2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Funding for House Clerk's Office Operations

Item 1 #1h

Item 1 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia FY2019 $0 FY2020 $2,263,996 GF

Page 4, line 5, strike "$46,981,541" and insert "$49,245,537".

Page 4, line 10, strike "$27,291,062" and insert "$29,555,058".

Page 4, line 28, strike "$152,635" and insert "$277,635".

Page 5, line 27, strike "$20,885" and insert "$67,217".


(This amendment provides $2.3 million from the general fund to support in fiscal year 2020 additional funding for the House Clerks office. The funding is for increasing staff support for the House leadership offices and funding for improvements to the Chamber including the replacement of the members voting system.)