2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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DOC Electronic Health Records

Item 475 #1h

Item 475 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2019 $0 FY2020 $3,000,000 GF

Page 498, line 46, strike "$70,862,344" and insert "$73,862,344".

Page 505, after line 1, insert:

"X.1. The Director, Department of Corrections, shall procure and implement an electronic health records system for use in the Department's secure correctional facilities using the platform provided through Contract Number VA-121107-SMU managed by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The system shall be established on a domain separate from any other procured through the Contract.

2. Included in the amounts provided for this Item is $3,000,000 the second year from the general fund for contingency fund should the costs of complying with Paragraph X.1 of this Item exceed the amounts provided for such purpose in Item 391. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall make available proceeds from the contingency fund upon the request of the Director, Department of Corrections."


(This amendment requires the Department of Corrections to procure an electronic health records system using an existing state contract, and provides a $3.0 million contingency fund in the second year should existing appropriations for the Department of Corrections prove inadequate to do so.)