Enacting Clause | | |
Legislative Department | | |
Judicial Department | | |
Executive Department | | |
Executive Offices | | |
Office of Administration | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 65 | #1h | Eliminate Funding Proposed for Statewide Data Inventory | ($1,352,541) | $0 | | 69 | #1h | Adjusts Salary Increase Provided to COR Career Development Plan Participation | $0 | $31,250 | | 70 | #1h | Commonwealth's Attorneys - Fund 20% of Staffing Standards Need | $0 | $747,808 | | 74 | #1h | HB 2026 - Impact on DCLS | $0 | $133,000 | | 76 | #1h | HB 1668 - High Risk Contracts Impact on DGS | $0 | $487,799 | | 80 | #1h | DGS - Statute of Limitations (Language Only) | | | | 81 | #1h | HB 2055 - Review of Employee Recruitment, Retention, and Compensation | $0 | $250,000 | | 81 | #2h | Develop Proposals to Support State Employees Who are Disabled Veterans (Language Only) | | | | 82 | #1h | Develop Proposal for Reimbursement for Out of Network Emergency Services (Language Only) | | | | 83 | #1h | Eliminate Funding Proposed For Voter Referendum on Equal Rights Amendment | $0 | ($160,000) | | 83 | #2h | Explore Replacement of VERIS System (Language Only) | | | | 83 | #3h | HB 2760 - Require GIS Maps Be Used for Redistricting Local Elections | $0 | $261,265 | | 84.20 | #1h | Emergency Response Systems Development (Language Only) | | | | 84.30 | #1h | Virginia Information Technologies Agency (Language Only) | | | | 84.30 | #2h | Virginia Information Technologies Agency (Language Only) | | | | 84.60 | #1h | HB 1668 - High Risk Procurement Impact on VITA | $0 | $800,000 | | 84.60 | #2h | Virginia Information Technologies Agency (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Agriculture and Forestry | | |
Office of Commerce and Trade | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 102 | #1h | Small Business Loans Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 103 | #1h | Virginia Jobs Investment Program | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 103 | #2h | Economic Development Incentives | $0 | $50,000,000 | | 103 | #3h | Economic Development Incentives | $0 | $34,000,000 | | 105 | #1h | Department of Housing and Community Development | ($14,500,000) | ($4,500,000) | | 106 | #1h | Virginia Telecommunications Initiative | $0 | ($46,000,000) | | 106 | #2h | Virginia's Heritage Music Trail: The Crooked Road | $0 | $100,000 | | 106 | #3h | Virginia Telecommunications Initiative | $0 | $16,000,000 | | 106 | #4h | Department of Housing and Community Development (Language Only) | | | | 106 | #5h | Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 106 | #6h | Department of Housing and Community Development | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 107 | #1h | Enterprise Zone Grant Program | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 107 | #2h | Enterprise Zone Grant Program (Language Only) | | | | 112 | #1h | Department of Labor and Industry | $0 | ($1,429,000) | | 116 | #1h | Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $0 | $90,000 | | 117 | #1h | Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $0 | ($250,000) | | 117 | #2h | Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $0 | ($137,000) | | 117 | #3h | Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | ($10,000,000) | $0 | | 119 | #1h | Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (Language Only) | | | | 119 | #2h | Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (Language Only) | | | | 121 | #1h | Fort Monroe Authority | ($156,922) | $0 | | 122 | #1h | Virginia Economic Development Partnership | ($20,000,000) | $0 | | 122 | #2h | Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 122 | #3h | Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing | $0 | $6,100,000 | | 123 | #1h | Virginia Employment Commission | ($124,635) | ($1,884,070) | | 126 | #1h | Virginia Tourism Authority | ($550,000) | $400,000 | | 126 | #2h | Virginia Tourism Authority (Language Only) | | | | 126 | #3h | Virginia Tourism Authority | $0 | $25,000 | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 128 | #1h | New BOE Computer Science SOL | $0 | ($553,000) | | 128 | #2h | Additional FTEs in DOE Central Office | $0 | ($300,320) | | 128 | #3h | HB2008 - Energy Career Cluster | $0 | $80,000 | | 129 | #1h | Support Services for Special Education Students (Language Only) | | | | 130 | #1h | Verified Credits for History and Social Science (Language Only) | | | | 130 | #2h | HB2574 - Alternative Performance-Based Assessments | $0 | $55,000 | | 133 | #1h | New Online System for Automation of Applications | $0 | ($552,500) | | 133 | #2h | HB2217 - Establish Committee to Develop Microcredentialing Program | $0 | $10,000 | | 134 | #1h | High School Student Survey | $0 | $20,000 | | 134 | #2h | New Online Management of Education Grant Awards | $0 | ($600,000) | | 134 | #3h | MCS Membership Fee | $0 | ($9,000) | | 135 | #1h | Computer Science Training | $550,000 | $550,000 | | 135 | #2h | Praxis Assistance for Provisionally Licensed Minority Teachers (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #3h | Community Schools - Best Practices Report (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #4h | Virginia Arts Festival World Class Education Program | $0 | ($400,000) | | 135 | #5h | Dual Enrollment Faculty Credential Tuition Grant Program | $0 | $250,000 | | 135 | #6h | Maintain Supplemental Prog - GRASP | $0 | ($200,000) | | 135 | #7h | Transfer Supplemental Prog to SCHEV - Grow Your Own Teacher | $0 | ($200,000) | | 135 | #8h | Defer New Supplemental Prog - Active Learning Pilot Program | $0 | ($250,000) | | 135 | #9h | Defer New Supplemental Prog - Robots for Learning | $0 | ($250,000) | | 135 | #10h | Defer New Supplemental Prog - Norfolk Botanical Gardens | ($2,000,000) | $0 | | 135 | #11h | Academies of Hampton | $0 | $500,763 | | 136 | #1h | Targeted Joint School Division Incentive | $0 | $772,251 | | 136 | #2h | Testing Coordinators and Licensed Behavior Analysts (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #3h | Back-fill Expired Federal VPI Grant | $0 | ($9,678,780) | | 136 | #4h | New Grants for VPI Local Curriculum & Classroom Observations | $0 | ($1,699,678) | | 136 | #5h | Available Undistributed Preschool Balance | ($2,236,652) | $0 | | 136 | #6h | Balance from Provisional VPI Teacher Licensure Requests | ($2,000,000) | $0 | | 136 | #7h | Literary & GF Revenues for VRS Cost | $0 | $0 | | 136 | #8h | 5% Salary Increase Incentive | $0 | ($87,569,976) | | 136 | #9h | Reduce Amortization Period for RHCC | $0 | $4,299,784 | | 136 | #10h | Maintain FY20 Increase for Supplemental At-Risk Add-on | ($21,353,970) | ($14,259,656) | | 136 | #11h | Supplemental Lottery Per Pupil Allocation | $0 | $27,442,009 | | 136 | #12h | VPI Per Pupil Amount | $0 | $274,502 | | 136 | #13h | School Security Equipment Grants (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #14h | Flexibility for 5% Salary Increase Incentives | $0 | $43,828,883 | | 136 | #15h | K-3 Class Size Reduction - Technical Adjustment | $0 | $120,132 | | 137 | #1h | Federal Preschool Development Grant | $0 | $9,900,948 | | 141 | #1h | SCHEV - Language Changes (Language Only) | | | | 141 | #2h | SCHEV - Removed Proposed Changes to Workforce Grant Program (Language Only) | | | | 141 | #3h | SCHEV - Grow Your Own Teachers | $0 | $240,000 | | 143 | #1h | SCHEV - Eliminate Proposed New Language (Language Only) | | | | 143 | #2h | SCHEV - Education Summitt | $0 | $75,000 | | 148 | #1h | CNU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($664,882) | | 152 | #1h | CWM - Financial Aid | $0 | ($38,855) | | 155 | #1h | RBC - O & M Ernst Hall | $0 | $262,000 | | 155 | #2h | RBC - EO-19 Requirements and VITA Charges | $0 | $250,000 | | 156 | #1h | RBC - Financial Aid | $0 | ($238,536) | | 159 | #1h | VIMS - Remove Proposed New Program | $0 | ($386,668) | | 159 | #2h | VIMS - Commonwealth Coastal Research Fellows | $0 | $200,000 | | 162 | #1h | GMU - Veterans and Arts Initiative | $0 | $150,000 | | 162 | #2h | GMU - Online Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 163 | #1h | GMU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($2,920,393) | | 164 | #1h | GMU - Virginia Neuroscience Initiative | $0 | $275,000 | | 167 | #1h | JMU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($1,173,512) | | 171 | #1h | LU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($535,893) | | 174 | #1h | NSU - Eliminate Proposed Language (Language Only) | | | | 174 | #2h | NSU - Center for African American Public Policy | $0 | $298,000 | | 175 | #1h | NSU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($907,275) | | 178 | #1h | ODU - Marine Rescue Program | $0 | $25,000 | | 179 | #1h | ODU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($597,234) | | 183 | #1h | RU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($628,345) | | 187 | #1h | UMW - Financial Aid | $0 | ($134,119) | | 193 | #1h | UVA - Eliminate Proposed Increase | $0 | ($200,000) | | 194 | #1h | UVA - Financial Aid | $0 | ($67,384) | | 200 | #1h | UVAW - Eliminate Proposed Language (Language Only) | | | | 200 | #2h | UVA Wise - Eliminate New Program Planning | $0 | ($600,000) | | 201 | #1h | UVA-Wise - Financial Aid | $0 | ($398,527) | | 204 | #1h | VCU - School of Medicine Substance Abuse Fellowship | $0 | $75,000 | | 205 | #1h | VCU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($2,204,146) | | 210 | #1h | VCCS - Remove Proposed New Funding | $0 | ($5,500,000) | | 210 | #2h | VCCS - Transfer Computer Science Teacher Training to DOE | ($550,000) | ($550,000) | | 210 | #3h | VCCS - Eliminate New Proposal for Online Program | $0 | ($130,000) | | 210 | #4h | VCCS - Dual Enrollment (Language Only) | | | | 210 | #5h | VCCS - Jefferson College of Health Sciences Merger (HB 2181) | $0 | $347,892 | | 211 | #1h | VCCS - Financial Aid | $0 | ($3,474,453) | | 213 | #1h | VCCS - Philpott Manufacturing Extension Partnership | $0 | $158,650 | | 216 | #1h | VMI - Math that Matters | $0 | $121,000 | | 217 | #1h | VMI - Financial Aid | $0 | ($11,071) | | 222 | #1h | VT - Financial Aid | $0 | ($991,397) | | 224 | #1h | VT - Unique Military | $0 | $173,000 | | 226 | #1h | VT Ext - Remove Proposed Increase | ($129,557) | ($548,924) | | 226 | #2h | VT Ext - Extension Agents and Research Specialists | $0 | $1,250,000 | | 227 | #1h | VSU - Eliminate Proposed Language (Language Only) | | | | 227 | #2h | VSU - Remove New Proposal | $0 | ($523,750) | | 227 | #3h | VSU - Agriculture Education | $0 | $234,000 | | 228 | #1h | VSU - Financial Aid | $0 | ($480,861) | | 232 | #1h | FCM - Proposed New Spending | $0 | ($15,000) | | 232 | #2h | FCM - Safety and Security Upgrades | $0 | $100,000 | | 232 | #3h | FCM - Update and Expand Information Technology | $0 | $50,000 | | 232 | #4h | FCM - Wage-hour Employee Retention | $0 | $100,000 | | 234 | #1h | JYF - Landscaping / Housekeeping Staff | $0 | $243,626 | | 234 | #2h | JYF - Improve Site Security | $280,832 | $0 | | 236 | #1h | State Library - HB 1702 | $535,000 | $410,000 | | 241 | #1h | VCOA - Proposed New Grants | $0 | ($250,000) | | 242 | #1h | VCOA - Proposed New Spending | ($7,928) | ($7,928) | | 244 | #1h | EVMS - Operating Support | $0 | $3,500,000 | | 252 | #1h | VRIC Technical Language (Language Only) | | | | 253.50 | #1h | In-State Undergraduate Affordability | $0 | $45,688,000 | |
Office of Finance | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 281 | #1h | Interagency Work Group on Statewide EHR System (Language Only) | | | | 282 | #1h | HB 2597 Child Abuse & Neglect; Sex Trafficking - CSA Impact | $0 | $14,091 | | 289 | #1h | Eliminate New Funding for Certain Vaccines | $0 | ($1,461,742) | | 290 | #1h | Eliminate Funding for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital | $0 | ($1,200,000) | | 290 | #2h | Eliminate Funding and Positions for Medical Facilities Plan | ($168,982) | ($167,682) | | 291 | #1h | Transfer TANF for Food Banks to DSS | $0 | ($3,000,000) | | 291 | #2h | Expand Efforts to Address Maternal Mortality and Morbidity | $0 | $315,000 | | 292 | #1h | Eliminate Funding for Eastville Community Health Center | $0 | ($795,000) | | 293 | #1h | Eliminate Language Earmarking Funds for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital (Language Only) | | | | 293 | #2h | Eliminate New Funding for Proton Beam Therapy and Research | ($5,000,000) | $0 | | 297 | #1h | Delay Implementation of Electronic Health Records | $0 | ($4,201,500) | | 297 | #2h | HB 2026 Newborn Screening for Congenital Cytomegalovirus | $0 | $198,589 | | 297 | #3h | Prohibition on Funding for Abortions & Priority for Family Planning Grants (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #1h | Capture Savings From Suspension of ACA Health Insurance Fee | $0 | ($77,800,000) | | 303 | #2h | Correct Fund Source for Administrative Appropriation for Medicaid Expansion | $0 | $0 | | 303 | #3h | Eliminate Training for Consumer-Directed Attendants | ($1,000,000) | ($1,000,000) | | 303 | #4h | Medicaid Behavioral Health Services Realignment (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #5h | Staff Competency Requirements for Waiver Providers (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #6h | Pharmacy Carve Out from Managed Care | $0 | $250,000 | | 303 | #7h | Eliminate New Services for Medicaid Adults | $0 | ($3,531,444) | | 303 | #8h | Increase Reimbursement for Critical Access Hospitals | $0 | $4,737,031 | | 303 | #9h | Reimbursement Model for Public Rural Hospital in SW Virginia (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #1h | Reporting on Medicaid Pharmacy Claims by Managed Care Organizations (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #1h | DBHDS - Behavioral Health Services Realignment (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #2h | DD Waiver Individualized Supports Budget Program (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #3h | Report on PACT Funding and Cost Effectiveness (Language Only) | | | | 311 | #1h | Eliminate Earmark for Jewish Foundation for Group Homes | $0 | ($89,500) | | 312 | #1h | Add Funds for Fairfax-Falls Church CSB PACT Team (Language Only) | | | | 312 | #2h | Restore Language for Crisis Stabilization Services (Language Only) | | | | 312 | #3h | Designate Funding for STEP-VA Crisis Services (Language Only) | | | | 329 | #1h | Capture Balances in Employment Services Programs (Language Only) | | | | 332 | #1h | Flexible Funding for Area Agencies on Aging (Language Only) | | | | 339 | #1h | Forecast of TANF, Child Care, Foster Care and Adoption Payments (Language Only) | | | | 340 | #1h | HB 1871 VIEW Transitional Child Care | $0 | $1,066,078 | | 340 | #2h | HB 2397 TANF for Individuals Convicted of Drug-Related Felonies | $0 | $49,296 | | 340 | #3h | Adjust TANF Balance (Language Only) | | | | 341 | #1h | Technical: Transfer NGF Administrative Funding to Correct Item | ($5,063,113) | $0 | | 341 | #2h | Correct Fund Source for Administrative Appropriation for Medicaid Expansion | $0 | $0 | | 342 | #1h | Technical: Correct NGF Appropriation for Child Support Fees | $0 | $145,817 | | 343 | #1h | Capture Balance in Auxiliary Grant Program (Language Only) | | | | 344 | #1h | HB 2597 Child Abuse & Neglect; Sex Trafficking | $0 | $86,419 | | 344 | #2h | HB 1730 Security Freeze on Accounts of Children in Foster Care | $0 | $418,030 | | 344 | #3h | Family First Prevention Services Act Evidence-based Programs | $0 | $851,000 | | 346 | #1h | Expand TANF for Virginia Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | $0 | $500,000 | | 346 | #2h | Add TANF Funding for Child Advocacy Centers to Include Russell County CAC | $11,000 | $11,000 | | 346 | #3h | Transfer TANF for Food Banks from Health Department | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 347.10 | #1h | Eliminate Funds for Stockpiling Supplies | $0 | ($4,250,000) | | 348 | #1h | Technical: Transfer NGF Administrative Funding to Correct Item | $5,063,113 | $0 | | 348 | #3h | HB 1746 Change VIEW Name | $0 | $150,000 | | 351 | #1h | Va. Board for People with Disabilities Position Increase (Language Only) | | | | 355 | #1h | Eliminate New Funding for Vocational Rehabilitation Services | $0 | ($625,500) | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 362 | #1h | Reduce Proposed Supplemental WQIF Deposits | $0 | ($15,031,151) | | 362 | #2h | Soil and Water Conservation District Dam Funding | $0 | $400,000 | | 362 | #3h | City Lynchburg Flood Repairs | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 362 | #4h | Pittsylvania Dams | $0 | $100,000 | | 363 | #1h | Remove Increase in VLCF Funding | ($5,500,000) | ($5,500,000) | | 363 | #2h | Eliminate Lewis and Clark Trail Funding | $0 | ($125,000) | | 363 | #3h | State Park Public Highway Signage (Language Only) | | | | 363 | #4h | Mendota Trail Project - Container Covered Bridge | $0 | $50,000 | | 366 | #1h | Remove DEQ Funding Increases | ($150,000) | ($742,115) | | 366 | #2h | Extend Timeline for HB 1475 Report (Language Only) | | | | 366 | #3h | VPDES Discharge Permit (Language Only) | | | | 367 | #1h | Remove New Funding DEQ Air Permitting | $0 | ($886,856) | | 368 | #1h | Remove Proposed Increase for SLAF | $0 | ($50,000,000) | | 369 | #1h | Remove Proposed Funding for DEQ Web Site Enhancements | $0 | ($734,160) | | 374 | #1h | HB 1973 - Pulaski Cemetery | $0 | $385 | | 374 | #2h | HB 2311: African-American Graves, Oak Lawn Cemetery - Suffolk | $0 | $2,340 | | 374 | #3h | HB 2681: Historic African American Graves - Hampton | $0 | $3,710 | | 374 | #4h | Weston Plantation | $0 | $100,000 | | 374 | #5h | HB 2406 - Martinsville Cemetery | $0 | $975 | | 374 | #6h | HB 2739 - Historic African American Graves - Alexandria | $0 | $9,715 | | 374 | #7h | Preservation of Historic Greensville County Training School | $0 | $70,000 | | 375 | #1h | Natural Heritage Data Explorer | $0 | $200,000 | | 380 | #1h | Remove Funding Increase VMNH | $0 | ($45,671) | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 390 | #1h | DOC - Military Medics and Corpsmen Program | ($173,499) | ($346,997) | | 391 | #1h | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $0 | $357,202 | | 391 | #2h | DOC - Offender Medical Information Improvement Plan (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #1h | Active Shooter Training (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #2h | Expand Training for School Resource Officers (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #3h | Expand Threat Assessment Team Training (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #4h | Expand K-12 Public School Safety Training (Language Only) | | | | 393 | #1h | DCJS - School Climate Survey (Language Only) | | | | 393 | #2h | Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator | $0 | $145,000 | | 393 | #3h | DCJS - Law Enforcement Records Management System | $0 | ($184,992) | | 395 | #1h | Jail Mental Health Pilot Program | $0 | ($2,500,000) | | 395 | #2h | School Resource Officer Incentive Grant Program | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 395 | #3h | School Safety App Pilot Program | $0 | $300,000 | | 395 | #4h | DCJS - New Training Funding | $0 | ($30,000) | | 399 | #1h | VDEM - Proposed Funding | $0 | ($1,306,136) | | 416 | #1h | DMA - Cyber Security Assessments | $0 | ($150,000) | | 419 | #1h | VSP - Extreme Risk Legislation | $0 | ($471,489) | | 419 | #2h | VSP - Universal Background Checks | $0 | ($392,356) | | 419 | #3h | VSP - Central Criminal Records Exchange | $0 | $621,814 | |
Office of Transportation | | |
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 471 | #1h | Remove Proposed New Spending | ($687,601) | ($687,601) | | 474 | #1h | Decrease Amortization Period to Address Retiree Health Credit Unfunded Liability | $0 | ($4,296,120) | | 474 | #2h | Amend VRS Surcharge Language Addressing Stranded Liabilities (Language Only) | | | | 474 | #3h | Capture Savings From Health Insurance Premium Holiday | $0 | ($46,111,165) | | 474 | #4h | HB 2577 - Cover Autism Spectrum Disorder Regardless of Age | $0 | $21,500 | | 474 | #5h | Increase FY 2020 Salary Adjustments | $0 | $1,744,545 | | 474 | #6h | Eliminate Funding in the First Year for UVA Health Insurance Plan | ($808,692) | $0 | | 475 | #1h | DOC Electronic Health Records | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 475 | #2h | HB 1668 High Risk Contracts - Provide Funding for Increase VITA Charges | $0 | $400,000 | | 475 | #3h | Strike New Funding to Study Paid Family Leave | $0 | ($250,000) | | 475 | #4h | Central Appropriations - Remove Proposed New Funding | ($8,000,000) | ($11,000,000) | | 475.10 | #1h | Taxpayer Relief Fund (Language Only) | | | | 475.10 | #2h | Hampton Roads Biomedical Research Consortium | $0 | $8,000,000 | | 475.20 | #1h | Tech Talent Investment Fund (HB 2490) | $0 | $27,900,000 | |
Independent Agencies | | |
Office of Administration | | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | C-6.10 | #1h | GMU - Demolish Arlington Original Building | $0 | $7,500,000 | | C-8.10 | #1h | JMU - Property Exchange | $0 | $310,000 | | C-10.20 | #1h | NSU - IT Infrastructure | $0 | $1,400,000 | | C-13 | #1h | UVA - Gilmer Hall Supplement | $0 | $10,200,000 | | C-13.10 | #1h | VCU - Acquire Property (Language Only) | | | | C-13.20 | #1h | VCU - Change Funding Source (Technical) (Language Only) | | | | C-20.10 | #1h | VT - Innovation Campus Technical Changes (Language Only) | | | | C-20.20 | #1h | VT - Data and Decision Science Building | $0 | $79,000,000 | | C-21.10 | #1h | FCM - Crossing Gallery Planning Supplement | $0 | $4,000,000 | | C-21.50 | #1h | Gunston - Fund Source Technical Change | $0 | $0 | | C-22.50 | #1h | RHEA - Fund Source Technical Change | $0 | $0 | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
Central Appropriations | | |