2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Expand Workgroup Examining Impact of Body Cameras on Employee Workload (language only)

Item 38 #3h

Item 38 #3h

Judicial Department
Supreme Court


Page 34, after line 9, insert

"Q.  The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall convene and expand the workgroup created pursuant to paragraph 73.U of this act. The expanded work group shall examine the workload impact, as well as other fiscal and policy impacts, on the Commonwealths' public safety and judicial agencies as a whole. The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall submit the recommendations of the working group to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 15 1, 2019. All state agencies and local subdivisions shall provide assistance as requested by the working group."


(This amendment continues and expands the scope of the work group created in Chapter 2 concerning workload issues created pursuant to the use of body cameras.)