2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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HB 1668 - High Risk Procurement Impact on VITA

Item 84.60 #1h

Item 84.60 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Virginia Information Technologies Agency FY2019 $0 FY2020 $800,000 NGF
FY2019 0.00 FY2020 4.00 FTE

Page 86, line 26, strike "$41,590,093" and insert "$42,390,093".


(This amendment provides $800,000 from the nongeneral fund, and 4 FTEs, for the VITA pursuant the passage of House Bill 1668 of the 2019 General Assembly Session which creates a definition of "high risk contracts" in the Code and sets out a process for managing high risk contracts.)