $0 | $17,188 | | 302 | #1s | Central State Hospital Historical Records Retention Feasibility Study | $0 | $150,000 | | 314 | #5s | Crater Center for Independent Living | $0 | $380,000 | | 390 | #39s | PILOT Funding for Sussex County - Inmate EMS Services | $0 | $350,000 | | 417 | #1s | Body-Worn Cameras for Virginia State Police | $0 | $4,944,189 | | 417 | #2s | Body-Worn Camera Footage Policy Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 438 | #8s | Hopewell Riverwalk Partnership | $0 | $2,250,000 | | 438 | #26s | SJ 263: Hog Island Bridge from Surry County to James City County Study | $0 | $1,600,000 | | C-22.50 | #2s | RBC - Emergency Operating Center | $0 | $2,630,209 | | 4-9.02 | #1s | RBC: Level Two Pilot Program (Language Only) | | | |
Bagby |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 124 | #2s | Revitalize Children's Museum Early Childhood Education Programming | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 124 | #3s | Support for UBU 100/My Life Coach Academy | $0 | $450,000 | | 124 | #11s | Cell Phone Policy Grant Program | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 125 | #12s | Direct Aid - Regional Alternative Education Programs Minimum Slots (Language Only) | | | | 163 | #2s | NSU - HBCU Partnership | $0 | $35,000,000 | | 217 | #1s | VSU - HBCU Partnership | $0 | $35,000,000 | | 229 | #1s | SMV - Increase in Education and Security Positions | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 231 | #1s | VCA - Support for the Elegba Folklore Society | $0 | $250,000 | | 231 | #3s | VCA - Virginia Repertory Theater | $0 | $500,000 | | 339 | #1s | Radio Reading Services | $20,000 | $0 | | 356 | #3s | Unemployment Insurance Wage Data Enhancement (Language Only) | | | | 362 | #5s | Effective Date of the Polystyrene Container Ban (Language Only) | | | | 371 | #1s | Support Expansion Projects at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden | $0 | $1,500,000 | |
Boysko |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 28 | #1s | Court-Appointed Counsel at First Appearance (SB 1227) | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 49 | #9s | Personal Use of Campaign Funds (SB 1002) | $0 | $260,930 | | 77 | #9s | Personal Use of Campaign Funds (SB 1002) | $0 | $50,000 | | 85 | #2s | SB 1127: Public Notification by Animal Testing Facilities | $0 | $50,000 | | 92 | #1s | Hemp Product Facility Registration (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #12s | Virginia Eviction Reduction Program | $0 | $3,150,000 | | 109 | #3s | Funding for the Electric Vehicle Rebate Program | $20,000,000 | $20,000,000 | | 117 | #6s | DOE - Driver Education Virtual Participation Options (SB 1124) | $0 | $50,000 | | 118 | #1s | DOE - IEP and 504 Plan Emergency Protocol (SB 1126) | $0 | $50,000 | | 124 | #38s | National Board Certification Program (SB 1129) | $0 | $10,786,000 | | 125 | #9s | Direct Aid - English Language Learners Add-On | $0 | $55,600,000 | | 125 | #10s | Direct Aid - Remove Supplemental Basic Aid Cap | $0 | $1,700,000 | | 125 | #13s | Direct Aid - Support Position Ratio | $0 | $222,900,000 | | 130 | #2s | SCHEV - TAG Increase to $6,000 | $0 | $25,000,000 | | 213 | #1s | VT - Protein Innovation Technologies | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 278 | #3s | SB 1133: Food Labeling for Pork in Restaurants and Catering | $0 | $50,000 | | 285 | #1s | Regulation of COMP360 (SB 1135) | $0 | $50,000 | | 287 | #2s | Reach Out and Read Initiative | $0 | $720,000 | | 288 | #3s | Medicaid and FAMIS Continuous Eligibility for Children Ages 0 to 6 | $0 | $750,000 | | 288 | #8s | Supported Living Residential Rate Increase | $0 | $2,724,738 | | 288 | #15s | Midwife Parity in Medicaid Reimbursement | $0 | $1,332,430 | | 292 | #8s | Feasibility of Adding Core Services Waiver | $0 | $250,000 | | 295 | #6s | Lock and Talk Program for Distribution of Firearm Safes | $0 | $125,000 | | 295 | #7s | Affirmative Defense (SB 1013) | $0 | $50,000 | | 296 | #4s | Girl Scout Mental Wellness Programs | $0 | $193,000 | | 296 | #5s | Provider Capacity for DD Waiver Services | $0 | $686,000 | | 296 | #6s | Specially Adapted Resource Clubs | $0 | $186,000 | | 297 | #2s | State Rental Assistance Program | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 329 | #3s | Preventive Legal Services Program | $100,000 | $410,000 | | 331 | #6s | Funding for Family Resource Centers | $0 | $2,200,000 | | 349 | #3s | SB 1132: Prohibiting Employer Seeking Salary | $0 | $50,000 | | 355 | #1s | Claude Moore Workforce | $100,000 | $150,000 | | 356 | #4s | SB 1122: Paid Family and Medical Leave (Language Only) | | | | 361 | #3s | SB 1123: Extreme Weather Relief Act (Language Only) | | | | 367 | #4s | SB 1125: Propagation of Wildlife Without a Permit | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #3s | Firearm Storage Requirements (SB 1134) | $0 | $92,000 | | 390 | #11s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1002) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #32s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1134) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #7s | Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program | $0 | $161,500 | | 417 | #3s | Firearm Storage Requirements (SB 1134) | $0 | $500,000 | | 433 | #2s | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority | $3,330,000 | $0 | | 4-5.04 | #1s | Maintain Abortion Care Coverage for Fetal Abnormalities (Language Only) | | | |
Carroll Foy |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 34 | #5s | 6th Circuit General District Court Judgeship | $0 | $303,512 | | 60 | #3s | Law Enforcement Positions and Funding Based on 1:1500 Population | $0 | $15,165,650 | | 64 | #7s | Discovery Material Requirements (SB 963) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 67 | #3s | Law Enforcement Deputy 1:1500 Position Count Table (Language Only) | | | | 75 | #3s | Coverage for Contraceptive Drugs and Devices | $1,963,000 | $1,963,000 | | 77 | #7s | Coordination and Required Independent Expenditure Committee Disclosure (SB 1185) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 102 | #6s | SB 1189: Virginia Residential Development Infrastructure Program and Fund | $50,000 | $0 | | 124 | #40s | ROTC High School Recruitment & Retention | $0 | $3,011,000 | | 206 | #1s | VMI - Academic Enhancements | $0 | $256,000 | | 206 | #2s | VMI - Operational Enhancements | $0 | $785,000 | | 209 | #1s | VMI - UMA Facilities Support | $0 | $750,000 | | 288 | #31s | Donor Human Milk Bank Regulation (SB 1186) | $2,000,000 | $9,000,000 | | 288 | #33s | Enhance Maternal Health Technology in Medicaid | $0 | $200,000 | | 365 | #2s | Soil Remediation Project at Newport Estates Homeowners Association (NEHOA) | $1,550,000 | $0 | | 365 | #3s | Foundation Repairs and Soil Remediation at Ryan 1 Condominium at Potomac Club Community | $3,250,000 | $0 | | 390 | #27s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1109) | $0 | $50,000 | | 415 | #4s | Salary Increase for Virginia State Police Dispatcher Positions | $0 | $750,000 | | 484 | #5s | Enhanced Hazardous Duty Supplement (Language Only) | | | |
Craig |
Deeds |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 33 | #1s | Virginia Access to Justice Act - Court-Appointed Counsel (SB 1183) | $0 | $45,000,000 | | 40 | #1s | Virginia Access to Justice Act - Additional Statewide Public Defender Offices (SB 1183) | $0 | $131,700,000 | | 64 | #1s | Virginia Access to Justice Act - Commonwealth's Attorneys (SB 1183) | $0 | $69,400,000 | | 96 | #1s | Drone Research for Invasive Species Management | $0 | $200,000 | | 102 | #20s | Charlottesville Center of Hope | $0 | $9,000,000 | | 109 | #1s | SB 1190: Virginia Energy Facility Review Board | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 113 | #1s | Rivanna Futures | $11,160,000 | $0 | | 113 | #2s | Increase Support for Brownfields Restoration | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 124 | #26s | Caregiving Youth Pilot Project | $0 | $100,000 | | 125.10 | #4s | VPI Expansion Funds (Language Only) | | | | 142 | #1s | W&M - Gamage Democracy Fellowship | $0 | $500,000 | | 143 | #1s | W&M - Highland Operating Support | $0 | $1,125,000 | | 183 | #1s | UVA - Clean Energy Assistance Center (SB 1190) | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 187 | #1s | UVA - Fellowship Community & Telepsychiatry | $0 | $250,000 | | 211 | #1s | VT - Expand Medical Education | $0 | $8,339,725 | | 268 | #2s | Eliminate State Cap on Reimbursement for Private Day Educational Services (Language Only) | | | | 268 | #3s | Eliminate State Cap on Private Day Educational Services and Add Report (Language Only) | | | | 271 | #1s | Earn to Learn Behavioral Health Acceleration Program | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 271 | #3s | Earn to Learn Nursing Education Acceleration Program | $1,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 279 | #10s | Funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers | $0 | $4,500,000 | | 279 | #11s | Behavioral Health Workforce Administrator | $0 | $156,000 | | 279 | #12s | Free Clinic of Central Virginia | $848,266 | $0 | | 288 | #6s | Modify Multi-Systemic Family Service Regulations (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #7s | Applied Behavior Analysis Rate Increase | $0 | $21,130,867 | | 288 | #20s | Emergency Medicaid Coverage for Cancer Treatment (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #22s | Medicaid Expansion Trigger Language (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #34s | Substance Use Disorder Services | $0 | $22,810,802 | | 288 | #40s | Long-Acting Injectables for Substance Use Disorder (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #41s | Brain Injury Waiver | $0 | $8,368,812 | | 288 | #42s | Medicaid Rates for Primary Care and Psychiatric Services | $0 | $414,616,233 | | 288 | #43s | Guardrail on Conversion to New Nursing Facility Methodology (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #44s | Fund State Nursing Facility Staffing Mandate | $0 | $88,376,634 | | 288 | #45s | Modify VBP Payment from Lump Sum to Prospective Rate Add-on | $0 | $979,800 | | 288 | #46s | Medicaid Developmental Disability Waiver Services Rate Increase | $0 | $345,493,465 | | 292 | #2s | Medicaid Community-Based Behavioral Health Services Training | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 292 | #9s | Medicaid Eligibility for SSI Recipients | $0 | $500,000 | | 292 | #10s | Medicaid Appeal Timeframe | $0 | $272,474 | | 296 | #2s | Adult Psychiatric Access Line | $0 | $4,500,000 | | 297 | #1s | Early Intervention Services | $0 | $5,800,000 | | 297 | #3s | DD Waiver Support Coordinators | $0 | $8,700,000 | | 297 | #4s | Prevention Services | $0 | $8,000,000 | | 297 | #5s | Restoration to Competency Funding | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 297 | #10s | Local Government Maintenance of Effort (Language Only) | | | | 314 | #3s | Centers for Independent Living | $0 | $1,275,000 | | 324 | #2s | DSS Peer Support Helpline and Community Resiliency Model | $0 | $600,000 | | 331 | #3s | Tonsler League | $0 | $250,000 | | 331 | #11s | Funding for Community Action Agencies | $0 | $4,275,000 | | 359 | #1s | Harmful Algae Blooms at Lake Anna | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | | 359 | #8s | Lake Anna Hydrilla Treatment and Buoy Placement | $0 | $33,000 | | 360 | #1s | Walking Trail at Biscuit Run Park in Albemarle County | $1,370,000 | $0 | | 361 | #1s | SB 1198: Virginia Land Conservation Goals and Needs Assessment | $0 | $140,000 | | 361 | #2s | SB 1201: VALORS for Conservation Officers | $0 | $610,000 | | 390 | #7s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1182) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #8s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1181) | $0 | $50,000 | | 479 | #1s | Essential Health Benefits Benchmark Plan | $0 | $50,000 | | 484 | #12s | Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System: Conservation Officers (SB 1201) | $0 | $58,600 | | 484 | #13s | Retirement for Department of Wildlife Resources Conservation Police Officers (SB 1224) | $0 | $313,000 | | 489.20 | #1s | Remove ABC Annual Information Technology Report (Language Only) | | | | C-52.10 | #1s | 2025 Public Education Pool - UVA Center for the Arts (Language Only) | | | | C-52.10 | #3s | 2025 Public Education Pool - VSU Replace Johnson Memorial Library (Language Only) | | | |
DeSteph |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 49 | #8s | Fentanyl Task Force Bimonthly Meetings (Language Only) | | | | 101 | #3s | Rocket Lab Dock Dredging | $7,500,000 | $0 | | 103 | #2s | Eastern Shore Natural Gas Pipeline | $7,400,000 | $0 | | 124 | #7s | Northampton County Public Schools Technology Upgrades | $50,000 | $0 | | 124 | #8s | Accomack County Public Schools Technology Upgrades | $50,000 | $0 | | 365 | #6s | City of Virginia Beach Infrastructure | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 365 | #8s | Accomack County Infrastructure | $7,500,000 | $0 | | 365 | #9s | Northampton County Infrastructure | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 373 | #1s | Renovation and Expansion of the Virginia Beach Aquarium | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 373 | #4s | City of Norfolk Submerged Bottomlands Interest (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #21s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 941) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #30s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1220) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #31s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 946) | $0 | $45,586 | | 390 | #36s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1235) | $0 | $370,619 | | 390 | #37s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 952) | $0 | $50,000 | | 426 | #3s | SB 1265: Blue Envelope Program | $30,000 | $0 | | 438 | #12s | City of Virginia Beach Bike Trails | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 438 | #21s | Northampton County Bike Trails | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 471 | #1s | City of Virginia Beach Modernization | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 471 | #2s | City of Norfolk Modernization | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 471 | #3s | Northampton County Modernization | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 471 | #4s | Accomack County Modernization | $2,500,000 | $0 | | C-52.10 | #2s | 2025 Public Education Pool - VT Ext. Improve Eastern Shore AREC (Language Only) | | | |
Diggs |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 34 | #3s | Military Protective Orders (SB 751) | $0 | $50,000 | | 34 | #8s | Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial (Legislation) | $0 | $50,000 | | 34 | #9s | Evidence Obtained While Driving Without Headlights | $0 | $50,000 | | 49 | #2s | OAG: Criminal Case Prosecution | $0 | $50,000 | | 60 | #2s | Law Enforcement Positions and Funding Based on 1:1500 Population | $0 | $15,165,650 | | 67 | #2s | Law Enforcement Deputy 1:1500 Position Count Table (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #3s | CNU - Technology Enhancement | $0 | $1,955,000 | | 283 | #1s | SB 1294: Changes to Regional EMS Councils | $0 | $50,000 | | 358 | #1s | SB 851: Rainwater Collection | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #4s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Penalty Related to Sex Offenders in State Parks) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #12s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 938) | $0 | $24,997 | | 390 | #14s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1025) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #16s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 750) | $0 | $50,000 | | 391 | #1s | Traffic Monitoring System Evidence Review (Legislation) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #11s | Residential Services to Adult Victims of Human Trafficking | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 415 | #1s | Nonresident Concealed Handgun Permit (SB 849) | $0 | $50,000 | | 426 | #1s | SB 1061: Repeal of DMV License Plate Decals | $0 | $50,000 | | 426 | #2s | SB 1028: Work Group Study on Tow Truck License Plates | $0 | $50,000 | |
Durant |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 1 | #6s | K-12 Jt. Subcommittee to Study Impact of Veterans Property Tax Relief on LCI (Language Only) | | | | 120 | #4s | DOE - Middle School Mathematics Innovation Program | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 124 | #13s | CTE Funding for Fredericksburg Schools | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 125 | #3s | Direct Aid - Exclude Exempted Disabled Veterans Property Values from LCI (Language Only) | | | | 125 | #16s | Direct Aid - Supplemental Support for Stafford County | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 176 | #1s | UMW - Health Sciences Workforce Shortage | $740,000 | $740,000 | | 295 | #4s | Bed Registry Advisory Council | $0 | $50,000 | | 371 | #5s | Mary Washington Monument Restoration | $0 | $50,000 | | 456 | #3s | Services for Incarcerated Veterans (SB 1251) | $0 | $100,000 | | 484 | #6s | Virginia Retirement System Return to Work (SB 1292) | $0 | $75,000 | | 484 | #11s | Line of Duty Act Coverage for Auxiliary Officers (SB 1286) | $0 | $50,000 | |
Ebbin |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 1 | #1s | Provide Health Benefits to Second Legislative Assistant | $0 | $986,880 | | 1 | #3s | Joint Subcommittee To Review Current Instances of State Supported Local Employees | $0 | $25,000 | | 9 | #1s | JCOTS: Staffing Increase | $0 | $324,000 | | 10 | #1s | Uniform Laws Commission | $0 | $20,000 | | 49 | #3s | OAG: Content Authenticity and Transparency Act | $0 | $280,000 | | 49 | #6s | Virginia Human Rights Act Enforcement | $0 | $250,000 | | 102 | #4s | Increase the Virginia Housing Trust Fund | $0 | $62,500,000 | | 124 | #34s | Increase Support for Teach for America Expansion | $0 | $250,000 | | 260 | #1s | Tobacco Age Restriction Enforcement (SB 1060) | $0 | $100,000 | | 356 | #1s | SB 1056: Increase of Maximum Unemployment Weekly Benefits | $0 | $50,000 | | 356 | #2s | SB 1057: Increasing the Threshold for Deduction of Wages Payable | $0 | $50,000 | | 365 | #5s | Alexandria Combined Sewer Overflow Project | $0 | $50,000,000 | | 371 | #9s | Douglas Cemetery Restoration | $0 | $500,000 | | 390 | #9s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Vulnerable Road Users) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #15s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 881) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #22s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 880) | $0 | $50,000 | | 428 | #3s | DMV Outreach Coordinator Position | $0 | $100,000 | | 489.10 | #2s | Tobacco Bill Fix (SB 1060) | $0 | $100,000 | |
Favola |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 1 | #4s | Review of Support for Children with Highest Support Needs in Public Schools (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #21s | Manufactured Home Pilot Program (Language Only) | | | | 103 | #1s | Replenish the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 117 | #3s | DOE - Survey on School-Based Mental Health | $0 | $100,000 | | 118 | #3s | DOE - IEP Upgrades | $0 | $7,686,000 | | 119 | #2s | DOE - Select SOL Tests in Spanish | $0 | $300,000 | | 124 | #31s | Registered Nurse Grant Program for Title I Schools | $0 | $75,000 | | 125 | #11s | Direct Aid - Special Education Add-On | $0 | $74,623,000 | | 125 | #20s | Direct Aid - Support for Schools Labeled “Off Track” and “Needs Intensive Support” (SB 820) | $0 | $100,300,000 | | 151 | #1s | GMU - Operations Support | $18,000,000 | $18,000,000 | | 151 | #2s | GMU - SBDC Transition Assistance Plan | $0 | $250,000 | | 156 | #1s | JMU - Nursing Program Expansion | $0 | $997,816 | | 202 | #1s | VCCS - CNA Training | $3,500,000 | $0 | | 268 | #1s | Eliminate State Cap on Reimbursement for Private Day Educational Services (Language Only) | | | | 271 | #5s | LPN to RN Scholarships Through Community Colleges | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 277 | #2s | All Payer Claims Database | $0 | $3,075,000 | | 279 | #6s | Outpatient Data (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #4s | Increase Reimbursement for Developmental Disability Waiver Services | $0 | $20,000,000 | | 288 | #16s | 1115 Waiver for Behavioral Health Services in Jails (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #23s | Access to Nutritious Food for Pregnant and Postpartum Medicaid Recipients (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #36s | Personal Care Rate Increase for Home Care Workers | $0 | $279,510,991 | | 292 | #1s | Medicaid Coverage of Permanent Supportive Housing | $0 | $300,000 | | 292 | #3s | Medicaid Home Visiting Benefit Workgroup | $0 | $500,000 | | 292 | #5s | Training for Home Care Workers | $0 | $150,000 | | 292 | #6s | Study North Carolina Medical Debt Model | $0 | $500,000 | | 292 | #7s | Study Medicaid Reimbursement for Housing Services for Substance Use Disorder | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 292 | #11s | Remote Patient Monitoring Expansion Plan and Costs | $0 | $200,000 | | 292 | #12s | Reimbursement for Community Paramedicine Services | $0 | $100,000 | | 294 | #1s | Expand Definition of Community Housing (Language Only) | | | | 295 | #2s | Increasing the Number of Licensed Therapists | $0 | $1,100,000 | | 295 | #3s | Align Substance Use Disorder Services with National Criteria (Language Only) | | | | 296 | #1s | School-Based Health Clinics (Language Only) | | | | 296 | #3s | Waiver Slot Redistribution (Language Only) | | | | 297 | #7s | Virginia Telemental Health Initiative | $0 | $482,000 | | 297 | #9s | Examine Release Protocols for Permanent Supportive Housing (Language Only) | | | | 315 | #1s | Areas Agencies on Aging Funding | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 328 | #1s | Increase Auxiliary Grant Funding | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 328 | #3s | Auxiliary Grant Calculation (Language Only) | | | | 329 | #1s | Foster Family Finding Services | $0 | $425,750 | | 329 | #2s | MOUs for Kinship Care in Surrounding States (Language Only) | | | | 329 | #4s | Federal Benefits for Foster Youth (Language Only) | | | | 331 | #9s | Northern Virginia Family Services | $0 | $125,000 | | 331 | #10s | Child Advocacy Centers Funding Increase | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 334 | #2s | Transition EBT Cards to Chip Cards | $4,100,000 | $4,000,000 | | 360 | #7s | Oak Hill State Park | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 371 | #16s | Visitor Education Center for the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial | $0 | $6,200,000 | | 394 | #1s | Funding for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services Agencies | $0 | $8,250,000 | | 394 | #12s | Grants to Jails for Doula Services | $0 | $250,000 | | 394 | #13s | Grants to Jails to Improve Attorney-Client Meeting Access | $350,000 | $750,000 | | 394 | #14s | Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Transition Fund | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 475 | #1s | Review of Market Conduct Examination (Language Only) | | | | 3-5.15 | #1s | Expand Provider Payer Rate Assessment (Language Only) | | | |
French |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 103 | #9s | Rockland Park Project | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 279 | #5s | Community Health Facility in Clarke County | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 371 | #4s | Warren Heritage Foundation | $750,000 | $0 | | 438 | #3s | Middletown Sidewalk Repair | $30,000 | $0 | | 438 | #19s | SJ 252: Study to Reduce Traffic on State Route 55 | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 438 | #22s | Sherando Road Extension | $1,868,000 | $0 | | 438 | #23s | Traffic Reduction around Schools in Gainsboro | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 438 | #24s | City of Winchester Bridge and Lane Widening | $0 | $780,000 | | 438 | #27s | New Bridge for Seven Bends State Park | $0 | $27,000,000 | |
Hackworth |
Hashmi |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 74 | #1s | State Government Internship Coordinator (SB 1062) | $0 | $150,000 | | 101 | #1s | Governor's Motion Picture Opportunity Fund | $5,000,000 | $6,000,000 | | 102 | #1s | Restore Pilot Program to Provide Downpayment Assistance (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #14s | Housing Affordability Review | $0 | $100,000 | | 102 | #23s | Community Land Trust Subsidy | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 102 | #24s | Funding for Fair Housing Outreach and Education | $0 | $125,000 | | 120 | #1s | DOE - Office of Mathematics Improvement | $0 | $2,460,000 | | 120 | #3s | DOE - Accountability System Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SB 979) | $0 | $250,000 | | 121 | #2s | DOE - State Support for the Learning Management System | $0 | $5,138,000 | | 124 | #9s | Funding for The READ Center | $0 | $300,000 | | 124 | #12s | Virginia Tribal Education Consortium (VTEC) | $0 | $771,250 | | 124 | #15s | K-12 Athletics Extreme Heat Policies (SB 1104) | $0 | $100,000 | | 124 | #33s | Safety First Comprehensive Drug Education Pilot Program (SB 1102) | $0 | $50,000 | | 124 | #39s | Increase Funding for CodeVA | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 125 | #6s | Direct Aid - Three-Year LCI Budget Calculation (Language Only) | | | | 125 | #7s | Direct Aid - Fully Fund JLARC Recommendations (SB 977) | $0 | $1,188,000,000 | | 125.10 | #6s | Public-Private Cost-Sharing Model Pilot | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 130 | #3s | SCHEV - TAG award for HSI | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 130 | #4s | SCHEV - TAG Graduate Parity Restoration | $0 | $1,600,000 | | 130 | #5s | SCHEV - Workforce Credential Grant | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 132 | #5s | SCHEV - Student Tele-Mental Health Pilot | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 196 | #1s | VCU - Sustainable Energy and Environment Institute | $0 | $300,000 | | 200 | #2s | VCCS - Career and Tech. Ed Programs | $0 | $136,200,000 | | 203 | #1s | VCCS - Genedge Manufacturing Accelerator | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 203 | #2s | VCCS - Solar Workforce Development Grant (SB 1099) | $0 | $50,000 | | 271 | #2s | Physician Loan Repayment Program | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 277 | #1s | SB 1101: Breakthrough Therapies for Veteran Suicide Prevention | $0 | $58,496 | | 278 | #1s | Additional Funding for Community Health Workers | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 279 | #1s | Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority | $87,500 | $1,332,250 | | 288 | #14s | Payment for Designated Staff Support in Acute Care Settings | $0 | $2,164,000 | | 288 | #21s | Medicaid Expansion Trigger Language (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #28s | Increase Payments for Graduate Medical Education Residencies (Language Only) | | | | 289 | #1s | Comprehensive Children's Health Care Coverage Program | $0 | $7,324,020 | | 292 | #14s | Plan to Reimburse Services Provided by Community Health Workers | $0 | $200,000 | | 314 | #1s | Brain Injury Workforce Retention | $0 | $985,000 | | 325 | #2s | SNAP Increase for Elderly | $0 | $15,000,000 | | 328 | #2s | Auxiliary Grant Rate for Assisted Living Facilities | $0 | $14,500,000 | | 329 | #5s | Kinship Service Expansion | $0 | $425,750 | | 331 | #4s | Language Access Services | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 349 | #1s | SB 1103: Employment Health and Safety Standards for Heat Illness Prevention | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 362 | #3s | Restore Polystyrene Food Service Containers Language (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #10s | City of Richmond Combined Sewer Overflow Grant | $50,000,000 | $150,000,000 | | 390 | #33s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1098) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #9s | YWCA Richmond Domestic Violence Shelter & Campus | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 416 | #3s | Chesterfield Med-Flight Personnel Funding | $0 | $950,000 | |
Head |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 103 | #12s | Blue Ridge Parkway Community Revitalization | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 124 | #41s | Goodwill Industries of the Valleys Adult High School | $0 | $1,800,000 | | 124 | #45s | Roanoke County Career & Technology Center - CTE Equipment | $0 | $3,030,900 | | 127 | #1s | VSDB - Establish Campus Police (SB 797) | $0 | $255,750 | | 236 | #1s | RHEC - Full-Time Security Guard | $0 | $130,831 | | 236 | #2s | RHEC - Full -Time Day Porter | $0 | $72,447 | | 288 | #2s | Agency Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $588,091,124 | | 288 | #5s | Durable Medical Equipment Rate Increase | $0 | $22,692,710 | | 354 | #3s | HB 1903: Health Workforce Innovation Fund | $100,000 | $1,500,000 | | 371 | #2s | Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library Improvements | $0 | $1,100,000 | | 371 | #18s | Support Virginia Museum of Transportation | $0 | $500,000 | | 415 | #5s | Craig County Emergency Radio System Upgrade | $0 | $1,400,000 | | C-22.50 | #1s | RHEC - Replace Windows | $0 | $5,750,000 | |
Jordan |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 61 | #1s | Expand State-Responsible Rate for Jail Per Diem Payments | $0 | $250,000 | | 102 | #18s | Suffolk City Homeless Shelter - Phase II Construction | $0 | $750,000 | | 125 | #8s | Direct Aid - Virginia Opportunity Scholarships (Language Only) | | | | 196 | #2s | VCU - Massey Cancer Center | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 277 | #4s | SB 1279: Standardized Protocols for Obstetric Emergencies | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 277 | #9s | Maternal Health Coordinator Program | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 280 | #4s | Prentis Street Transmission Water Main Improvements | $0 | $6,000,000 | | 314 | #2s | Safety Net Brain Injury Services | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 324 | #4s | Landscape Assessment of Services for Survivors of Child Trafficking | $0 | $350,000 | | 325 | #1s | SB 1273: Full Employment Program Expansion | $0 | $440,000 | | 371 | #17s | James Solomon Russell-Saint Paul’s College Museum and Archives | $0 | $250,000 | | 390 | #6s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1272) | $0 | $50,000 | | 438 | #1s | Route 460 Evacuation Plan (Language Only) | | | | 438 | #15s | Funding for Liberty Road Extension in Greenville County | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 438 | #25s | Road Maintenance for Port Host Communities | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 457 | #1s | Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery Expansion | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 484 | #1s | Enhanced Retirement Benefits for 911 Dispatchers (SB 1088) | $0 | $188,000 | | C-16.10 | #1s | VCCS - Workforce Trades and Innovation Center Paul D. Camp Community College | $0 | $750,000 | |
Locke |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #7s | Establish 10% Tax Bracket for Taxable Income Over $1.0 million (Language Only) | | | | 12 | #1s | FOIA Council: Additional Staffing and Operational Costs | $0 | $378,800 | | 13 | #1s | Virginia Housing Commission: Operational Support | $550,000 | $556,000 | | 60 | #1s | Sheriffs' Dispatcher Salary Increase Non-Supplantation Requirement (Language Only) | | | | 62 | #1s | Local Finance Directors Employee Salary Regrade | $0 | $1,148,298 | | 63 | #1s | Commissioners of the Revenue Employee Salary Regrade | $0 | $3,060,560 | | 66 | #1s | Local Treasurer Employee Salary Regrade | $0 | $3,105,536 | | 102 | #2s | Provide Capacity Funding for Continuum of Care Agencies | $0 | $2,700,000 | | 102 | #3s | Housing Trust Fund Deposit - 10% Tax Bracket on Income Over $1.0 million (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #11s | SB 832: Establish the 5000 Families Pilot Program | $0 | $80,000,000 | | 102 | #13s | Increase Funding for Rapid Re-Housing | $0 | $1,225,000 | | 102 | #17s | SB 777: Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force | $150,000 | $37,500 | | 103 | #3s | Military Centered Community Zone Incentive Matching Grant | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 103 | #10s | Urban Public Private Partnership Redevelopment Fund | $0 | $15,200,000 | | 124 | #4s | Governor's Health Science Academy (Warwick HS) | $0 | $175,000 | | 124 | #16s | Opportunity Scholars Program Expansion | $1,250,000 | $1,250,000 | | 124 | #28s | Virginia Symphony Partners in Education | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 124 | #35s | Greater Peninsula C.A.R.E.S. Learning Recovery Program | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 124 | #36s | Additional Support for Community Schools Grant Funding | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 124 | #42s | Virginia Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 125 | #1s | Basic Aid Increase - 10% Tax Bracket on Income Over $1.0 million | $0 | $909,000,000 | | 125 | #19s | Direct Aid - Teacher Supplemental Pay Program (SB 829) | $0 | $65,207,051 | | 125.10 | #1s | Child Care Subsidy - 10% Tax Bracket on Income Over $1.0 million | $0 | $545,000,000 | | 125.10 | #2s | Eliminate Waitlists for Early Childhood Care and Education | $0 | $160,000,000 | | 125.10 | #5s | Eliminate Waitlist for Child Care Subsidy Program | $0 | $120,000,000 | | 130 | #1s | SCHEV - TAG Increase to $5,500 | $0 | $15,000,000 | | 130 | #6s | SCHEV - Pathways Flight Academy VSGC | $0 | $1,127,930 | | 136 | #1s | CNU - O&M New Facility | $0 | $1,365,000 | | 136 | #2s | CNU - Captains Pathways for VCCS Students | $0 | $300,000 | | 140 | #1s | W&M - Community Law Clinic | $327,000 | $327,000 | | 140 | #4s | W&M - Troops to Teachers | $0 | $520,200 | | 167 | #1s | ODU - Operating Support | $0 | $16,650,000 | | 227 | #1s | State Aid to Local Public Libraries | $0 | $2,340,493 | | 277 | #3s | Perinatal Health Hubs Pilot (Language Only) | | | | 278 | #2s | SB 833: Restoration of Hampton Health District | $0 | $500,000 | | 288 | #11s | Eliminate 16-Hour Daily Limit for Home Care Workers | $0 | $18,025,202 | | 288 | #13s | Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $279,510,991 | | 288 | #27s | Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Individuals (SB 831) | $0 | $3,314,135 | | 288 | #38s | Remote Patient Monitoring for Pregnant and Postpartum Patients (SB 758) | $0 | $3,736,257 | | 288 | #39s | Remove Restrictive Language for Anti-Obesity Medications | $0 | $11,761,359 | | 292 | #4s | Medicaid Reentry Service Waiver for Incarcerated Pregnant and Postpartum Women | $250,000 | $4,030,400 | | 354 | #1s | Hampton Roads Skilled Trades Rapid On-Ramp Network for Growth (STRONG) | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 360 | #5s | Fort Wool Restoration | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 367 | #3s | Security Enhancements for Foxhill Boat Ramp | $7,000 | $7,000 | | 371 | #12s | Poplar Forest Improvements for Semiquincentennial | $0 | $365,000 | | 371 | #13s | African American Cemetery and Graves Fund | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 371 | #14s | Continuation of the BIPOC Fund | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 371 | #15s | African American Heritage Trail | $0 | $1,873,000 | | 390 | #1s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 757) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #2s | Safer Communities Program Extension | $0 | $8,050,000 | | 394 | #3s | Critical Response Graphic Mapping for Public Colleges and Universities | $6,200,000 | $0 | | 433 | #1s | Funding to Support Virginia's Transit Systems | $50,000,000 | $0 | | 451 | #1s | NOAA Ports | $0 | $325,000 | | 456 | #1s | Virginia Values Veterans Program | $0 | $50,000 | | 480 | #1s | iGaming (SB 827) (Language Only) | | | | C-48 | #1s | Planning - CNU Replace Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Facility | $625,000 | $0 | | 4-2.01 | #1s | Talent Pipeline - Tuition Flexibility (Language Only) | | | | 4-5.12 | #2s | Continuing Virginia's Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 4-14 | #1s | Establish 10% Tax Bracket for Taxable Income Over $1.0 million (Language Only) | | | |
Lucas |
Marsden |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #11s | Asphalt Recycling Tax Credit (Language Only) | | | | 63 | #2s | Commissioners of the Revenue Deputy Salary Regrade (Pay Bands 1-2) | $0 | $676,743 | | 66 | #2s | Deputy Treasurer Salary Regrade (Pay Bands 1-2) | $0 | $725,415 | | 85 | #1s | SB 921: Large Animal Veterinary Care Incentive Grant Program | $0 | $450,000 | | 96 | #3s | Virginia Farmland and Forestland Preservation Fund | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 109 | #4s | Virginia Brightfields Program | $20,000,000 | $0 | | 109 | #5s | HB 151: Offshore Wind Workforce Development | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 113 | #3s | All Access Virginia Workforce Accelerator | $0 | $5,300,000 | | 125 | #5s | Direct Aid - Juvenile Detention Center Consolidations (Legislation) | $0 | ($100,000) | | 132 | #1s | SCHEV - VA Sea Grant | $0 | $584,095 | | 155 | #1s | JMU - Juvenile Justice Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 183 | #4s | UVA - Blandy Farm State Arboretum | $350,000 | $350,000 | | 211 | #2s | VT - Veterinary Medicine | $0 | $543,010 | | 288 | #19s | Locally-owned Nursing Facilities Unreimbursed Costs | $0 | ($826,774) | | 331 | #8s | Resolution Virginia | $1,065,000 | $1,065,000 | | 358 | #3s | Office of Commonwealth Resilience | $0 | $250,000 | | 359 | #3s | Natural Heritage Invasive Species Control | $0 | $250,000 | | 359 | #4s | Resilience Adaptation Feasibility Tool (RAFT) program | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 359 | #7s | Lake Barcroft Dam | $500,000 | $0 | | 360 | #2s | Invasive Species Control at State Parks | $0 | $450,000 | | 360 | #9s | Support the Virginia Land Conservation Fund | $30,000,000 | $30,000,000 | | 360 | #10s | Provide Funding for the Get Outdoors Fund | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 363 | #1s | Shenandoah River Monitoring for Harmful Algal Blooms | $0 | $500,000 | | 367 | #1s | Invasive Species Management Plan Implementation | $0 | $775,000 | | 367 | #2s | Wildlife Corridor Grant Fund | $4,500,000 | $250,000 | | 371 | #10s | Increase Support for the Virginia Battlefield Preservation Fund | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 371 | #11s | Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Historic Preservation Fund | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 412 | #1s | Juvenile Detention Center Consolidations (Legislation) | $0 | ($100,000) | | 471 | #5s | Transfer Funding to Mass Violence Care Fund (HB 1711) | $0 | ($10,000,000) | | 489 | #1s | Mass Violence Care Fund (HB 1711) | $0 | $10,000,000 | | C-48 | #3s | Planning Pool - GMU Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building | $12,500,000 | $0 | |
McDougle |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #5s | Increase Local Share of Excess Circuit Court Clerks' Fees (Language Only) | | | | 31 | #1s | Sealing Criminal Records (SB 1211) | $0 | $100,000 | | 33 | #7s | Venue for Prosecution for Overdose Deaths from Schedule I or II Drug Distributions (SB 802) | $0 | $50,000 | | 51 | #5s | Consumer Data Protection Act Related to Cookies | $0 | $50,000 | | 63 | #3s | Consolidate Lower-Population Brackets in Commissioners of the Revenue Salary Table | $0 | $1,722,991 | | 64 | #5s | Increase Positions and Salaries for Commonwealth's Attorneys' Offices | $0 | $28,821,866 | | 67 | #5s | Commonwealths' Attorney Position Count Table (Language Only) | | | | 124 | #6s | Bleeding Control Kits | $282,100 | $0 | | 124 | #21s | James City - Pre-K Facilities | $0 | $9,000,000 | | 124 | #24s | Mathews - Asbestos Removal | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 125 | #2s | Direct Aid - Hold Harmless for Identified Student Percentage Impact | $371,000 | $360,000 | | 148 | #1s | VIMS - Shad Recovery Program | $0 | $901,300 | | 288 | #1s | Adjust Health Care Fund for Part 3 Cigar Tax Changes | $0 | $0 | | 288 | #32s | Agency Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $147,022,782 | | 331 | #7s | Latisha's House - Sexual Abuse Survivors | $1,600,000 | $0 | | 371 | #3s | Funding for Save Jamestown Campaign | $0 | $8,000,000 | | 371 | #6s | Fairfield Foundation | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 390 | #5s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 746) | $0 | $370,619 | | 440 | #1s | SB 1082: Special Structures Program Revenue Bond Act of 2025 (Language Only) | | | | 469 | #1s | Worker's Compensation: Repetitive Motion (SB 803) | $0 | $50,000 | | 484 | #10s | Judicial Pensions (SB 950) | $0 | $88,000 | | 489.50 | #1s | Office of Medicaid Financial Oversight (SB 1164) | $0 | $1,866,378 | | C-52.10 | #4s | 2025 Public Education Pool - WM Renovate Ewell Hall (Language Only) | | | | C-52.10 | #7s | 2025 Public Education Pool - VIMS Marine Operations Complex (Language Only) | | | | C-52.10 | #8s | 2025 Public Education Pool - VIMS Fisheries Science Research Building (Language Only) | | | | 3-5.05 | #1s | Increase Local Share of Excess Circuit Court Clerks' Fees (Language Only) | | | | 3-5.19 | #1s | Cigar Tax (SB 1162) (Language Only) | | | |
McPike |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 61 | #2s | Survey Impacts of Virtual Hearings on Jail Operations (Language Only) | | | | 68 | #1s | Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) Lab Capacity | $0 | $2,117,098 | | 75 | #2s | Coverage for Prostate Cancer Screening (SB 1314) | $0 | $50,000 | | 108 | #1s | Legislation: Regional Energy Planning and Advisory Services | $0 | $50,000 | | 109 | #8s | SB 1190: Virginia Energy Facility Review Board | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 255.10 | #1s | Supplemental Payment for Disabled Veterans Tax Relief Program | $0 | $42,000,000 | | 260 | #2s | Virginia Free File (SB 1306) | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 272 | #1s | Office of Emergency Medical Services (Language Only) | | | | 283 | #3s | VDH JLARC Recommendations | $0 | $800,000 | | 288 | #18s | Crisis Stabilization Services (SB 1301) | $0 | $500,000 | | 297 | #6s | Marcus Alert Programs | $0 | $18,000,000 | | 331 | #5s | Workforce Development in Fairfax and Prince William Counties | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 358 | #2s | Water Quality Improvement Fund Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 359 | #12s | Sustainable Environmental Literacy Programs | $0 | $750,000 | | 365 | #11s | Quantico Creek Waterway Remediation | $0 | $1,700,000 | | 401 | #1s | Mobile Command Center for Town of Dumfries | $0 | $500,000 | | 469 | #2s | Workers' Compensation Benefits for Law Enforcement and Firefighters (SB 1301) | $0 | $100,000 | | C-5 | #1s | GMU - Address Priority Facility Improvements | $32,000,000 | $0 | | C-25 | #2s | DCR - Acquire Oak Hill (Language Only) | | | | 3-1.01 | #1s | Transfer for Med Flight Operations (Language Only) | | | |
Mulchi |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 61 | #3s | Nottoway County - Cost of Confining VCBR Residents | $285,000 | $285,000 | | 101 | #2s | Funding for Training Center to be Located at the Southern Virginia Megasite | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 103 | #13s | Mecklenburg County YMCA Community Complex Project | $0 | $100,000 | | 124 | #5s | Teacher Professional Learning and Retention Program | $0 | $500,000 | | 280 | #7s | Water Treatment Membrane Plant in the Town of Hurt | $0 | $6,992,800 | | 390 | #41s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Penalties for Vaping Sales to Minors) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #5s | Funding for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services Agencies | $0 | $8,250,000 | | 406 | #2s | Virginia Fire Personnel and Equipment Grant Program (SB 984) | $0 | $25,000,000 | | C-48 | #4s | Planning Pool - VT Ext. Improve Southern Piedmont AREC | $700,000 | $0 | | 3-5.06 | #1s | Dealer Discount Sales and Use Tax (SB 983) (Language Only) | | | |
Obenshain |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 64 | #6s | Convert Bath and Highland Commonwealth's Attorneys from Part- to Full-Time Status | $0 | $270,970 | | 96 | #4s | Wavyleaf Grass Invasive Species Management | $0 | $100,000 | | 103 | #8s | Funding for Harrisonburg City Downtown Park | $0 | $850,000 | | 132 | #3s | SCHEV - Campus Law Enforcement Comp. Study (Language Only) | | | | 132 | #7s | SCHEV - Add Nonprofit Institutions to Nursing Grants (Language Only) | | | | 211 | #3s | VT - Expand Medical Education | $0 | $8,339,725 | | 262 | #1s | Lump Sum Payment for David Moran | $0 | $195,777 | | 288 | #25s | Center-Based Respite Service (Language Only) | | | | 295 | #5s | Victim Notification (SB 1148) | $0 | $50,000 | | 328 | #4s | SB 1153: Assisted Living Facilities | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #6s | Virginia Public Safety Communications Infrastructure Fund (SB 1296) (Language Only) | | | | 434 | #1s | Shortline Railway Preservation and Development | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 444 | #1s | SB 1158: Eminent Domain | $0 | $50,000 | | 484 | #2s | Enhanced Retirement Benefits for 911 Dispatchers (SB 1088) | $0 | $188,000 | | 484 | #3s | Line of Duty Act for Private College Police (SB 1142) | $0 | $40,000 | | C-24.10 | #3s | DBHDS - Renovate Southeastern Virginia Training Center | $20,000,000 | $0 | | C-52.10 | #6s | 2025 Public Education Pool - JMU Johnston Hall Renovation and Expansion (Language Only) | | | |
Peake |
Pekarsky |
Perry |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 33 | #3s | Increase Guardian Ad Litem Payment Rate | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 64 | #2s | Provide Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney, Paralegal & Administrative Support Positions | $0 | $25,672,048 | | 67 | #4s | Commonwealths' Attorney Position Count Table (Language Only) | | | | 88 | #1s | Lanternfly Invasion Treatment and Funding | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 96 | #2s | Forest Sustainability Fund | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 110 | #1s | Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Rural Localities | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 120 | #2s | DOE - Farm to School Centralized Local Procurement Program | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 280 | #1s | SB 1090: Residential Well Water Testing and Treatment Program | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 297 | #8s | Marcus Alert and Co-Responder Programs | $0 | $7,800,000 | | 359 | #11s | Water Quality Improvement Fund Designation for Forest Sustainability (Language Only) | | | | 371 | #7s | Plains Preservation Project | $0 | $25,000 | | 371 | #8s | George Marshall Ethical Leadership Center in Leesburg | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 372 | #1s | Increase Operating Support | $590,000 | $480,000 | | 390 | #17s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 883) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #25s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 886) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #26s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1271) | $0 | $50,000 | | 392 | #3s | DCJS Workgroup - AI Reduction of Manpower Needs for Body-Worn Camera Footage Analysis | $0 | $200,000 | | 392 | #4s | Virginia Forensic Nursing Advisory Council (SB 1041) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #8s | Unmanned Aircraft Replacement Program | $7,500,000 | $0 | | 401 | #2s | Workgroup on Impact of Climate Change on Hurricane Helene Damage (Language Only) | | | | 422 | #1s | Temp Air Traffic Control Services for Leesburg Airport | $0 | $600,000 | | 438 | #14s | VDOT to Issue Guidance on Construction Grants (Language Only) | | | | 438 | #16s | Electronic and Increased Fines Signs for Route 17 Faquier County | $0 | $150,000 | | 458 | #1s | DVS Study of Gaps in Services in Virginia | $0 | $250,000 | | 484 | #4s | Judicial Pensions (SB 950) | $0 | $88,000 | | 484 | #15s | Enhanced Retirement Benefits for 911 Dispatchers (SB 1083) | $0 | $188,000 | | C-25 | #1s | DCR - Acquire Oak Hill (Language Only) | | | |
Pillion |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 63 | #4s | Consolidate Lower-Population Brackets in Commissioners of the Revenue Salary Table | $0 | $1,722,991 | | 101 | #4s | Rocket Lab Dock Dredging | $7,500,000 | $0 | | 102 | #22s | Statewide Emergency Management Mobile Application Communications Platform (Language Only) | | | | 103 | #11s | Main Street Program | $0 | $1,600,000 | | 124 | #10s | YMCA Power Scholars Language Adjustment (Language Only) | | | | 125.10 | #3s | Child Care Subsidy Program | $0 | $5,148,000 | | 151 | #3s | GMU - Support SBDCs | $1,400,000 | $1,400,000 | | 183 | #2s | UVA - AI Partnership Plan | $0 | $750,000 | | 183 | #3s | UVA - Regional Humanities Centers | $0 | $500,000 | | 190 | #1s | UVA - Wise Enrollment and Retention | $0 | $1,476,213 | | 190 | #2s | UVA-Wise Workforce Development Programs | $0 | $986,270 | | 190 | #3s | UVA -Wise - Southwest Health Authority | $0 | $500,000 | | 216 | #1s | VT Ext - Ag. Business Innovation Cohort | $0 | $1,829,936 | | 231 | #2s | VCA - Grant Funding | $0 | $500,000 | | 275 | #1s | HB 1902: Prescription Monitoring Program | $0 | $110,000 | | 279 | #8s | Families Forward Virginia for CHIP of Virginia | $0 | $2,208,895 | | 285 | #4s | Systems Changes to the Prescription Monitoring Program (HB 1902) | $600,000 | $400,000 | | 288 | #12s | Supplemental Medicaid Payments to Dentists | $0 | $2,615,117 | | 288 | #26s | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Drug Recommendations (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #47s | Continuous Glucose Monitor Coverage | $0 | $2,300,000 | | 292 | #13s | Community Health Worker Services Benefit Rate Study | $0 | $250,000 | | 334 | #1s | Creation of Addiction Treatment Navigator | $0 | $400,000 | | 360 | #4s | Feasibility study for state park in Washington County | $0 | $200,000 | | 394 | #10s | Critical Response Graphic Mapping for Public Colleges and Universities | $0 | $6,200,000 | | 396 | #1s | Aid to Localities with Police Departments ("599") | $0 | $5,741,255 | | 438 | #17s | Corridor Q - U.S. 460 Connector Phase II Paving Project | $0 | $7,000,000 | | 438 | #20s | Road Improvements to Meet VDOT Standards | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 489.40 | #1s | Statewide Substance Use Data Analytics Platform | $0 | $500,000 | | C-16.10 | #2s | VCCS - Transfer Property to Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center (Language Only) | | | | C-29.30 | #1s | DCR - Renovations Lodge at Breaks Interstate Park | $0 | $1,809,000 | | C-30.20 | #1s | DWR - Cumberland Forest Easement | $0 | $6,724,275 | | C-48 | #2s | Planning Pool - VCCS VHCC Learning Resource Center Renovation | $0 | $250,000 | |
Reeves |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #2s | Military Retirement Income Subtraction (SB 865) (Language Only) | | | | 1 | #5s | Legislator Pay Commission | $0 | $50,000 | | 49 | #4s | Digital Replication Legislation | $0 | $50,000 | | 49 | #5s | Fill Dirt Legislation | $0 | $50,000 | | 51 | #3s | Safeguarding American Veteran Empowerment Act | $0 | $50,000 | | 98 | #1s | SB 864: Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Wagering Breakage Definition | $0 | $50,000 | | 125 | #4s | Direct Aid - Remove Cap on Supplemental Basic Aid | $0 | $1,700,000 | | 140 | #3s | W&M - Director Student Veteran Engagement | $0 | $150,000 | | 153 | #1s | GMU - Tick Borne Disease Research | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 279 | #4s | Greene Shovel Ready Water Impoundment | $0 | $4,000,000 | | 280 | #3s | Water Treatment Regulations | $0 | $50,000 | | 280 | #5s | Orange County Water Treatment Project | $0 | $27,000,000 | | 314 | #4s | Centers for Independent Living Satellite Office | $0 | $150,000 | | 353 | #2s | SB 866: Virginia Realtors Board | $0 | $50,000 | | 359 | #2s | Lake Anna Harmful Algal Bloom (Cyanobacteria) Mitigation | $0 | $500,000 | | 360 | #8s | Oak Hill State Park | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 362 | #4s | Placeholder for Generator Regulation Legislation | $0 | $50,000 | | 363 | #2s | Harmful Algal Bloom Fresh Water Testing | $0 | $250,000 | | 390 | #13s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 861) | $0 | $50,000 | | 438 | #13s | Spotsylvania Road Project #1 | $0 | $2,160,000 | | 469 | #5s | Workers' Compensation Benefits for Law Enforcement and Firefighters (SB 860) | $0 | $50,000 | | 480 | #2s | Casino Gaming Prizes Set-off Debt Collection Program (SB 862) | $0 | $50,000 | | 480 | #3s | Virginia Gaming Commission (SB 1287) | $0 | $50,000 | | 489.10 | #3s | Canned Cocktails (SB 868) | $0 | $100,000 | |
Roem |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #8s | Braille Labeling Tax Credit (SB 1117) (Language Only) | | | | 0 | #9s | Adjustments to Sale and Use Data Center Tax Exemption (Language Only) | | | | 12 | #3s | FOIA Fee Processing Software | $0 | $798,000 | | 25 | #1s | JLARC: Study Regarding Transportation Funding | $0 | $500,000 | | 78 | #1s | General Registrars Funding | $0 | $8,210,776 | | 124 | #30s | Alternative Education Program for Manassas City Public Schools | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 125 | #14s | Direct Aid - Free School Breakfast (SB 1003) | $0 | $40,311,705 | | 132 | #8s | SCHEV - Hunger-Free Campus Grants (SB 1016) | $0 | $500,000 | | 258 | #1s | Braille Labeling Tax Credit (SB 1117) | $0 | $213,255 | | 277 | #5s | SB 1019: WIC Information Provided to Food Banks | $0 | $50,000 | | 324 | #3s | SB 1020: Study to Evaluate the Restaurant Meals Program | $0 | $50,000 | | 331 | #2s | Assisting Northern Virginia Food Rescue | $0 | $100,000 | | 426 | #5s | SB 1024: VHSIP Voluntary Donation Program | $0 | $50,000 | | 438 | #5s | Street Lights along Manassas Drive in Manassas Park | $0 | $650,000 | | 438 | #18s | Parking for Tractor Trailers Along I-95 and I-66 | $0 | $750,000 | | 476 | #5s | Overhead Transmission Lines Determination (SB 1049) | $0 | $50,000 | | 3-5.25 | #1s | Adjustments to Sale and Use Data Center Tax Exemption (Language Only) | | | |
Rouse |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #1s | Earned Income Tax Credit (SB 810) (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #16s | Virginia Eviction Reduction Program (VERP) Expansion | $0 | $3,150,000 | | 117 | #4s | DOE - 3-D STEM Learning Platform | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 124 | #43s | CERP/Athletic EAP Grant Program | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 288 | #17s | Save Local Pharmacies Act Budget Savings (SB 875) | $0 | ($27,966,000) | | 354 | #2s | Hampton Roads Partnership for Health Sciences | $0 | $500,000 | | 405 | #1s | Emergency Response Exposure Grant Fund and Program Pilot (SB 972) | $0 | $500,000 | | 406 | #1s | Cancer Screening Funding for Professional Firefighters | $3,000,000 | $1,000,000 | |
Salim |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 12 | #2s | Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council (SB 1170) | $50,000 | $0 | | 44 | #1s | Office of the Children's Ombudsman | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 49 | #1s | Technology Disclosure Requirements for AI-generated Content (SB 1161) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 109 | #7s | Funding for the Electric Vehicle Rebate Program | $20,000,000 | $20,000,000 | | 257 | #1s | Unitary Combined Reporting and Market Based Sourcing Study | $0 | $250,000 | | 288 | #9s | Fertility Preservation Treatments Coverage | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 359 | #10s | SB 1166: Invasive Plant Species Retail Sales | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 362 | #1s | Restore Polystyrene Container Language (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #12s | Language Clarification for Previously Provided Funding (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #20s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 891) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #23s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 939) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #29s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 848) | $0 | $50,000 | | 391 | #3s | Federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Funding for Emergency Substantial Risk Orders | $0 | $5,000,000 | |
Srinivasan |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 124 | #29s | Loudoun County Public Schools - Special Education Transition Center | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 287 | #1s | Increase Upper Income Eligibility for Children's Health Insurance Program | $0 | $186,263,774 | | 288 | #30s | Remove Restrictive Language for Anti-Obesity Medications | $0 | $11,761,359 | | 296 | #7s | Regional Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facility in Region 2 | $0 | $1,990,000 | | 296 | #8s | Specially Adapted Resource Clubs | $0 | $186,000 | | 438 | #7s | Funding for Pedestrian Bridge in Loudoun County | $0 | $500,000 | | C-24.10 | #1s | DBHDS - Renovate Southeastern Virginia Training Center | $20,000,000 | $0 | |
Stanley |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 33 | #4s | Court-Appointed Co-Counsel Mandatory Minimum Sentences (HB 2322) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 61 | #4s | Patrick County Sheriff's Department - Non-U.S. Resident Inmate Medical Expenses | $300,000 | $0 | | 64 | #3s | Allow Defendants to Request Copies of Discovery Materials (HB 2314) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 64 | #4s | Discovery by Electronic Means (HB 2312) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 117 | #5s | DOE - Prevention and Response to Cyberbullying (SB 908) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 118 | #2s | DOE - Professional Development for Autism Spectrum Disorder (SB 1293) | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 124 | #46s | Blue Ridge PBS | $0 | $350,000 | | 230 | #1s | Virginia Museum of Natural History Salary Alignment | $70,702 | $72,823 | | 285 | #2s | Continuing Education Health Professionals for the Treatment of Children with Autism | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 360 | #6s | Mayo River State Park Operations | $0 | $1,201,179 | | 390 | #18s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (HB 2317) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #28s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Penalty for Indecent Exposure to Minors) | $0 | $50,000 | | 396 | #3s | Town of Hillsville Construction of a New Police Department | $750,000 | $0 | | 398 | #1s | Virginia Emergency Management Preparedness and Capabilities Fund (SB 1246) | $0 | $5,250,000 | | 438 | #2s | Increase Funding for Unpaved Secondary Roads | $25,000,000 | $25,000,000 | | 438 | #4s | Wastewater Expansion to North Carolina Border | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 484 | #7s | Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System Retirement Age | $0 | $50,000 | | C-19.10 | #1s | VT - Construct Reynolds Homestead Kitchen Project | $800,000 | $0 | |
Stuart |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 0 | #3s | Standard Deduction Sunset (SB 845) (Language Only) | | | | 1 | #2s | Full Benefits for Second Legislative Aide Position | $0 | $1,800,000 | | 34 | #6s | Salary Increases for General District Court and Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Clerks | $0 | $17,861,951 | | 34 | #7s | Ignition Interlock System for First DUI Conviction (Legislation) | $0 | $50,000 | | 51 | #4s | Online Marketplace Consumer Protection Act | $0 | $50,000 | | 132 | #2s | SCHEV - VA Sea Grant | $0 | $584,095 | | 148 | #2s | VIMS - Study Water Quality (SB 930) | $0 | $880,000 | | 280 | #6s | Town of Bowling Green Water System Improvements | $0 | $7,000,000 | | 359 | #6s | SB 958: Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund | $0 | $50,000 | | 359 | #9s | Cyanobacterial Mitigation and Remediation at Lake Anna | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 360 | #3s | Jones Pond Remediation at Caledon State Park | $0 | $300,000 | | 363 | #5s | Harmful Algal Bloom Fresh Water Testing | $0 | $250,000 | | 364 | #1s | DEQ Resource Intensive Facilities Permitting | $0 | $50,000 | | 365 | #1s | Stormwater Local Assistance Fund | $0 | $50,000,000 | | 373 | #2s | SB 933: Fishing with Trawl Nets and Drag Nets | $0 | $50,000 | | 373 | #3s | Potomac River Fisheries Commission Funding | $0 | $100,000 | | 390 | #34s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 926) | $0 | $45,586 | | 438 | #9s | Spotsylvania Traffic Signal and Lighting | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 438 | #10s | Spotsylvania Road Widening | $0 | $2,160,000 | | 438 | #11s | Shannon Airport Access Road | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 469 | #3s | Retirement for Department of Wildlife Resources Conservation Police Officers (SB 928) | $0 | $50,000 | | 476 | #2s | Electric Distribution Infrastructure Serving Data Centers (SB 1243) | $0 | $50,000 | | 3-5.25 | #2s | Repeal Data Center Retail Sales & Use Tax Exemption (Language Only) | | | |
Sturtevant |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 33 | #2s | Legal Malpractice Concerning Estate Planning (SB 1115) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 34 | #1s | Civil Actions Brought by Warrant (SB 761) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 34 | #2s | Medical Malpractice Certification of Expert Witnesses (SB 892) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 51 | #1s | Financial Institutions Discrimination Legislation | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 65 | #1s | Minimum Age Concealed Handgun Permit (SB 837) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 75 | #1s | DHRM: Pharmacogenomics Pilot Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 77 | #1s | Systematic Citizenship Verification Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 102 | #15s | Virginia Workforce Housing Assistance Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 102 | #19s | Prohibited Acquisition of Single Family Homes | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 103 | #4s | SB 1139: Virginia Workforce Housing Assistance Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 121 | #1s | DOE - Student Records and Personal Information | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 123 | #1s | DOE - Parental Notification for School-Connected Overdoses (SB 1240) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 241.1 | #1s | Establish Museum of the Virginia National Guard (SB 766) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 258 | #2s | Certain Restrictions on Conveyance or Assumption Prohibited | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 324 | #1s | SB 772: Immigration Status Inquiry at DSS | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 369 | #1s | Automatic Voter Registration of Hunting and Fishing License Applicants | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 388 | #1s | Transfer of Certain Incarcerated Persons to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (SB 1141) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 390 | #24s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Conventions for Proposing Amendments to the U.S. Constitution) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #40s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 837) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #42s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Veteran Memorials) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #43s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Human Smuggling) | $0 | $50,000 | | 415 | #2s | Minimum Age Concealed Handgun Permit (SB 837) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 416 | #2s | Virginia State Police Bureau of Homeland Security (Legislation) | $0 | $50,000 | | 428 | #1s | SB 959: DMV Proof of Financial Responsibility | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 428 | #2s | DMV Voter Registration | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 465 | #1s | National Guard Referral Enlistment Program (SB 767) | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 475 | #2s | Uniform Trust Code Qualified Trustee (SB 1116) | $50,000 | $50,000 | |
Suetterlein |
Surovell |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 6 | #1s | Joint Subcommittee to Study Consolidating General Elections (SJ 253) | $0 | $100,000 | | 24 | #1s | Commission on Electric Utility Regulation | $0 | $308,950 | | 31 | #2s | Criminal Record Sealing - Office of the Executive Secretary | $0 | $300,561 | | 33 | #5s | Fairfax Circuit Court Judicial Learning Center | $150,000 | $0 | | 33 | #6s | Criminal Record Sealing - Remove Sealing Fee Fund Deposit | $0 | ($100,000) | | 34 | #4s | Updated Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations (SB 805) | $0 | $50,000 | | 40 | #3s | Criminal Record Sealing - Indigent Defense Commission | $0 | $138,193 | | 49 | #7s | Prohibit Funds for Appeal of Court Case (Language Only) | | | | 64 | #8s | Criminal Record Sealing - Commonwealth's Attorneys | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 65 | #2s | Criminal Record Sealing - Circuit Court Clerks | $0 | $5,400,000 | | 151 | #5s | GMU - NVTC and PRTC Parking Fee Study | $350,000 | $0 | | 223 | #1s | Gunston Hall - Operating Support | $0 | $900,000 | | 274 | #1s | Status Update on Modernization of Vital Records (Language Only) | | | | 315 | #2s | Fund Villages Exchange Statewide | $500,000 | $2,000,000 | | 353 | #1s | SB 1008: Contractor Licensing Exam to Include Living Shorelines | $0 | $50,000 | | 361 | #4s | Study Bond Referendum to Fund Virginia State Parks Maintenance | $200,000 | $0 | | 363 | #3s | Conduct Groundwater Research | $2,300,000 | $0 | | 366 | #1s | Biomethanization Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #2s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 775) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #10s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (Automated License Plate Readers) | $0 | $50,000 | | 392 | #2s | Surveillance Technology Reporting by Law Enforcement (Legislation) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 408 | #1s | State Crime Commission Mary Jane Burton Serology Study | $0 | $150,000 | | 415 | #3s | Criminal Record Sealing - Virginia State Police | $0 | $100,000 | | 416 | #1s | State and Local Law Enforcement of Federal Traffic Violations (SB 776) | $0 | $100,000 | | 416 | #4s | Collection of Mobile Telephone Data After Motor Vehicle Collisions (SB 1012) | $0 | $50,000 | | 433 | #3s | U.S. 1 Bus Rapid Transit Project in Fairfax County | $125,000,000 | $0 | | 470 | #1s | Collective Bargaining by Public Employees (SB 917) | $0 | $2,360,366 | | 476 | #1s | Shared Solar Program Commencement of Proceeding (Language Only) | | | | 482 | #1s | CSP - College Opportunity Fund (SB 835) | $0 | $500,000,000 | | 484 | #8s | Property Tax Benefit Applies to Spouses of US Capitol and DC Police (Language Only) | | | | 484 | #14s | Study Defined Benefit Pension Impact on Employee Retention (Language Only) | | | | 4-1.01 | #2s | Prohibition on Extending Credit or Loans to Third Parties (Language Only) | | | | 4-14 | #2s | Legislative Standing to Intervene (Language Only) | | | |
VanValkenburg |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 51 | #2s | Legal Protections for “Kidfluencers” (SB 840) | $0 | $100,000 | | 77 | #2s | Presidential Year Primary Dates (SB 1119) | $10,000 | $0 | | 102 | #10s | SB 975: Statewide Housing Targets for Localities | $0 | $50,000 | | 109 | #2s | Positions for Potential Federal Grant Awards | $0 | $350,000 | | 117 | #1s | DOE - Teacher Training Time (SB 822) | $0 | $100,000 | | 119 | #1s | DOE - K-12 Assessment Overhaul (SB 855) | $0 | $100,000 | | 124 | #1s | Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP) | $0 | $150,000 | | 124 | #23s | Virginia Holocaust Museum | $0 | $125,000 | | 124 | #27s | Richmond Forum Speech and Debate Initiative | $0 | $200,000 | | 124 | #37s | Virginia Leads Innovation Network (VaLIN) | $0 | $250,000 | | 125 | #15s | Direct Aid - High Quality Instructional Materials (SB 955) | $0 | $100,000 | | 132 | #6s | SCHEV - Student Tele-Mental Health Pilot | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 271 | #4s | Virginia Oral Health Loan Repayment Program | $0 | $1,610,000 | | 279 | #9s | Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 288 | #10s | Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Center | $0 | $11,239,581 | | 295 | #1s | Recovery Homes Workgroup (SB 838) | $0 | $100,000 | | 456 | #2s | Tech for Troops | $0 | $500,000 | |
Williams Graves |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 77 | #4s | Voter Registration Time Period (SB 991) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 77 | #5s | Polling Location Prohibited Area (SB 994) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 77 | #8s | Local Government Oath of Office (SB 997) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 102 | #7s | SB 955: Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity | $0 | $50,000 | | 103 | #5s | SB 1113: Adaptive Repurposing of Underutilized Structures | $0 | $50,000 | | 103 | #6s | SB 992: Repeat Zoning Violations | $0 | $50,000 | | 117 | #7s | DOE - Student Support Agencies (SB 1111) | $0 | $1,250,000 | | 124 | #25s | Pilot Program for Home Based Daycares | $0 | $750,000 | | 124 | #44s | Imagination Library | $1,798,370 | $2,881,252 | | 140 | #2s | W&M - Modernize ERP | $0 | $3,691,000 | | 163 | #1s | NSU - Modernize ERP | $0 | $3,200,000 | | 262 | #2s | Unclaimed Property (SB 996) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 277 | #8s | Pregnancy Mobile Application (SB 1393) | $580,000 | $580,000 | | 279 | #7s | Maternal Mental Health Programs | $0 | $500,000 | | 285 | #3s | Declinable Preneed Funeral Guarantee Fee (SB 989) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 288 | #37s | Pilot Coverage Program for Diapers (Language Only) | | | | 331 | #1s | Reck League | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 331 | #12s | Two-Generation/Whole Family Pilot Project | $1,125,000 | $1,125,000 | | 331 | #13s | Visions of Truth Community Development Corporation | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 349 | #2s | SB 998: Child Labor in Content Creation | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 353 | #3s | SB 993: Real Estate Brokers, Salespersons, and Rental Location Agents | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 359 | #5s | Coastal Storm Risk Management | $0 | $50,000,000 | | 362 | #2s | SB 990: Mattress Stewardship Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 365 | #13s | Sand Replenishment in the City of Norfolk | $0 | $450,000 | | 390 | #19s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 1110) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #35s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 988) | $0 | $50,000 | | 390 | #38s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund (SB 986) | $0 | $50,000 | | 392 | #1s | Short-Term Rental Properties Human Trafficking Awareness Training (SB 985) | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #4s | Wholeness Social Support Initiative | $782,877 | $788,654 | | 426 | #4s | SB 1233: Pedestrian Crossing and Stop Sign Violation Monitoring Systems | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 469 | #4s | Workers Compensation (SB 1112) | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 484 | #9s | Deputy Fire Chief Charter Change for Norfolk (SB 987) | $50,000 | $50,000 | |