2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Flexibility for 5% Salary Increase Incentives

Item 136 #14h

Item 136 #14h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2019 $0 FY2020 $43,828,883 GF

Page 142, line 55, strike "$7,295,037,230" and insert "$7,338,866,113".

Page 144, line 12, strike "$217,271,416" and insert "$173,991,891".

Page 144, line 14, strike "$18,626,227" and insert "$18,440,482".

Page 144, line 16, strike "$36,728,753" and insert "$36,598,940".

Page 144, line 35, strike "$388,633,076" and insert "$345,037,993".

Page 145, line 2, strike "$84,767,625" and insert "$84,897,438".

Page 145, line 31, strike "$9,451,837" and insert "$9,322,024".

Page 158, line 3, strike "$36,728,753" and insert "$36,598,940".

Page 158, line 4, strike "$84,767,625" and insert "$84,897,438".

Page 158, line 53, strike "$9,451,837" and insert "$9,322,024".

Page 159, line 32, strike "$720,891" and insert "$575,740".

Page 159, line 33, strike "5" and insert "3".

Page 159, line 34, after "2019," insert:

"and for a compensation supplement payment of up to 2.0 percent of base pay on January 1, 2020".

Page 175, line 30, strike "$932,580" and insert "$746,268".

Page 175, line 34, after "2019," insert:

"and for a compensation supplement payment of up to 2.0 percent of base pay on January 1, 2020".

Page 179, strike lines 14 through 37 and insert:

"39. Compensation Supplement

a.1) Out of this appropriation, $131,054,025 the second year from the general fund and $431,558 the second year from the Lottery Proceeds Fund is provided for the state share of a payment equivalent to a 3.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective July 1, 2019, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions.  Funded SOQ instructional positions shall include the teacher, guidance counselor, librarian, instructional aide, principal, and assistant principal positions funded through the SOQ staffing standards for each school division in the biennium.  This amount includes $560,111 the second year from the general fund referenced in paragraph C. 28. h. for the Academic Year Governor's Schools for a 3.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective July 1, 2019, for instructional and support positions, and this amount includes $432,513 the second year from the Lottery Proceeds Fund referenced in paragraph C. 9. f. 4) for Regional Alternative Education Programs for a 3.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective July 1, 2019, for instructional and support positions.

2) It is the intent that the instructional and support position salaries be increased in school divisions throughout the state by at least an average of 3.0 percent during the 2018-2020 biennium. Sufficient funds are appropriated in this act to finance, on a statewide basis, the state share of a 3.0 percent salary increase for funded SOQ instructional and support positions, effective July 1, 2019, to school divisions which certify to the Department of Education, by June 1, 2019, that salary increases of a minimum average of 3.0 percent have been or will have been provided during the 2018-2020 biennium, either in the first year or in the second year or through a combination of the two years, to instructional and support personnel.

b.1) In addition to the compensation provisions in paragraphs C. 39. a.1) and 2) , the appropriation in this item includes $43,684,701 the second year from the general fund and $144,182 the second year from the Lottery Proceeds Fund for the state share of a payment equivalent to a 2.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective January 1, 2020, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions.  Funded SOQ instructional positions shall include the teacher, guidance counselor, librarian, instructional aide, principal, and assistant principal positions funded through the SOQ staffing standards for each school division in the biennium. This amount includes $186,724 the second year from the general fund referenced in paragraph C. 28. h. for the Academic Year Governor's Schools for an additional 2.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective January 1, 2020, for instructional and support positions, and this amount includes the $144,182 second year from the Lottery Proceeds Fund referenced in paragraph C. 9. f. 4) for Regional Alternative Education Programs for an additional 2.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective January 1, 2020, for instructional and support positions.

2) It is the intent that the instructional and support position salaries be increased in school divisions throughout the state by at least an average of 2.0 percent during the second year, on or before January 1, 2020. Sufficient funds are appropriated in this act to finance, on a statewide basis, the state share of a 2.0 percent salary increase for funded SOQ instructional and support positions, effective January 1, 2020, to school divisions which certify to the Department of Education, by June 1, 2019, that an additional salary increases of a minimum average of 2.0 percent will have been provided in the second year to instructional and support personnel on or before January 1, 2020, that is in addition to the 3.0% salary increase pursuant to paragraph C.39. a.1) and 2). of this item.

3) In order to be eligible to receive the state's share of up to an additional 2.0 salary increase in the second year, school divisions must provide up to a 2.0 percent salary increase in the second year effective by January 1, 2020, to instructional and support personnel.  Any salary increase provided by a school division in the first year that was in excess of 3.0 percent prescribed in paragraphs C. 39. a.1) and 2), shall not count toward or be applied toward the local requirements for any portion of the additional 2.0 percent salary increase provided for in the second year.

c. This funding is not intended as a mandate to increase salaries."


(This amendment adjusts the funding for salary incentives such that school divisions will have a number of percent options to offer pay increases to employees. The base budget includes $131 million in the second year for a 3.0 percent salary incentive pay increase with an effective date of July 1, 2019. The state share of the 3.0 percent salary increase would be given to school divisions that certify that they will provide at least 3.0 percent in either the first or second year or through a combination over both years. This amendment adds an additional 2.0 percent increase with an effective date of January 1, 2020. The state share of the 2.0 percent salary increase would be given to school divisions that certify that they will provide at least a 2.0 percent salary increase by January 1, 2020. Any local school division pay increase provided in the first year that is above the 3.0 percent , will not count toward the 2.0 percent salary increase in the second year.)