2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Balance from Provisional VPI Teacher Licensure Requests

Item 136 #6h

Item 136 #6h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2019 ($2,000,000) FY2020 $0 GF

Page 142, line 55, strike "$6,988,217,730" and insert "$6,986,217,730".

Page 144, line 16, strike "$25,382,033" and insert "$23,182,033".

Page 144, line 35, strike "$144,590,580" and insert "$142,590,580".

Page 145, line 2, strike "$95,877,881" and insert "$97,877,881".

Page 145, line 7, strike "$2,304,088" and insert "$304,088".

Page 158, line 2, strike "$25,382,033" and insert "$23,182,033".

Page 158, line 3, strike "$95,877,881" and insert "$97,877,881".


(This amendment captures $2.0 million the first year from the general fund in available balances in the Virginia Preschool Initiative - Provisional Teacher Licensure initiative that was established during the 2018 Session. The original budgeted amount was over estimated and subsequently is not needed to fund the actual number of preschool teachers in public schools that need financial support to complete their licensure requirements.)