Enacting Clause | | |
Legislative Department | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 1 | #1s | Adjust Allocation Between Chambers (Language Only) | | | | 1 | #2s | General Assembly Operations | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 1 | #3s | Develop Innovative Options to Redesign the Individual Market | $0 | $250,000 | | 4 | #1s | Capitol Police Career Development Program | $137,400 | $0 | | 6 | #1s | 2021 Redistricting Support | $0 | $250,000 | | 6 | #2s | Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund | $264,000 | $264,000 | | 11 | #1s | Commissioners of the Uniform Laws Commission (Language Only) | | | | 30 | #1s | Additional FTE Positions | $0 | $240,000 | | 31 | #1s | Study on Gaming Governance Structure | $200,000 | $0 | | 34 | #1s | Women's Monument (Language Only) | | | |
Judicial Department | | |
Executive Department | | |
Executive Offices | | |
Office of Administration | | |
Office of Agriculture and Forestry | | |
Office of Commerce and Trade | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 102 | #1s | Reduce First Year Funding for Broadband Advisor | ($140,000) | $0 | | 103 | #1s | Appropriate Semiconductor Manufacturing Grant Payment | $0 | $50,000,000 | | 103 | #2s | Virginia Jobs Investment Program (Language Only) | | | | 105 | #1s | Housing Trust Fund | ($14,000,000) | ($4,000,000) | | 105 | #2s | Remove New Spending for Eviction Diversion Position | $0 | ($104,050) | | 106 | #1s | Broadband Funding | $0 | ($31,000,000) | | 106 | #2s | Administrative Support for Virginia Telecommunication Initiative | $0 | $250,000 | | 109 | #1s | Study on Local Animal Control Programs (Language Only) | | | | 113 | #1s | Remove Increase for VOSH Compliance | $0 | ($1,429,000) | | 117 | #1s | Renewable Energy Development Incentives - SB 1496 | ($10,000,000) | $1,000,000 | | 117 | #2s | Remove New Spending for Office of Offshore Wind | $0 | ($250,000) | | 119 | #1s | Electronic Credentials (Language Only) | | | | 122 | #1s | Virginia Business Ready Sites Program | ($19,000,000) | $1,000,000 | | 122 | #2s | Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing | $0 | $920,000 | | 123 | #1s | Remove New Spending for Workforce Dashboard | ($124,635) | ($1,884,070) | | 126 | #1s | Spearhead Trails Veteran's Rehabilitation Program | ($25,000) | $25,000 | | 126 | #2s | Heart of Appalachia Tourism Initiatives | ($200,000) | $0 | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 128 | #1s | VDOE - 17th Career Cluster (Energy) | $0 | $80,000 | | 128 | #2s | VDOE - New Early Childhood Education Position | $0 | ($137,733) | | 129 | #1s | VDOE - IEP Transition Pilot (SB1576) | $0 | $20,000 | | 130 | #1s | VDOE - Standards of Learning Assessments (Language Only) | | | | 133 | #1s | VDOE - Modernize Teacher Licensure Application Process | $0 | ($97,500) | | 134 | #1s | VDOE - Grants Management System | $0 | ($150,000) | | 135 | #1s | Direct Aid - Grow Your Own Teacher Initiative | $0 | ($200,000) | | 135 | #2s | Direct Aid - Garden of Tomorrow | ($2,000,000) | $0 | | 135 | #3s | Direct Aid - VA Arts Festival Education | $0 | ($400,000) | | 135 | #4s | Transfer CodeVA | $550,000 | $550,000 | | 135 | #5s | Teacher Residency Partnerships | $0 | $500,000 | | 135 | #6s | Direct Aid - H.S. Apprenticeship Pilot Program | $0 | $125,000 | | 136 | #1s | Direct Aid - 5% Teacher Salary Increase (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #2s | Direct Aid - School Counselor Ratio | $0 | ($25,978,056) | | 136 | #3s | Direct Aid - VPI-Plus Program | $0 | ($2,416,506) | | 136 | #4s | Direct Aid - At-Risk Add-On | ($10,676,622) | ($3,564,906) | | 136 | #5s | Direct Aid - Virtual Virginia Language (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #6s | Direct Aid - VPI Curriculum and CLASS Observations | $0 | ($1,700,000) | | 136 | #7s | Composite Index Adjusted for Land Use (2020-22 Biennium) (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #8s | Direct Aid - Literary Fund School Construction Interest Rate Subsidy | ($10,000,000) | $0 | | 136 | #9s | Direct Aid - State Operated Programs | $0 | $480,000 | | 136 | #10s | Direct Aid - Lottery Per Pupil Allocation | ($18,515,608) | ($16,175,901) | | 141 | #1s | SCHEV - New Economy Workforce Credential Grants Language Change (Language Only) | | | | 141 | #2s | SCHEV - Correction to Tuition Assistance Grant Amount | $0 | ($1,700,000) | | 143 | #1s | SCHEV - Graduate Survey | $0 | $750,000 | | 143 | #2s | SCHEV - Lumina Study Reporting (Language Only) | | | | 143 | #3s | SCHEV - Innovative Internship Program | $0 | $500,000 | | 143 | #4s | Annual Legislative Education Meeting | $0 | $75,000 | | 143 | #5s | SCHEV - Data Exchange for Wage Outcomes (Language Only) | | | | 143 | #6s | SCHEV - Six-Year Plan Language (Language Only) | | | | 151 | #1s | CWM - Expand Data Science Program | $0 | $570,000 | | 159 | #1s | VIMS - Chincoteague Inlet Study | $300,000 | $0 | | 162 | #1s | GMU - Fund Accessible Pathways - Advance Program | $0 | $600,000 | | 180 | #1s | ODU - Institute for Spaceflight and Autonomy | $0 | $370,000 | | 195 | #1s | UVA - Focused Ultrasound Center | $0 | ($1,000,000) | | 200 | #1s | UVA-Wise - Enrollment Retention & Recruitment | $0 | ($1,300,000) | | 204 | #1s | VCU - Wilder School Public Policy Programs | $0 | $160,000 | | 210 | #1s | VCCS - CodeVA Transfer | ($550,000) | ($550,000) | | 210 | #2s | VCCS - Phase Advising Funding | $0 | ($3,200,000) | | 216 | #1s | VMI - Math Strategy, Operations | $0 | $610,548 | | 227 | #1s | VSU - Fund Additional Agriculture Faculty | $0 | $234,000 | | 232 | #1s | FCM - Security Services and Equipment | $0 | $250,000 | | 232 | #2s | FCM - Wage-Hour Employee Retention | $0 | $125,000 | | 234 | #1s | JYF - Landscaping/Housekeeping Workforce Stabilization | $0 | $243,626 | | 234 | #2s | JYF - Site Security Improvements | $0 | $280,832 | | 238 | #1s | State Aid for Public Libraries - Summer Reading and STEAM Materials | $0 | $500,000 | | 241 | #1s | VCA - Arts Grants | $0 | ($125,000) | | 243 | #1s | VMFA - Evans 360 On-line Education | $0 | ($188,700) | | 251 | #1s | SURA - Jefferson Lab | $0 | ($500,000) | | 252 | #1s | Higher Education Research Initiative | $0 | ($10,000,000) | |
Office of Finance | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 281 | #1s | Workgroup on Impact of Uninsured Use of ERs for Adult Dental Issues (Language Only) | | | | 281 | #2s | Modify Electronic Health Records Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 282 | #1s | Delay Report on Study of Private Day Rates (Language Only) | | | | 282 | #2s | Implementation of Outcome Measures for Private Day Schools (Language Only) | | | | 287 | #1s | Eliminate Funding to Establish a Statewide Overdose Fatality Review Team | $0 | ($256,248) | | 289 | #1s | Remove New Funding for Purchase of Childhood Vaccines | $0 | ($1,461,742) | | 290 | #1s | Remove General Fund Support for Certificate of Public Need | ($168,982) | $0 | | 291 | #1s | Eliminate Additional Funding for Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative | $0 | ($50,000) | | 291 | #2s | Fund Adult and Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration | $0 | $450,000 | | 292 | #1s | Eliminate New Earmark for Eastville Community Health Center | $0 | ($795,000) | | 292 | #2s | Modify the Long Acting Reversible Contraception Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 293 | #1s | Reduce Support for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Obstetrics Program | $0 | ($600,000) | | 293 | #2s | Reduce New Funding for Hampton University Proton Therapy Foundation | ($4,500,000) | $0 | | 293 | #3s | SB 1216: Provide Support for the All Payer Claims Database | $0 | $1,150,000 | | 293 | #4s | Technical to Remove Language for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital (Language Only) | | | | 294 | #1s | Lead Test Sampling Plans and Water Sampling Results Tracking | $0 | $50,000 | | 297 | #1s | Delay Funding Electronic Health Records and Develop Implementation Plan | $0 | ($4,201,500) | | 297 | #2s | Eliminate Funding for Office of Attorney General Charges | ($200,000) | $0 | | 297 | #3s | Modify ED Care Coordination System to Track TDOs | $0 | $50,000 | | 299 | #1s | Enhance Drug Disposal Awareness (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #1s | Increase Certain Physician Rates to 70 Percent of Medicare Rates | $0 | $15,245,693 | | 303 | #2s | Medicaid Mental Health Professional Rates | $0 | $7,206,457 | | 303 | #3s | Eliminate Expanded Preventative Services Coverage for Adults | $0 | ($7,087,872) | | 303 | #4s | Add 10 Developmental Disability Reserve Waiver Slots | $0 | $750,000 | | 303 | #5s | Medicaid Telehealth Site Facility Fee | $0 | $50,744 | | 303 | #6s | Medicaid Forecast Adjustment for Suspension of Insurance Tax | $0 | ($77,800,000) | | 303 | #7s | Modify DSH Methodology for TDO Utilization (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #8s | Carryforward Limitation in Medicaid (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #9s | Designation of Schools as Telehealth Sites (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #10s | Managed Care Notification and Training Requirements for Certain Providers (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #11s | Language Not Set Out (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #12s | Plan for Behavioral Health Services Realignment (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #1s | Eliminate New Funding for Enrollment Broker Services | ($1,417,500) | ($1,792,666) | | 307 | #2s | Remove First Year Funding for Training for Personal Care Attendants | ($1,000,000) | $0 | | 307 | #3s | Remove New Funding for Cover Virginia Call Center Contract | $0 | ($1,761,640) | | 307 | #4s | Medicaid Funding for All Payer Claims Database | $0 | $350,000 | | 307 | #5s | Improve Medicaid Eligibility Screening Services (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #6s | Remove Unneeded General Fund for Certain Administrative Costs | ($1,680,143) | ($10,240,286) | | 307 | #7s | Partial Reversion FY 2018 Carryforward Balances (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #8s | Requirement to Provide Renewal Data to Managed Care Organizations (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #9s | Reporting on Agency Organization (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #10s | Notification Requirement of Federal Deferrals and Disallowances (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #11s | SB 1352: Transfer Funding to New Office of Medicaid Fiscal Oversight (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #12s | Fiscal Impact Review of Medicaid Program Changes (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #13s | Modify Provisions in Managed Care Programs to Balance Commonwealth's Risk (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #14s | Managed Care Rate Setting Oversight (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #15s | Medicaid Forecasting Oversight and Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #1s | DD Waiver Individualized Supports Budget Program (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #2s | Reporting and Data on Community Services Board Revenue Impacts (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #3s | Regional Mental Health Coordination Pilot Program (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #4s | Lease of Land at Eastern State Hospital for Hope Family Village Project (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #5s | Plan for Right Sizing Mental Health Hospital System (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #6s | Waiver Slots Priority for Falls Church Residents in the Miller House (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #7s | Waiting List Priority for Children of Parents in Military or Foreign Service (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #8s | Review of Public-Private Partnerships for CVTC and Crisis System (Language Only) | | | | 311 | #1s | Remove First Year Funding for Naloxone Kits | ($1,600,000) | $0 | | 312 | #1s | Redirect Crisis Funding to Support Outpatient Services | $0 | ($1,000,000) | | 312 | #2s | Permanent Supportive Housing | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 312 | #3s | Psychiatric Emergency Pilot Program | $0 | $500,000 | | 312 | #4s | Appalachian Telemental Health Initiative Carryforward (Language Only) | | | | 312 | #5s | Designate Behavioral Health Trust Fund Appropriation (Language Only) | | | | 316 | #1s | Reduce Additional Funding Provided for Direct Care Staff at State Hospitals | $0 | ($1,500,000) | | 329 | #1s | Allocation Methodology for Extended Employment Services Funding (Language Only) | | | | 330 | #1s | Flexible Funding for Area Agencies on Aging (Language Only) | | | | 334 | #1s | Remove New Funding for Adult Protective Services | $0 | ($100,000) | | 339 | #1s | SB 1339: Improvements to the Foster Care System | $0 | $3,155,363 | | 340 | #1s | Increase TANF Benefits by Five Percent | $0 | $3,500,000 | | 340 | #2s | SB 1145: VIEW Transitional Child Care | $0 | $1,066,096 | | 340 | #3s | Develop Comprehensive Plan for the TANF Program (Language Only) | | | | 341 | #1s | SB 1257: Clergy Requirement as Mandatory Reporters | $0 | $142,264 | | 341 | #2s | SB 1661: Child Abuse and Neglect Sex Trafficking Assessments | $0 | $100,510 | | 341 | #3s | SB 1253: Credit Report Freeze for Foster Care Youth | $0 | $418,030 | | 342 | #1s | Technical to Correct Child Support Fees Appropriation | $0 | $145,816 | | 343 | #1s | SB 1286: Increase Auxiliary Grant Slots for Supportive Housing (Language Only) | | | | 344 | #1s | Foster Care Recruitment and Retention Strategic Plan (Language Only) | | | | 344 | #2s | Review of Foster Care Children in Congregate Care (Language Only) | | | | 344 | #3s | Family First Prevention Services Act Support for Implementation | $0 | $611,000 | | 346 | #1s | Northern Virginia Family Service | $0 | $500,000 | | 346 | #2s | TANF for Two-Generation/Whole Family Pilot Project | $0 | $2,250,000 | | 347.10 | #1s | Eliminate Funding for Catastrophic Disaster Shelter Supplies | $0 | ($4,250,000) | | 348 | #1s | Remove Unneeded General Fund for Certain Administrative Costs | $0 | ($1,050,000) | | 351 | #1s | Position Level Increase (Language Only) | | | | 355 | #1s | Remove New Funding for Vocational Rehabilitation Services | $0 | ($625,500) | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 361 | #1s | Capital Bike Trail (Language Only) | | | | 362 | #1s | Reverse Supplemental WQIF | ($20,000,000) | ($15,031,151) | | 362 | #2s | College Lake Dam | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 363 | #1s | First Landing Bike Trails | $0 | $50,000 | | 363 | #2s | BSCM Battlefield Park (Language Only) | | | | 363 | #3s | Reverse Proposed Land Conservation Foundation Increase | ($5,500,000) | ($5,500,000) | | 363 | #4s | Reverse New Initiative | $0 | ($125,000) | | 363 | #5s | Virginia Land Conservation Foundation (Language Only) (Language Only) | | | | 366 | #1s | Voluntary Fee (Language Only) | | | | 366 | #2s | VPDES Discharge Permit Compliance Schedule (Language Only) | | | | 366 | #3s | Acceptable Ammonia Levels (Language Only) | | | | 366 | #4s | Reverse New Regulatory and Permitting Positions | ($150,000) | ($1,404,056) | | 368 | #1s | Reverse Additional SLAF Funding | $0 | ($50,000,000) | | 374 | #1s | Historical African American Cemeteries in City of Hampton | $0 | $3,855 | | 376 | #1s | Reverse Additional Oyster Program Funding | $0 | ($1,000,000) | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 381 | #1s | Sex Offender Registry Review (Language Only) | | | | 381 | #2s | Sex Offender Treatment Workgroup (Language Only) | | | | 385 | #1s | ABC ATM Pilot Program (Language Only) | | | | 387 | #1s | DMV Connect | $350,000 | $350,000 | | 389 | #1s | Residential Opioid Treatment (Language Only) | | | | 389 | #2s | Community Corrections Alternative Program | $0 | ($580,074) | | 390 | #1s | Military Medics and Corpsmen Program | ($173,499) | ($346,997) | | 390 | #2s | Employee Recruitment and Retention | $0 | ($1,051,567) | | 390 | #3s | Inmate Medical Technical Amendment (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #4s | SORT Program | $0 | $70,000 | | 390 | #5s | Implement JLARC Recommendation - Medicare Fee-for-Service (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #6s | Implement JLARC Recommendation for Comprehensive Healthcare (Language Only) | | | | 390 | #7s | Implement JLARC Recommendation - 340-B Drug Pricing (Language Only) | | | | 391 | #1s | Offender Medical Information (Language Only) | | | | 391 | #2s | Land Agreement with Town of Craigsville (Language Only) | | | | 391 | #3s | Corrections Special Reserve Fund for Criminal Bills | $0 | ($250,000) | | 392 | #1s | SRO Training | $0 | ($97,000) | | 392 | #2s | K-12 School Safety Technical Assistance and Training | $0 | ($464,890) | | 392 | #3s | Law Enforcement Records Management Server | $0 | ($184,992) | | 393 | #1s | School Climate Survey | $0 | ($115,630) | | 395 | #1s | D.A.R.E. Funding | $0 | $15,000 | | 395 | #2s | Sex Trafficking Prevention Coordinator - Senate Bill 1669 | $0 | $145,000 | | 395 | #3s | Community Policing Training | $0 | ($30,000) | | 399 | #1s | Special Operations | $0 | ($500,000) | | 399 | #2s | Search and Rescue | $0 | ($556,136) | | 400 | #1s | Change Timing of Line of Credit Funding | $150,000 | ($150,000) | | 402 | #1s | Disaster Expenditures (Language Only) | | | | 402 | #2s | Disaster Mitigation (Language Only) | | | | 406 | #1s | Fire Marshall Support Positions | $0 | ($125,000) | | 407 | #1s | Contracting for Forensic Laboratory Services (Language Only) | | | | 414 | #1s | Tuition Assistance | $0 | ($1,500,000) | | 416 | #1s | Cyber Security Assessments | $0 | ($150,000) | | 419 | #1s | CCRE "Hold File" for Criminal History Records | $197,920 | $211,947 | | 419 | #2s | School Safety Application | $350,000 | $200,000 | | 419 | #3s | Background Check Technicians | $0 | ($392,356) | | 419 | #4s | Extreme Risk Policy | $0 | ($471,489) | | 419 | #5s | STARS Expenditure Accounting (Language Only) | | | | 419 | #6s | Fusion Center Staff for School Safety | $0 | $194,532 | | 419 | #7s | Decriminalization of Marijuana First Offender Database | $0 | $187,132 | | 419 | #8s | STARS Appropriation (Language Only) | | | | 420 | #1s | Med-Flight Billing (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Transportation | | |
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | | 474 | #1s | VRS ORPHE Surcharge Adjustment (Language Only) | | | | 474 | #2s | Redirect One Percent Bonus for State and State-Supported Local Employees | $0 | ($40,183,237) | | 474 | #3s | Additional Three Percent Salary Increase for General Registrars | $0 | $139,611 | | 474 | #4s | Workers' Compensation Presumption of Compensability for Certain Diseases (SB 1030) | $0 | $650,000 | | 474 | #5s | Adjust Funding to Increase Retiree HIC for Public Safety Personnel | $0 | ($4,337,440) | | 474 | #6s | Employer's Share of UVA State Employee Premium Increases | $0 | ($808,692) | | 474 | #7s | Provide Funding to Support Provisions of SB 1023 | $0 | $1,393,000 | | 475 | #1s | Defer Funding to Reimburse ELECT and Localities for 2020 Presidential Primary Expenses | $0 | ($5,898,631) | | 475 | #2s | Reverse Funding for a Committee on Paid Family Leave Policy | $0 | ($250,000) | | 475 | #3s | Electronic Health Records Supplemental Funding | $0 | $3,000,000 | | 475 | #4s | Board of Corrections Review of Alternatives to Traditional Jail Facilities (Language Only) | | | | 475 | #5s | Adjust Funding for Workforce Case Management System | ($6,000,000) | $2,000,000 | | 475 | #6s | Higher Education Internships | $0 | ($300,000) | |
Independent Agencies | | |
Office of Administration | | |
Office of Education | | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
Central Appropriations | | |