2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Distribution of Transit Operating Assistance (language only)

Item 445 #1h

Item 445 #1h

Department of Rail and Public Transportation


Page 463, after line 4, insert:

"G. The Commonwealth Transportation Board may allocate supplemental operating funds in fiscal year 2020 to any transit provider that receives funds to support operating costs pursuant to § 33.2-1526.1 C. 1., and that is negatively impacted by a loss of operating funds as a direct result of the performance-based allocation process set forth in Chapter 854 of the Acts of Assembly of 2018.  The maximum amount of supplemental operating funds available pursuant to this authorization shall not exceed $3,000,000 from the nongeneral fund amounts available to the department."


(This amendment allows a one-year transition for mass transit providers to prepare for a new allocation methodology that is based on performance metrics that has been recommended by the Transit Service Delivery Advisory Committee (TSDAC) and approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.)