Enacting Clause | | |
Legislative Department | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 1 | #1s | Jt Sub on Elementary and Secondary Education - Establish Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 1 | #2s | Full Benefits for Second Legislative Aide Position | $0 | $1,800,000 | | 1 | #3s | Legislator Compensation Commission | $0 | $5,400 | | 1 | #4s | Higher Education Joint Subcommittee | $350,000 | $0 | | 1 | #5s | VA529 Surplus Funds Joint Subcommittee (Language Only) | | | | 5 | #1s | DLAS: Legislative Systems Development (Language Only) | | | | 6 | #1s | Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee | $275,325 | $0 | | 6 | #2s | Increase Position Level (Language Only) | | | | 6 | #3s | DLS: Compensation (Language Only) | | | | 6 | #4s | Jt. Subcommittee on Establishing the Virginia Gaming Commission Technical Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 10 | #1s | Uniform Laws Commission | $0 | $20,000 | | 12 | #1s | FOIA Council: Additional Staffing and Operational Costs | $0 | $160,000 | | 13 | #1s | Virginia Housing Commission: Operational Support | $0 | $150,000 | | 16 | #1s | Virginia-Israel Advisory Board | $0 | ($57,553) | | 18.5 | #1s | Commission on Women's Health | $0 | $150,000 | | 24 | #1s | Commission on Electric Utility Regulation | $0 | $150,000 | | 26 | #1s | Intergovernmental Organization Dues | $0 | $50,000 | |
Judicial Department | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 31 | #1s | Defer Supreme Court IT Project | ($718,000) | ($800,000) | | 31 | #2s | Adjust Funding Increase for Technology Expenses | $0 | ($1,000,000) | | 31 | #3s | SB 1466 - Criminal Records Sealing Supreme Court Systems Changes | $600,561 | $0 | | 33 | #1s | SB 1466 - Remove Sealing Fee Fund | $0 | ($100,000) | | 33 | #2s | Increase Guardian Ad Litem Payment Rate | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 33 | #3s | Fairfax Circuit Court Judicial Learning Center Initiative | $150,000 | $0 | | 34 | #1s | General District Court Judgeships (9th & 31st) | $0 | $624,404 | | 35 | #1s | Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Judgeship (2nd District) | $0 | $312,202 | | 40 | #1s | Indigent Defense Commission Criminal Record Sealing Training | $0 | $138,193 | |
Executive Department | | |
Executive Offices | | |
Office of Administration | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 60 | #1s | Defer Sheriffs' Dispatcher Salary Increase | $0 | ($1,355,002) | | 61 | #1s | Survey Impacts of Virtual Hearings on Jail Operations (Language Only) | | | | 64 | #1s | Commonwealth's Attorneys' Offices Positions for Workload Increase | $0 | $1,569,534 | | 64 | #2s | Convert Bath and Highland Commonwealth's Attorneys from Part- to Full-Time Status | $0 | $270,970 | | 65 | #1s | Circuit Court Clerks' Offices Positions for Workload Increase | $0 | $1,506,638 | | 67 | #1s | Study on Constitutional Officer Salary Methodology (Language Only) | | | | 74 | #1s | Commonwealth Leadership Academy | ($100,000) | ($100,000) | | 75 | #1s | DHRM: Oversight of State Health Plan (Language Only) | | | | 75 | #2s | DHRM: Contracting Requirements (Language Only) | | | | 77 | #1s | Plan for Upgrades to Elections Software | ($500,000) | $0 | | 81 | #1s | Project Management Center of Excellence | ($2,000,000) | $0 | | 82 | #1s | Joint Subcommittee for Cyber Risk (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Agriculture and Forestry | | |
Office of Commerce and Trade | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 101 | #1s | Adjust Amazon HQ2 Advance Payments | $7,450,000 | ($21,250,000) | | 101 | #2s | Governor's Motion Picture Opportunity Fund | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 101 | #3s | Eastern Shore Economic Development Enhancements | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 101 | #4s | Adjust Business Ready Sites Funding | $20,000,000 | ($50,000,000) | | 101 | #5s | Develop Advanced Laboratory Facility | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 101 | #6s | Reflect Incentive Payment Schedule | $0 | ($1,400,000) | | 101 | #7s | Adjust Sites Language to Reflect Legislation (Language Only) | | | | 102 | #1s | SB 1128 - Affordable Housing Criminal Record Screening Model Policy | $0 | $10,000 | | 102 | #2s | SB 777 - Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force | $0 | $20,000 | | 102 | #3s | Disaster Mitigation for Qualified Communities | $50,000,000 | $0 | | 102 | #4s | Eviction Prevention and Expanded McKinney Vento Services | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 102 | #5s | Establish Rental Assistance Pilot Program | $15,000,000 | $0 | | 102 | #6s | Low-Barrier Emergency Shelter | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 102 | #7s | Redirect Disaster Assistance Fund | ($25,000,000) | $0 | | 102 | #8s | Emergency Management Mobile Application Communications Platform Pilot | $350,000 | $0 | | 103 | #1s | Replenish Community Development Financial Institutions Fund | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 103 | #2s | Removal or Rehabilitation of Derelict Structures Fund for Affordable Housing Pilot | $250,000 | $0 | | 103 | #3s | Redirect Funding for Early Learning Capital Incentives | ($15,000,000) | $0 | | 103 | #4s | Sanitary Sewer Pump Rehabilitation | $4,250,000 | $0 | | 103 | #5s | Prentis Street Transmission Water Main Improvements | $6,000,000 | $0 | | 103 | #6s | Workforce Housing Assistance Incentive Grant Pilot | $190,000 | $0 | | 109 | #1s | SB 1190 - Virginia Energy Facility Review Board | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 109 | #2s | Revert General Fund Support (Language Only) | | | | 109 | #3s | Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Rural Localities | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 113 | #1s | Increase Targeted Marketing | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 114 | #1s | Redirect Sports Tourism Grant Program | ($5,000,000) | $0 | | 115 | #1s | Return Support for Biotechnology to Base Funding | ($35,000,000) | $0 | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 116 | #1s | SOE - VSDB Campus Police | $0 | $75,000 | | 117 | #1s | DOE - Delay Accountability System (Language Only) | | | | 119 | #1s | DOE - Redirect Assessment Funds - Workgroup Established | ($60,500,000) | ($5,000,000) | | 120 | #1s | DOE - Redirect School Performance Funds | ($50,000,000) | $0 | | 120 | #2s | DOE - Redirect Regional Support Specialist Positions | ($250,000) | ($1,000,000) | | 120 | #3s | DOE - Math Initiative and Grant Program | $12,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 123 | #1s | DOE - Redirect Additional Virginia's Visualization and Analytics Solution Funding | ($1,900,000) | ($3,100,000) | | 123 | #2s | DOE - Learning Management System | $5,138,000 | $0 | | 124 | #1s | Troops to Teachers | $500,000 | $0 | | 124 | #2s | Opportunity Scholars Program Expansion | $500,000 | $0 | | 124 | #3s | Community Schools | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 124 | #4s | Greater Peninsula C.A.R.E.S. | $500,000 | $0 | | 124 | #5s | eMediaVA | $500,000 | $0 | | 124 | #6s | Blue Ridge PBS | $250,000 | $0 | | 124 | #7s | Cardiac Emergency Response/Emergency Action Plan Grants | $250,000 | $0 | | 124 | #8s | Virginia Leads Innovation Network | $0 | $250,000 | | 125 | #1s | Direct Aid - Redirect Virginia Opportunity Scholarships | $0 | ($50,000,000) | | 125 | #2s | Direct Aid - Redirect College Partnership Laboratory Schools Funding | ($25,000,000) | $0 | | 125 | #3s | Direct Aid - Raise Support Cap to Prevailing Ratio of 27.89 per 1,000 Students | $0 | $222,915,021 | | 125 | #4s | Direct Aid - Special Education Add-On | $0 | $52,782,732 | | 125 | #5s | Direct Aid - Teacher Bonus | $134,399,957 | $0 | | 125 | #6s | Direct Aid - Lottery Proceeds | $0 | $0 | | 125 | #7s | Direct Aid - Supplant GF with Literary Fund for Teacher Retirement | $0 | $0 | | 125 | #8s | Direct Aid - Update School Breakfast | $2,454,974 | $2,704,111 | | 125 | #9s | Direct Aid - Update Early Reading Data | $2,664,007 | $2,669,076 | | 125 | #10s | Direct Aid - Reverse Literary Fund for School Construction | ($150,000,000) | $0 | | 125.10 | #1s | ECE - Reverse Action on the LCI Cap for the Virginia Preschool Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 125.10 | #2s | ECE - Virginia Preschool Initiative Enrollment Update | ($3,001,447) | $0 | | 125.10 | #3s | ECE - Employer Cost-Share Pilot Program | $25,000,000 | $0 | | 125.10 | #4s | ECE - Adjust Program Changes for School-Aged Children (Language Only) | | | | 125.10 | #5s | ECE - Adjust Waitlist Reporting (Language Only) | | | | 125.10 | #6s | ECE - Adjust Attendance Requirement Revisions (Language Only) | | | | 130 | #1s | SCHEV - TAG Support to Meet Growth | $0 | $9,000,000 | | 130 | #2s | SCHEV - Adjust Workforce Credential Grant | $15,000,000 | ($3,500,000) | | 130 | #3s | SCHEV - Redirect HSI Grants | $0 | ($1,500,000) | | 130 | #4s | SCHEV - Adjust Fund Source for Tuition Waivers | ($30,000,000) | ($60,000,000) | | 132 | #1s | SCHEV - Redirect Nursing Grant Funding | $0 | ($12,000,000) | | 132 | #2s | SCHEV - Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program | $500,000 | $0 | | 132 | #3s | SCHEV - Redirect Operational Support | $0 | ($360,000) | | 132 | #4s | SCHEV - Internship Program (Language Only) | | | | 132 | #5s | SCHEV - IT Enhancement Partnership | $15,000,000 | $0 | | 136 | #1s | CNU - Operational Support | $0 | $1,090,000 | | 137 | #1s | CNU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $330,000 | | 140 | #1s | W&M - Operational Support | $0 | $1,090,000 | | 140 | #2s | W&M - Community Law Clinic | $500,000 | $0 | | 141 | #1s | W&M - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $166,000 | | 144 | #1s | RBC - Operational Support | $0 | $300,000 | | 145 | #1s | RBC - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $52,000 | | 148 | #1s | VIMS - Adjust Advanced Breeding Shellfish | $0 | ($100,000) | | 148 | #2s | VIMS - Water Quality Study | $880,000 | $0 | | 151 | #1s | GMU - Operational Support | $0 | $4,560,000 | | 152 | #1s | GMU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $1,984,000 | | 155 | #1s | JMU - Operational Support | $0 | $2,380,000 | | 156 | #1s | JMU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $968,000 | | 159 | #1s | Longwood - Operational Support | $0 | $990,000 | | 160 | #1s | Longwood - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $351,000 | | 163 | #1s | NSU - Operational Support | $10,000,000 | $1,090,000 | | 164 | #1s | NSU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $737,000 | | 167 | #1s | ODU - Operational Support | $0 | $3,770,000 | | 168 | #1s | ODU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $2,135,000 | | 169 | #1s | ODU - Redirect Student Lifecycle Pathways | ($5,000,000) | $0 | | 172 | #1s | RU - Operational Support | $0 | $1,390,000 | | 173 | #1s | RU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $609,000 | | 176 | #1s | UMW - Operational Support | $0 | $990,000 | | 177 | #1s | UMW - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $234,000 | | 183 | #1s | UVA - Operational Support | $0 | $3,360,000 | | 184 | #1s | UVA - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $312,000 | | 190 | #1s | UVA - Wise Operational Support | $0 | $400,000 | | 191 | #1s | UVA - Wise - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $141,000 | | 194 | #1s | VCU - Operational Support | $0 | $4,460,000 | | 195 | #1s | VCU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $2,115,000 | | 196 | #1s | VCU - Redirect Research Funding | ($4,000,000) | $0 | | 200 | #1s | VCCS - Operational Support | $0 | $3,970,000 | | 201 | #1s | VCCS - Redirect CCRV Funding | $0 | ($15,000,000) | | 201 | #2s | VCCS - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $2,836,000 | | 206 | #1s | VMI - Operational Support | $0 | $500,000 | | 207 | #1s | VMI - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $65,000 | | 211 | #1s | VT - Operational Support | $0 | $3,570,000 | | 212 | #1s | VT - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $1,337,000 | | 217 | #1s | VSU - Operational Support | $10,000,000 | $1,090,000 | | 218 | #1s | VSU - Undergraduate Financial Aid | $0 | $628,000 | | 227 | #1s | Library of VA - State Aid to Local Libraries | $0 | $632,142 | | 229 | #1s | Science Museum of VA - Operating Support | $0 | $150,000 | | 231 | #1s | VCA - Grant Funding | $500,000 | $0 | | 231 | #2s | VCA - Virginia Repertory Theatre | $250,000 | $0 | | 234 | #1s | New College Institute (language) (Language Only) | | | | 238 | #1s | SWVHEC - Redirect Regional Simulation Lab | ($200,000) | ($200,000) | | 240.10 | #1s | Maintain Affordable Access - Remove Tuition Freeze & Cap (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Finance | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 267 | #1s | Redirect Funding for the Collegiate Experience of DD Individuals | ($100,000) | $0 | | 267 | #2s | Redirect Funding for Media Campaign to Maternal Health Services | ($500,000) | $0 | | 268 | #1s | Redirect One-Time Savings from Cap on State Share of Private Day Special Education Services | $0 | ($9,892,854) | | 271 | #1s | Redirect Funding for Large Animal Veterinary Loan Repayment Program | $0 | ($450,000) | | 271 | #2s | LPN to RN Scholarships Through Community Colleges (Language Only) | | | | 272 | #1s | Guidance for Modifying the Number of Regional EMS Councils (Language Only) | | | | 272 | #2s | Med-Flight Funding (Language Only) | | | | 272 | #3s | Improve Emergency Response in Greensville County | $1,250,000 | $0 | | 277 | #1s | Perinatal Health Hubs Pilot (Language Only) | | | | 277 | #2s | Mobile Maternal Health Clinics | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 277 | #3s | Postpartum Depression Education | $0 | $553,200 | | 277 | #4s | SB 1393 - Pregnancy Mobile Application | $0 | $159,600 | | 277 | #5s | SB 1186 - Human Donor Milk Bank Regulations | $0 | $425,000 | | 277 | #6s | SB 1101 - Breakthrough Therapies for Veteran Suicide Prevention | $0 | $66,654 | | 278 | #1s | Redirect Funding for Community Health Workers and Doulas | $0 | ($1,000,000) | | 278 | #2s | SB 981 - Community Health Worker Report | $90,000 | $0 | | 279 | #1s | Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics | $0 | $500,000 | | 279 | #2s | Funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers | $0 | $500,000 | | 279 | #3s | Free Clinic of Central Virginia | $450,000 | $0 | | 279 | #4s | Transfer Funding for the All Payer Claims Database | $0 | ($1,025,000) | | 279 | #5s | Outpatient Data Collection (Language Only) | | | | 280 | #1s | Grants for Drinking Water Projects | $25,000,000 | $0 | | 283 | #1s | VDH JLARC Recommendations | $0 | $300,000 | | 285 | #1s | Systems Changes to the Prescription Monitoring Program | $600,000 | $400,000 | | 285 | #2s | Workforce Data Sharing (Language Only) | | | | 285.5 | #1s | Enhance Financial Review Processes (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #1s | Clarify Reimbursement for Tribal Health Clinics | $0 | ($37,369,654) | | 288 | #2s | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Membership and Review (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #3s | Modify Multi-Systemic Family Service Regulations | $0 | $570,474 | | 288 | #4s | Supplemental Medicaid Payments to Dentists | $0 | $3,522,726 | | 288 | #5s | Midwife Reimbursement Parity | $0 | $1,332,430 | | 288 | #6s | Waiver for Behavioral Health Services in Jails (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #7s | Review of Federal Actions Impacting Medicaid Expansion (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #8s | Post-Partum Doula Visits | $0 | $17,188 | | 288 | #9s | Non-Opioid and Opioid Drug Parity for Pain Management (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #10s | Modify Graduate Medical Education Residencies Program (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #11s | Remove Funding for Medicaid Reserve for Medicaid Initiatives | $0 | ($972,941) | | 288 | #12s | Substance Use Disorder Services | $0 | $16,308,597 | | 288 | #13s | Long-Acting Injectables for Substance Use Disorder (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #14s | Traumatic Brain Injury Facility | $0 | $5,377,976 | | 288 | #15s | Increase Nursing Home Rates | $0 | $21,650,000 | | 288 | #16s | Continuous Glucose Monitoring Coverage | $0 | $1,998,734 | | 288 | #17s | SB 758 - Remote Patient Monitoring for Pregnant and Postpartum Patients | $0 | $5,916,706 | | 288 | #18s | Supplemental Provider Payment Requirements (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #19s | Modify Managed Care Contract Language (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #20s | Pharmacy Benefit Contract (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #21s | Adjust Hourly Rate for Adult Day Care (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #22s | Center-Based Respite Service (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #23s | Review of Applied Behavioral Analysis Services (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #24s | Review Rehabilitation Hospital Reimbursement Methodology (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #1s | Modify Poison Control Centers Language (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #2s | Consolidate Funding for the All Payer Claims Database | $0 | $4,100,000 | | 292 | #3s | Remove Funding for Virginia Task Force for Primary Care | ($500,000) | $0 | | 292 | #4s | Remove First Year Administrative Funding | ($3,680,000) | $0 | | 292 | #5s | SB 1186 - Donor Human Milk Bank Regulation | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 292 | #6s | Reimbursement for Community Paramedicine Services (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #7s | Set Out Funding for Eligibility Processing (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #8s | Home Care Worker Training (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #9s | Authority for Provider Rate Studies (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #10s | Provider Appeals Required Through Portal (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #11s | Eligibility Process for Pregnant Women (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #12s | Eligibility System (Language Only) | | | | 292 | #13s | Strengthen External Review to Improve Accountability (Language Only) | | | | 294 | #1s | Expand Definition of Community Housing (Language Only) | | | | 295 | #1s | SB 838 - Recovery Homes Workgroup | $0 | $115,846 | | 295 | #2s | Increasing the Number of Licensed Therapists | $0 | $1,100,000 | | 295 | #3s | Align Substance Use Disorder Services with National Criteria (Language Only) | | | | 295 | #4s | Lock and Talk Program for Distribution of Firearm Safes | $0 | $25,000 | | 295 | #5s | Remove First Year Administrative Funding | ($423,384) | $0 | | 295 | #6s | Youth Mental Health Matters Initiative | ($1,000,000) | $0 | | 295 | #7s | Problem Gambling Treatment (Language Only) | | | | 296 | #1s | School-Based Health Clinics (Language Only) | | | | 296 | #2s | Adult Psychiatric Access Line | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 296 | #3s | Provider Capacity for Developmental Disability Waiver Services | $0 | $686,000 | | 296 | #4s | Specially Adapted Resource Clubs | $0 | $186,000 | | 296 | #5s | Adjust Funding for Special Conservators of the Peace at Private Hospitals | $0 | ($31,063,751) | | 297 | #1s | Marcus Alert and Co-Responder Programs | $0 | $7,800,000 | | 297 | #2s | Examine Release Protocols for Permanent Supportive Housing (Language Only) | | | | 297 | #3s | Local Government Maintenance of Effort (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #1s | Planning for the Future of Hiram Davis (Language Only) | | | | 302 | #1s | Central State Hospital Historical Records Retention Feasibility Study (Language Only) | | | | 314 | #1s | Brain Injury Workforce Retention | $0 | $300,000 | | 314 | #2s | Centers for Independent Living | $0 | $300,000 | | 324 | #1s | Assessment of Services for Survivors of Child Trafficking (Language Only) | | | | 324 | #2s | SB 773 - Housing Plans for Foster Children | $0 | $479,665 | | 325 | #1s | Redirect Funding for TANF Full Employment Program | $0 | ($440,000) | | 329 | #1s | Foster Family Finding Services | $0 | $100,000 | | 329 | #2s | MOUs for Kinship Care in Surrounding States (Language Only) | | | | 329 | #3s | Federal Benefits for Foster Youth (Language Only) | | | | 331 | #1s | Child Advocacy Centers Funding Increase | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 331 | #2s | Funding for Community Action Agencies | $0 | $4,275,000 | | 331 | #3s | Northern Virginia Family Services | $0 | $125,000 | | 331 | #4s | Increased Funding for Youth for Tomorrow | $0 | $250,000 | | 331 | #5s | Latisha's House | $300,000 | $0 | | 331 | #6s | Tonsler League | $0 | $250,000 | | 334 | #1s | Creation of Addiction Treatment Navigator | $0 | $400,000 | | 334 | #2s | Transition EBT Cards to Chip Cards | $0 | $500,000 | | 339 | #1s | Radio Reading Services | $20,000 | $0 | |
Office of Labor | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 349 | #1s | SB 998 - Child Labor in Content Creation | $0 | $147,600 | | 349 | #2s | SB 853 - Prevailing Wage Apprenticeship | $0 | $2,392,509 | | 350 | #1s | Capture Funding Provided for Medical Evaluations | ($75,250) | ($75,250) | | 352 | #1s | Redirect Funding Increase | ($52,370) | ($52,370) | | 354 | #1s | Redirect Virginia Has Jobs Funding | ($2,050,000) | $0 | | 354 | #2s | Redirect Funding Provided for Agency Administration | $0 | ($350,000) | | 356 | #1s | Unemployment Insurance Wage Data Enhancement (Language Only) | | | |
Natural and Historic Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 358 | #1s | Water Quality Improvement Fund Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 359 | #1s | Community Flood Preparedness Fund | $50,000,000 | $0 | | 359 | #2s | Lake Anna Harmful Algal Bloom (Cyanobacteria) Mitigation | $250,000 | $0 | | 359 | #3s | Lake Barcroft Dam | $500,000 | $0 | | 359 | #4s | Reallocation of Previously Distributed Funds (Language Only) | | | | 360 | #1s | Walking Trail at Biscuit Run Park in Albemarle County | $1,300,000 | $0 | | 360 | #2s | Jones Pond Remediation at Caledon State Park | $300,000 | $0 | | 361 | #1s | Adjust VALORS for Conservation Officers | $0 | ($57,000) | | 362 | #1s | Restore Language (Language Only) | | | | 363 | #1s | Fund Freshwater Testing for Harmful Algal Blooms | $250,000 | $0 | | 363 | #2s | Conduct Groundwater Research | $2,300,000 | $0 | | 365 | #1s | Redirect Richmond Combined Sewer Overflow Funding | ($50,000,000) | $0 | | 365 | #2s | Richlands Water Treatment Plant Upgrades | ($1,000,000) | $0 | | 365 | #3s | Wastewater Treatment Facility Construction Deadline Adjustments (Language Only) | | | | 367 | #1s | Wildlife Corridor Grant Program | $450,000 | $0 | | 371 | #1s | Restore Second Year Support for Historic and Commemorative Attractions | ($750,000) | $750,000 | | 371 | #2s | Redirect Additional Administrative Support | ($250,000) | $0 | | 371 | #3s | African American Cemetery and Graves Fund | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 371 | #4s | Douglass Cemetery Restoration | $500,000 | $0 | | 371 | #5s | James Solomon Russell-Saint Paul’s College Museum and Archives | $150,000 | $0 | | 373 | #1s | City of Norfolk Submerged Bottomlands Interest (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 377 | #1s | Remove Language Withholding Payments from Local Law Enforcement Agencies (Language Only) | | | | 385 | #1s | Modify DGS Review of Jail Projects Approved by the Board of Local and Regional Jails (Language Only) | | | | 388 | #1s | Unit Relocation Notification (Language Only) | | | | 389 | #1s | Phase In Dental Services Expansion | $0 | ($467,283) | | 390 | #1s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund Deposit | $0 | $212,632 | | 390 | #2s | Maintain Enhanced Earned Sentence Credits Law (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #1s | Virginia Forensic Nursing Advisory Council (SB 1041) | $0 | $286,000 | | 394 | #1s | Adjust Appropriation Year of Local Law Enforcement Transporation Reimbursement | $3,500,000 | ($3,500,000) | | 394 | #2s | Redirect Communications Infrastructure Grants | ($2,500,000) | $0 | | 394 | #3s | Redirect Administrative Funding for New Office | $0 | ($322,218) | | 394 | #4s | Use NGF Funds for School Safety Grants | ($6,837,475) | $0 | | 394 | #5s | Redirect Increase in Office of Attorney General Grant | ($200,000) | ($200,000) | | 394 | #6s | Expansion of the Safer Communities Program and Community Violence Reduction Grants | $2,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 394 | #7s | Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services Agencies | $0 | $1,007,398 | | 394 | #8s | Victim Witness Grant Program | $0 | $968,188 | | 394 | #9s | YWCA Richmond Domestic Violence Campus Start-Up Operational Costs | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 394 | #10s | Unmanned Aircraft Replacement Program | $3,000,000 | $0 | | 398 | #1s | SB 1325 - Post-Pandemic Workgroups | $0 | $275,000 | | 406 | #1s | Adjust Appropriation Year for Firefighter Equipment Grants | $5,000,000 | ($5,000,000) | | 407 | #1s | Adjust Funding for Fire Marshal Positions | $0 | ($458,860) | | 408 | #1s | SB 1465 - State Crime Commission Mary Jane Burton Serology Study | $0 | $108,000 | | 413 | #1s | DJJ Residential Specialist Salary Increases | $0 | $1,600,540 | | 413 | #2s | Adjust Appropriation Year for Admission and Placement Funding | $1,829,000 | ($1,829,000) | | 415 | #1s | SB 970 - Fingerprint Technician | $0 | $88,687 | | 415 | #2s | SB 1466 - Criminal Record Sealing Systems Changes | $704,275 | $0 | | 415 | #3s | Adjust Funding for Live Scan Machine Replacements | ($876,000) | $0 | | 417 | #1s | Adjust Pay Step Increase | $0 | ($764,000) | |
Office of Transportation | | |
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
Independent Agencies | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 475 | #1s | SCC: Administrative Impact of Legislation | $0 | $500,000 | | 476 | #1s | SCC: Shared Solar Program Commencement of Proceeding (Language Only) | | | | 479 | #1s | SCC: Commonwealth Health Reinsurance Program Unneeded Funds | ($25,000,000) | ($47,000,000) | | 480 | #1s | LOTTERY: Remove Treasury Loan Authorization (Language Only) | | | | 482 | #1s | CSP: Remove Transfer Authority for Surplus Funds (Language Only) | | | | 483 | #1s | CSP: Appropriation Authority (Language Only) | | | | 484 | #1s | VRS: Study Defined Benefit Pension Impact on Employee Retention and Recruitment (Language Only) | | | | 484 | #2s | VRS: Administrative Impact of Legislation | $0 | $553,000 | | 489.10 | #1s | SB 1060 - Retail Tobacco Permitting and Enforcement | $0 | $3,600,000 | | 489.10 | #2s | ABC - Treasury Loan for Skill Game Administration (Language Only) | | | | 489.20 | #1s | Remove Outdated Annual Report (Language Only) | | | | 489.30 | #1s | SB 970 - Cannabis Control Authority Operational Funding (Language Only) | | | | 489.40 | #1s | Modify Funding Table (Language Only) | | | | 489.50 | #1s | SB 1164 - Office of Medicaid Financial Oversight | $0 | $2,189,360 | |
Office of Administration | | |
Office of Education | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | C-46 | #1s | Central Capital - Maintenance Reserve | $61,300,000 | ($60,000,000) | | C-48 | #1s | Central Capital - Planning Pool | ($12,799,000) | $0 | | C-51 | #1s | Central Capital - 2024 State Agency Pool (Language Only) | | | | C-52 | #1s | Central Capital - 2022 State Agency Capital Pool | ($125,372,497) | $0 | | C-52.10 | #1s | Central Capital - 2025 Higher Education Pool | $190,346,106 | $0 | | C-52.20 | #1s | Central Capital - 2025 State Agency Pool | ($28,529,414) | $0 | | C-53.60 | #1s | Central Capital - 2020 VPBA Pool (Language Only) | | | | C-53.80 | #1s | Central Capital - Local Water Quality and Supply Projects | $40,000,000 | $0 | |