Language Page 601, after line 45, insert: "4-5.11 4-5.11: LIMITATIONS ON USE OF STATE FUNDING$0$0 LIMITATIONS ON USE OF STATE FUNDING“a. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code of Virginia, no expenditures from the general, special, or other nongeneral fund sources from any appropriation by the General Assembly shall be used to support membership or participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) until such time as the General Assembly has approved such membership as evidenced by language authorizing such action in the Appropriation Act nor shall any RGGI auction proceeds be used to supplement any appropriation in this act without express General Assembly approval."
“a. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code of Virginia, no expenditures from the general, special, or other nongeneral fund sources from any appropriation by the General Assembly shall be used to support membership or participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) until such time as the General Assembly has approved such membership as evidenced by language authorizing such action in the Appropriation Act nor shall any RGGI auction proceeds be used to supplement any appropriation in this act without express General Assembly approval."
(This amendment prohibits the use of any funds appropriated by the General Assembly to support membership or participation in any climate change compacts without express General Assembly approval.)