2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Capital Outlay Pool Adjustments

Item C-48.10 #1h

Item C-48.10 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2019 $0 FY2020 $678,380,000 NGF

Page 543, line 14, strike "$131,982,000" and insert "$810,362,000".

Page 543, line 24, strike "$121,466,000" and insert "$679,846,000".

Page 544, line 10, strike "$96,466,000" and insert "$659,846,000".

Page 544, line 12, strike "$10,516,000" and insert "$30,516,000".

Page 544, after line 17, insert:

"194    Department of General Services    Replace Central State Hospital (Forensic, Support and 48 Civil Beds)".

Page 544, after line 17, insert:

"199    Department of Conservation and Recreation    Construct Cabins, Breaks Interstate Park".

Page 544, after line 17, insert:

"207    University of Virginia    Alderman Library Renewal".

Page 544, after line 19, insert:

"212    Virginia State University     Demolish / Replace Daniel Gym and Demolish Harris Hall, Phase I".

Page 544, after line 21, insert:

"212    James Madison University     Renovate Jackson Hall".

Page 544, after line 23, insert:

"236    Virginia Commonwealth University     Construct STEM Teaching Laboratory Building".

Page 544, after line 25, insert:

"241    Richard Bland College    Acquire and Install New Generator at the Library".

Page 544, after line 25, insert:

"247    George Mason University    Improve IT Network Infrastructure".

Page 544, strike lines 37 through 50 and insert:

"D. 1. Out of the amounts provided in this item, $20,000,000 the second year from bond proceeds is designated for lab renovations and enhancements and / or research equipment related to higher education research for the Hampton Roads Biomedical Research Consortium created in Item 475.10. 2. Out of the amounts provided in this item, $100,000,000 the second year from bond proceeds is designated in addition to the amounts previously authorized in Enactment 1, § 1 A. and Enactment 1, § 2 of Chapters 759 and 769, 2016 Acts of Assembly."


(This amendment adds eight projects to the 2019 Capital Construction Pool, provides funding for the Hampton Roads Biomedical Research Consortium and adjusts proposed new projects and provides a supplement to projects previously authorized in Chapters 759 and 769, 2016 Acts of Assembly.)