Adams |
Albo |
Anderson |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 135 | #12h | Va Student Training & Refurbishment Program | $25,000 | $25,000 | | 162 | #1h | GMU Cyber Security Degree | $153,000 | $153,000 | | 162 | #6h | GMU Nursing Military Pathway | $162,521 | $162,521 | | 325 | #11h | Add Funds for Vocational Rehabilitation Services | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 461 | #3h | Increased Funding for Benefits Services | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 471 | #1h | Restore Outdoor Advertising Fund | $75,000 | $75,000 | | C-19 | #1h | VT Chiller Plant | $3,000,000 | $0 | |
BaCote |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 133 | #1h | Develop Material & Guidelines for Human Trafficking | $100,000 | $0 | | 135 | #13h | Communities in Schools | ($100,000) | $0 | | 147 | #3h | CNU STEM Degrees | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 341 | #7h | Increase Funding for Community Action | $2,400,000 | $2,400,000 | | 389 | #1h | Law Enforcement Training for Human Trafficking | $85,000 | $85,000 | | 408 | #1h | Newport News Juvenile Re-entry Services | $150,000 | $150,000 | | C-18 | #2h | VCCS Thomas Nelson Diggs/Moore/Harrison | $6,328,000 | $0 | |
Bell, Richard |
Bell, Robert |
Berg |
Brink |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 122 | #1h | Population Projections | $200,000 | $0 | | 151 | #1h | CWM Lewis Puller Veterans Benefits Clinic | $333,500 | $349,000 | | 193 | #2h | UVA Foundation for the Humanities | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 301 | #5h | Authorize Payment of First Month's Rent for Medicaid Waivers | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 301 | #9h | Expand Preventive Dental Care to Pregnant Women | $481,566 | $606,774 | | 301 | #10h | Increase ID, DD and Day Support Rates Including NoVA Differential | $54,200,000 | $54,200,000 | | 301 | #15h | Restore Funding for FAMIS Moms | $3,153,195 | $3,153,195 | | 301 | #20h | Increase Consumer-directed Personal Care by 10% | $20,000,000 | $20,000,000 | | 301 | #21h | NOVA Fee-for-Service Cost-Based Rate Pilot | $4,551,000 | $4,551,000 | | 301 | #29h | Restore Funding for Plan First Program | $800,000 | $800,000 | | 301 | #33h | Implement Medicaid Expansion Pursuant to PPACA | $2,000,000,000 | $2,000,000,000 | | 308 | #8h | Part C Early Intervention Svs. Increase in Funding | $2,113,632 | $2,271,072 | | 308 | #9h | Carryforward Funds for Northern Virginia Capacity Development (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #10h | Start-up Funds for Northern Virginia Community Services | $536,000 | $616,000 | | 308 | #11h | Northern Virginia Regional Older Adult Facilities MH Support Team (RAFT) | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 325 | #8h | Add Base Funding for 4 CILs | $306,866 | $306,866 | | 325 | #9h | Backfill Loss of Federal Funds for CILs | $306,866 | $306,866 | | C-6 | #3h | CWM Music Building | $2,604,000 | $0 | | C-6 | #4h | CWM Heating and Cooling Plant | $1,336,000 | $0 | |
Bulova |
Byron |
Campbell |
Carr |
Chafin |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 126 | #1h | Coalfield's Tourism Initiatives | $210,005 | $0 | | 136 | #11h | Salary Supplement for Instructional and Support Positions | $241,300,000 | $242,300,000 | | C-18 | #7h | VCCS Renovate Library, Virginia Highlands | $1,238,000 | $0 | | C-43 | #3h | DCR Clinch River State Park Capital Pool | $2,500,000 | $0 | |
Cline |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 135 | #15h | Child Safety Test | $124,721 | $124,721 | | 135 | #16h | Development of Screening for Dyslexia | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 339 | #1h | Add Fee Revenue Child Protection Accountability System | $92,816 | $92,816 | | 389 | #4h | ICAC Funding | $422,792 | $422,792 | | 414 | #3h | Northern VA ICAC | $270,167 | $270,167 | | 477 | #1h | Reduce Lottery Department | ($1,000,000) | $0 | | C-18 | #12h | VCCS Classroom Space, Dabney S. Lancaster | $250,000 | $0 | |
Comstock |
Cox, Kirk |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 101 | #11h | Eliminate Site Planning | $0 | ($2,000,000) | | 104 | #4h | VCU Business Accelerator Savings Offset | ($250,000) | ($250,000) | | 130 | #3h | SOL Test Consolidations | ($6,600,000) | ($6,600,000) | | 204 | #1h | VCU Business Accelerator | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 250 | #1h | Advanced Manufacturing Advisory Council (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #43h | Add 525 Medicaid ID Waivers to Address Waiting List | $17,072,750 | $35,852,774 | | 349 | #1h | Brain Injury Services | $4,530,000 | $4,530,000 | | 461 | #2h | Virginia Values Veterans Program | $100,000 | $100,000 | | C-20 | #1h | JYF Plan Exhibits | $1,937,000 | $0 | | 3-1.01 | #1h | Revert GOF Balances (Language Only) | | | | 4-.01 | #3h | Advanced Manufacturing (Language Only) | | | |
Dance |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 71 | #1h | Funding for Circuit Court Clerks Career Development Program | $75,374 | $606,683 | | 88 | #1h | Food Desert Taskforce Recommendations (Language Only) | | | | 101 | #14h | Biofuels Production Fund | $1,586,667 | $1,586,667 | | 104 | #5h | Derelict Structures | $5,000,000 | $0 | | 104 | #6h | Local Match language (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #18h | Year-round Program at Petersburg | $500,000 | $0 | | 135 | #19h | Year-Round School Grants | $2,400,000 | $2,400,000 | | 227 | #1h | VSU Small Farm Program | $105,000 | $105,000 | | 231 | #1h | VSU Extension Food Desert Taskforce (Language Only) | | | | 236 | #2h | LOV Petersburg Library | $200,000 | $0 | | 291 | #2h | Restore Funding for Comprehensive Health Improvement Program | $900,000 | $900,000 | | 301 | #22h | Address Healthcare Workforce Needs | $20,000,000 | $30,000,000 | | 301 | #34h | Expand Preventive Dental Care to Pregnant Women | $481,566 | $606,774 | | 306 | #3h | Dedicate Funds in DBHDS Trust Fund (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #4h | Increase Supported Living Outcomes for Individuals with ID/DD (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #5h | Increase Supported Employment Outcomes (Language Only) | | | | 314 | #1h | Continued Operation of Hiram Davis Medical Center (Language Only) | | | | 338 | #3h | Restore Funds for Chore and Companion Services | $1,400,000 | $2,000,000 | | 439 | #3h | GRTC Petersburg Express (Language Only) | | | | 444 | #3h | Funding for Primary Extensions (Language Only) | | | | C-41 | #1h | VSU Maintenance Reserve | $456,548 | $456,548 | | 4-4.01 | #1h | VCCS Elimination of Local Support Requirement (Language Only) | | | |
Davis |
Edmunds |
Edwards |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 118 | #1h | Capital Access for DBs | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 135 | #7h | Project Discovery | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 325 | #13h | Backfill Loss of Grant for Lifespan Respite Voucher Program | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 385 | #13h | Provide Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Prisoners | $250,000 | $250,000 | |
Fariss |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 73 | #4h | Compression Adjustment for Constitutional Office Employees | $9,257,059 | $9,257,059 | | 104 | #2h | DHCD Reductions | ($70,000) | ($70,000) | | 471 | #2h | Restore PDC Cuts | $70,000 | $70,000 | | C-18 | #9h | VCCS Classroom Renovations, CVCC | $1,324,000 | $0 | |
Farrell |
Filler-Corn |
Gilbert |
Greason |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 66 | #2h | Additional Law Enforcement Deputies | $4,448,810 | $4,286,599 | | 73 | #1h | Additional Law Enforcement Deputies (Language Only) | | | | 104 | #8h | Eliminate Funding for Birthplace of Country Music Museum | ($500,000) | $0 | | 130 | #2h | SOL Test Consolidations | ($2,918,154) | ($2,923,645) | | 130 | #5h | SOL Test Consolidations | ($970,000) | ($970,000) | | 135 | #3h | Wolf Trap STEM Program for PreK Students | $500,000 | $0 | | 136 | #1h | Governor's School Funding Formula Change | $2,918,154 | $2,923,645 | | 136 | #5h | Restore COCA Funding for Support Positions | $36,057,920 | $36,843,845 | | 162 | #2h | GMU Medical Research | $2,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 162 | #3h | GMU Online Education | $2,000,000 | $2,500,000 | | 162 | #4h | GMU Adult Student Programs | $250,000 | $400,000 | | 237 | #1h | LOV Digital Resources | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 415 | #4h | VSP Position Salary Adjustments | $1,489,580 | $1,880,377 | | 419 | #2h | Additional Funding for GAP Fund | $1,300,000 | $1,300,000 | | 461 | #4h | Virginia Homeless Veterans Program | $450,000 | $970,000 | | 4-5.04 | #1h | Open NG Contract to Other Vendors (Language Only) | | | | 4-14 | #2h | Refunds for Diesel Passenger Vehicles (Language Only) | | | |
Habeeb |
Head |
Helsel |
Herring |
Hodges |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 159 | #1h | VIMS Enhance Bay Water Quality Assesment | $299,959 | $601,258 | | 285 | #1h | Increase Body Transport Fees | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 291 | #7h | Gloucester Mathews Free Clinic | $200,000 | $0 | | 301 | #11h | ID Case Management Transition Services | $262,506 | $301,686 | | 301 | #12h | Prohibit Change in Unit of Service or Reimbursement Rates for Mental Health Skill-Building Services (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #38h | Capture Medicaid Savings from Assets Remitted from Excess Burial and Funeral Amounts from Pre-Need C | ($20,000,000) | ($20,000,000) | | 308 | #14h | Increase Funds for Substance Use Disorder | $12,316,080 | $13,576,080 | | 308 | #15h | Start-up Funds for State Training Centers and Other Discharges | $360,000 | $340,000 | | 308 | #16h | Fund Specialized Nurses in CSBs | $3,380,000 | $3,380,000 | | 358 | #3h | Middle Peninsula State Park Operating Costs | $145,531 | $454,344 | | 362 | #1h | Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Access | $150,000 | $0 | | 363 | #2h | Review of Stormwater Program Fees (Language Only) | | | | C-6 | #1h | CWM Music Building | $2,604,000 | $0 | | C-6 | #1h | VIMS Plan Oyster Research Hatchery | $996,825 | $0 | | C-6 | #2h | CWM Heating and Cooling Plant | $1,336,000 | $0 | | C-43 | #2h | DCR Middle Peninsula Park Capital Pool | $8,000,000 | $0 | |
Hope |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 308 | #27h | Add ID/DD Services for 500 Individuals Not on Waiting Lists | $1,100,000 | $1,100,000 | | 308 | #28h | Eliminate Waiting List for Individual & Family Support Funds | $14,960,000 | $14,960,000 | | 308 | #29h | Fund Prevention Program Pilot in Region 2 CSBs | $3,200,000 | $0 | | 308 | #30h | Regional Pilot Programs for Day Support | $900,000 | $900,000 | | 325 | #3h | Add Funds for Long-Term Employment Support Services | $2,354,394 | $2,354,394 | |
Howell, Algie |
Howell, William |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 14 | #1h | Code Commisssion: Funding Dues & Travel | $57,000 | $57,000 | | 69 | #1h | Additional Funding for Jail Per Diems | $6,100,000 | $6,100,000 | | 101 | #9h | VA Israel Adv. Board | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 126 | #4h | Polar Plunge (Language Only) | | | | 186 | #1h | UMW Nursing | $150,000 | $200,000 | | 358 | #2h | Funding for Land Preservation | $12,900,000 | $0 | |
Hugo |
Ingram |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 68 | #2h | Dir. of Finance - 2% Sal. Adj. Entry Level Employees | $40,202 | $43,857 | | 69 | #3h | Comm. of Revenue - 2% Sal. Adj. for Entry Level Employees | $60,877 | $66,411 | | 70 | #2h | Asst Commonwealth's Attorneys' Career Development program | $356,980 | $356,980 | | 71 | #2h | Circuit Court Clerk - 5 FTEs Chesterfield County | $135,581 | $135,581 | | 72 | #3h | Treasurers - 2% Sal. Adj. for Entry Level Employees | $52,247 | $56,996 | | 101 | #3h | Biofuels Production Fund | $1,586,667 | $1,586,667 | | 240 | #1h | Comm for the Arts Grants | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 301 | #8h | Increase Rates Agency-directed Personal Care Services | $14,246,556 | $14,246,556 | | 301 | #13h | Requirements for Funding Opioid Treatment Services (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #14h | Require DMAS to Provide Pharmacy Claim Level Data (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #18h | Create Consumer-Directed Options for In-Home and Supported Employment (Language Only) | | | | 315 | #1h | Requirements for Funding Opioid Treatment Services (Language Only) | | | | 325 | #10h | Expand Services at Satellite CIL Serving Crater District | $178,499 | $178,499 | | 341 | #5h | Increase Funding for Child Advocacy Centers | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 384 | #1h | Assisting Families of Inmates | $20,000 | $20,000 | | 405 | #2h | Funding for VJCCCA Grant Program to Localities | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 467 | #2h | HB 1104 - Increase Retiree Health Credit | $5,828,000 | $5,828,000 | | 467 | #3h | HB 1105 - Minimum Life Insurance Benefit for State Employee Retirees | $957,000 | $957,000 | | 488 | #1h | Virginia Repertory Theatre | $350,000 | $0 | | 488 | #2h | Historic Hopewell Foundation/Weston Plantation | $100,000 | $0 | | C-18 | #1h | VCCS John Tyler Bird Hall and Nicholas Center | $2,538,000 | $0 | |
James |
Joannou |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 71 | #3h | Circuit Court Clerks - Electronic Transmission of Information (Language Only) | | | | 126 | #5h | Railroad Museum (Language Only) | | | | 326 | #1h | Jewish Family Service Guardianship Program | $66,126 | $66,126 | | 341 | #1h | Zion Innovative Opportunities Network | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 455 | #1h | VPA PILOT Fees | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 456 | #1h | Reduce VPA Admin for PILOT | ($50,000) | ($50,000) | | C-11 | #1h | ODU Plan Chemistry Building | $2,000,000 | $0 | |
Jones |
Keam |
Kilgore |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 63 | #2h | Reduce Funding for OSIG - Reduce Duplication with JLARC | ($1,000,000) | ($1,000,000) | | 73 | #2h | Compression Adjustment for Constitutional Office Employees | $9,257,059 | $9,257,059 | | 104 | #7h | Southwest Cultural Heritage Found. | $300,000 | $0 | | 105 | #1h | Motion Picture Opportunity Fund | $1,250,000 | $3,000,000 | | 126 | #3h | Southwest Regional Recreation Authority | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 135 | #9h | Project Discovery | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 162 | #7h | GMU Virginia Global Gateway | $325,000 | $325,000 | | 200 | #1h | UVA-Wise STEM Program | $310,383 | $916,001 | | 200 | #2h | UVA-Wise Appalachian Prosperity Project | $300,000 | $0 | | 249 | #1h | SWVHEC O & M New Building | $180,000 | $180,000 | | 282 | #1h | Norton Relay Center | $4,999,907 | $4,999,907 | | 291 | #3h | Graduate Medical Education Consortium - Health Authority Coordinator | $58,000 | $58,000 | | 291 | #4h | St. Mary's Health Wagon (Language Only) | | | | 291 | #5h | Graduate Medical Education Consortium at UVA-Wise (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #36h | Reduce Medicaid Spending from PPACA Activities | ($200,000,000) | ($200,000,000) | | 338 | #2h | Increase Auxiliary Grant Payments by 3 percent | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 341 | #4h | Increase Funding for Community Action Agencies | $2,400,000 | $2,400,000 | | 357 | #3h | Natural Heritage Funding | $900,000 | $900,000 | | C-14 | #1h | UVA-Wise Wylie Library Planning | $250,000 | $0 | |
Knight |
Kory |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 101 | #5h | Reduce MPOF | ($2,300,000) | ($2,300,000) | | 101 | #12h | MPOF Reduction for Tax Checks | ($200,000) | ($200,000) | | 136 | #20h | Additional English as a Second Language Teachers | $37,214,939 | $38,018,300 | | 136 | #21h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - Additional Slots | $32,042,000 | $69,835,000 | | 274 | #4h | HB 319 - Paper Checks for Tax Refunds | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 300 | #1h | Restore General Funds for FAMIS | $0 | $0 | | 301 | #32h | Redirect Tobacco Settlement Funds in the VHCF (Language Only) | | | | 357 | #1h | Reduce WQIF Deposit | ($757,000) | $0 | | 361 | #2h | ICPRB Back Dues and Current Dues | $606,000 | $151,000 | | 465 | #3h | HB 319 - Paper Checks for Tax Refunds (Language Only) | | | | 468 | #1h | Restore Funds to Tobacco Settlement Fund | $2,300,000 | $2,300,000 | |
Krupicka |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 62 | #1h | HB 204 - Searchable Database of Financial Disclosure Forms | $125,000 | $12,500 | | 101 | #10h | Reduce Incentives for Flood Control | ($1,000,000) | ($1,000,000) | | 134 | #2h | Data Analyst Positions | $180,000 | $180,000 | | 135 | #14h | Teach For America (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #22h | Virginia Initiative for Science Teaching and Achievement | $435,000 | $435,000 | | 136 | #12h | Virginia Preschool Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #13h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - PPA Increase | $23,300,000 | $23,400,000 | | 138 | #1h | Opportunity Educational Institution Reduction | ($180,000) | ($180,000) | | 138 | #2h | Eliminate Opportunity Educational Institution | ($600,059) | ($600,059) | | 138 | #4h | Opportunity Educational Institution (OEI) Reduction | ($435,000) | ($435,000) | | 142 | #3h | SCHEV Scholarship Program (Language Only) | | | | 357 | #13h | FEMA Flood Insurance Payment Reduction | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 4-7.01 | #1h | Suspend Lang. Related to 29 Hour Limit for PT Employees (Language Only) | | | |
Landes |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 84 | #2h | Funding to Support PT Registrars | $80,000 | $80,000 | | 108 | #1h | Local Fiscal Impact Review | $35,000 | $0 | | 130 | #1h | Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 135 | #23h | Supplemental Education Assistance Programs | ($1,691,249) | ($1,691,249) | | 166 | #2h | JMU Briery Recreation | $20,000 | $0 | | 168 | #1h | JMU O & M New Building | $2,263,593 | $2,263,593 | | 213 | #1h | VCCS Shenandoah Manufacturing Services, Blue Ridge | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 232 | #1h | FCM Additional Part-time Staff | $160,650 | $160,650 | | 232 | #2h | FCM Land Transfer | $0 | $0 | | 301 | #44h | Add 50 Developmentally Disabled Waiver Slots | $785,700 | $1,571,400 | | 301 | #46h | Transfer Budget and Operational Authority of ID and DD Services to DBHDS (Language Only) | | | | 357 | #12h | Nutient-Sediment Loading in Augusta Rivers | $85,000 | $77,000 | | 369 | #2h | Third Winchester Project | $50,000 | $0 | | 414 | #4h | Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (Language Only) | | | | 427 | #3h | I-81 Project Prioritization (Language Only) | | | | 445 | #1h | Crozet Tunnel Barrier (Language Only) | | | | C-8 | #1h | JMU Dining Hall | $80,736,705 | $0 | | C-18 | #13h | VCCS Student Success Building, Piedmont Va | $3,062,000 | $0 | | C-41 | #2h | FCM Roads, Paths and Parking Lots | $262,633 | $0 | |
LaRock |
Leftwich |
LeMunyon |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 37 | #4h | Fund Systems Impact of HB 438 | $315,000 | $0 | | 101 | #13h | Reduce GOF to Support Tax Reform | ($9,600,000) | ($9,600,000) | | 274 | #1h | HB 440 - Provide for Paper Checks for Tax Refunds | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 274 | #6h | HB 440 - Provide for Paper Checks for Tax Refunds | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 385 | #11h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 851 | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #12h | Creation of Prisoner Reentry Fund | $0 | $0 | | 465 | #1h | HB 440 - Allow Paper Checks for Tax Refunds (Language Only) | | | | 3-1.01 | #3h | GOF and Unappropriated Balance for Tax Relief (Language Only) | | | |
Lewis |
Lingamfelter |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 56 | #1h | Report Expenditures for Special Outside Counsel (Language Only) | | | | 66 | #1h | Funding for RSW Scheduled Opening | $740,510 | $47,626 | | 70 | #4h | Modify Lang. Related to Collection of Overdue Payments (Language Only) | | | | 83 | #1h | HB 31 - Include Party Affiliation in Voter Registration | $200,000 | $0 | | 104 | #1h | Northern Virginia Regional Commission | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 135 | #21h | STEM Education | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 142 | #4h | SCHEV HB 132 Funding | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 163 | #1h | GMU Transfer Loan Funds (Language Only) | | | | 279 | #2h | Reinvest CSA Savings to Expand Services (Language Only) | | | | 279 | #3h | Repeal Fiscal Disincentives for CSA Residential Services on July 1, 2014 | $4,200,000 | $4,200,000 | | 340 | #1h | Funds for Office of Immigrant Assistance | $427,000 | $250,000 | | 341 | #3h | Back to School Allowance - Backpack Program (Language Only) | | | | 341 | #8h | Funds for Northern Virginia Family Service | $750,000 | $0 | | 357 | #9h | Added Funding for Rappahannock River Basin Commission | $6,500 | $6,500 | | 385 | #1h | Increased Penalty for Use of Firearm in Felony | $1,375,113 | $0 | | 413 | #2h | VSP Radio Maintenance and Air Cards | $530,820 | $530,820 | | 413 | #3h | VSP Computer Maintenance and Peripherals | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 414 | #1h | State Police Gasoline and Vehicle Costs | $3,453,229 | $3,453,229 | | 415 | #2h | VSP Housing Allowance | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 419 | #4h | Additional Funding for GAP Fund | $1,300,000 | $1,300,000 | | 462 | #1h | War Memorial Grant Program for Other Organizations | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 467 | #1h | HB 306 - Prior Duty Towards Hazardous Duty Supplement | $50,000 | $50,000 | | C-7 | #1h | GMU Academic & Research Building | $3,573,000 | $0 | | C-7 | #2h | GMU Heating and Cooling Distribution System | $3,400,000 | $0 | | C-19 | #1h | VMI Moody Hall | $250,000 | $0 | | C-19 | #2h | VMI Post Infrastructure Improvements | $950,000 | $0 | |
Lopez |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 101 | #6h | Increase VIP Funding | $1,042,711 | $1,397,086 | | 101 | #8h | Increase GOF | $3,188,945 | $3,188,945 | | 108 | #1h | Housing Trust Fund | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 135 | #10h | Project Discovery | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 308 | #31h | Expand Regional Pilot Peer Model Recovery Program (PMRP) | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 339 | #2h | Kinship Navigator System for At-Risk Children | $199,500 | $199,500 | | 385 | #4h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 823 | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #5h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 812 | $50,000 | $0 | |
Loupassi |
Marshall, Danny |
Marshall, Robert |
Mason |
Massie |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 142 | #1h | SCHEV TAG Grant | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 144 | #1h | SCHEV MOOC | $75,000 | $0 | | 193 | #1h | UVA Undergraduate Enrollment | $4,061,861 | $11,123,863 | | 195 | #2h | UVA Technical Title Change | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 195 | #3h | UVA Cancer Research | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 197 | #1h | UVA Economic Development | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 242 | #1h | VMFA Convert Part-time | $271,803 | $271,803 | | 424 | #1h | CGI Master Services Agreement Language Revision (Language Only) | | | | C-14 | #1h | UVA Gilmer Hall | $6,000,000 | $0 | | C-14 | #2h | UVA Thornton Hall Clean Room | $2,400,000 | $0 | | C-14 | #3h | UVA STEM Faculty Recruitment Packages | $4,300,000 | $4,300,000 | |
McClellan |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 136 | #14h | Inflation and Compensation Funding | $70,425,859 | $70,425,859 | | 136 | #16h | Reading Specialists | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 136 | #17h | Additional Reading/Math Specialists | $32,400,000 | $32,400,000 | | 301 | #6h | Medicaid Eligibility for Virginia Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care in Another State | $182,000 | $182,000 | | 308 | #26h | Requirements for Funding Opioid Treatment Services (Language Only) | | | | 325 | #4h | Add Funds for Long-Term Employment Support Services | $2,354,394 | $2,354,394 | | 385 | #18h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 716 | $50,000 | $0 | | 389 | #3h | Create Human Trafficking Grant Program | $125,000 | $125,000 | |
Minchew |
Morris |
Morrissey |
O'Bannon |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 50 | #1h | HB 606 -Recommendations of Judicial Caseload Study | $9,000,000 | $9,000,000 | | 70 | #1h | Modify Lang. Related to Collection of Overdue Payments (Language Only) | | | | 76 | #1h | Lang. - Intergration of eVA and Cardinal (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #2h | Virginia Mentoring Partnership | $350,000 | $0 | | 204 | #2h | VCU Mental Health | $30,000 | $15,000 | | 270 | #1h | Dept of Tax - Reporting of Cigarette Tax Stamp Issues (Language Only) | | | | 279 | #4h | Require CSA to Conform to Administrative Process Act (Language Only) | | | | 291 | #1h | Poison Control Centers | $700,000 | $700,000 | | 301 | #2h | Conversion to Price-Based System of Payment for Nursing Facilities (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #30h | Sustain Medicaid Rates to Physicians at Medicare Level | $37,700,000 | $75,400,000 | | 304 | #1h | Center for Health Innovation - Develop Health Care Metrics | $25,000 | $25,000 | | 306 | #1h | Expand Funding for DBHDS Trust Fund (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #1h | Reporting of Utilization & Expenditures of ID/DD Programs (Language Only) | | | | 325 | #2h | Consumer Service Grant Program | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 462 | #2h | Continuation of Executive Assistant Position | $0 | $100,000 | | 479 | #1h | Funding for Financial Literacy Initiative | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 481 | #1h | VCSP - Additional Administrative Support | $1,604,071 | $1,559,071 | | C-17 | #1h | VCU Sanger Hall | $24,309,000 | $0 | | C-17 | #2h | VCU Raleigh Building | $8,421,000 | $0 | | C-43 | #1h | VMFA Gallery Capital Pool | $0 | $0 | | 4-6.01 | #1h | Allow Salary Supplement for CEO of VCSP (Language Only) | | | |
O'Quinn |
Orrock |
Peace |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 1 | #3h | Transportation Accountability Commission (Language Only) | | | | 1 | #4h | Transportation Accountability to Evaluate Project Selection Criteria (Language Only) | | | | 63 | #1h | OSIG - Automated Enterprise Analytics Process | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 66 | #3h | Funding for Master Deputy Program | $1,274,176 | $1,274,176 | | 68 | #1h | Finance Dir. - 2% Salary Adj. for Entry Level Staff | $40,202 | $43,857 | | 69 | #1h | Comm. of Revenue - 2% salary adj. for Entry Level Employees | $60,877 | $66,411 | | 72 | #1h | Treasurers -2% Salary Adj. for Entry Level Employees | $52,247 | $56,996 | | 104 | #9h | Reduce SW Cult Heritage for Comp Bd. Compensation | ($153,326) | ($167,265) | | 120 | #2h | International Trade Task Force (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #19h | Career and Technical Education Governor School (Language Only) | | | | 138 | #3h | Eliminate Opportunity Educational Institution | ($600,059) | ($600,059) | | 301 | #3h | Restore Inflationary Adjustment for Inpatient Hospital Services | $34,735,496 | $36,849,416 | | 301 | #16h | Restore Funding for Durable Medical Equipment | $4,866,000 | $4,866,000 | | 301 | #23h | Require DMAS to Implement Restructured Audit Program to Improve Program Efficiency and Effectiveness (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #24h | Requires DMAS to Pay Same Rates for Mental Health Support Services (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #25h | Modify Mental Health Care Coordination Provisions (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #27h | Intensive In-Home and Community Mental Health Work Group (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #28h | Modify Authorization of Mental Health Assessments (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #31h | Include Private Providers in Discussion of Cost-Savings (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #40h | Clarify Medicaid Managed and Coordinated Care for Individuals with ID/DD (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #41h | Modify Requirements for Nursing Experience in Medicaid Technology Assisted Waiver (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #2h | Modify Language Guiding System Transformation (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #2h | Implement Mental Health Bed Reporting System (Language Only) | | | | 307 | #3h | Regional Family Support Councils (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #2h | Modify Language Related to Children's Crises Services to Add Private Providers (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #3h | Modify Intent Language for Community MH, ID, and Substance Abuse Services (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #4h | Modify Language Require 50% of Funds for Emergency Services Be Used in Public-Private Partnerships (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #5h | Modify Language Related to Children's Outpatient Mental Health Service to Include Private-Public Par (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #6h | Modify Language Related to Mental Health Services for Children to Include Private-Public Partnership (Language Only) | | | | 326 | #2h | Add Funds for Public Guardian and Conservator Program | $409,000 | $409,000 | | 338 | #1h | Transfer Funds for Domestic Violence Services to Sexual and Domestic Violence Services Fund | ($7,750,000) | ($7,750,000) | | 343 | #2h | Restore Funding for Healthy Families Virginia | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 360 | #4h | Woodhaven Shores Dam | $300,000 | $0 | | 389 | #2h | Additional Funding for Victim-Witness Fund | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 389 | #5h | Transfer Sexual and Domestic Violence Funding to CICF | ($5,317,500) | ($5,317,500) | | 432 | #1h | Air Service Plan (Language Only) | | | | 440 | #1h | Rail Enhancement Fund Match Requirements (Language Only) | | | | 445 | #2h | Richmond Gateway Signage (Language Only) | | | | 467 | #4h | Employee Health Insurance - Parity Rx Co-payments (Language Only) | | | | 468 | #4h | Cooperative Grant Fund for Tourism and Heritage Sites (Language Only) | | | | 487 | #1h | Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention | $10,600,000 | $18,000,000 | | 487 | #2h | Transfer Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Funding | $5,317,500 | $5,317,500 | | 487 | #3h | Transfer Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Funding | $7,750,000 | $7,750,000 | |
Pogge |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 135 | #4h | Project Discovery | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 136 | #7h | Non-personal Costs for Inflation | $38,200,000 | $38,400,000 | | 301 | #37h | Modify Mental Health Skill Building Service Requirements to Allow for Assessment Similary to VICAP (Language Only) | | | | 308 | #12h | Expand Funds for Colonial Behavioral Health CIT | $1,250,000 | $1,250,000 | | 308 | #13h | Increase CIT Funds for Colonial Behavioral Health | $70,000 | $70,000 | | 325 | #12h | Add Funds and Define Services for LTESS | $505,990 | $550,990 | | 405 | #3h | Funding for VJCCCA Grant Program to Localities | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | C-18 | #3h | VCCS Advanced Manufacturing Center, Thomas Nelson | $1,200,000 | $0 | |
Poindexter |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 84 | #1h | 2% Salary Adjustment for General Registrars | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 94 | #1h | Hydrilla Control | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 357 | #8h | Additional SWCD Funding | $1,200,500 | $1,200,500 | | 361 | #4h | Smith Mountain Lake Water Quality Monitoring | $20,000 | $20,000 | | 364 | #1h | Roanoke River Bi-State Commission | $22,400 | $22,400 | | 468 | #5h | Lang. - FACT Fund Use in Event of Fed. Shutdown (Language Only) | | | | 468 | #6h | Adjust Funding for Slavery and Freedom Heritage Site | ($6,319,375) | $0 | | C-43 | #4h | RHEA Culinary Arts | $3,015,375 | $0 | |
Ramadan |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 83 | #2h | Funding for the Purchase of Additional Voting Machines | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 83 | #3h | SBE - Purchase Electronic Registration Tech. for DMV Centers | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 101 | #4h | Reduce Motion Picture Fund | ($1,000,000) | ($1,000,000) | | 136 | #10h | Restore COCA Funding for Support Positions | $36,057,920 | $36,843,845 | | 413 | #1h | Funding for HB 195-Supplemental Sex Offender Registry | $25,000 | $0 | | 441 | #1h | Telework Grant Program | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | |
Ransone |
Rasoul |
Robinson |
Rush |
Rust |
Scott, Edward |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 197 | #1h | Transfer UVA Hospital Funds to DMAS for Supplemental Payments (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #35h | Supplemental Payments for Qualifying Private Hospital Partners of Type One Hospitals (Language Only) | | | | 357 | #5h | Surplus Distributed by Soil and Water Conservation Board (Language Only) | | | | 357 | #6h | Agricultural Best Management Practices Funding | $3,200,000 | $23,000,000 | | 357 | #10h | Rappahannock River Basin Stream Gauges Study | $170,000 | $0 | | 357 | #11h | Chesapeake Bay License Plate Advisory Committee | $253,750 | $0 | | C-18 | #6h | VCCS Replace Slaughter Building, Germanna | $2,512,000 | $0 | | C-19.08 | #1h | VT Extension Kentland Facilities | $7,600,000 | $0 | |
Sickles |
Simon |
Stolle |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 130 | #6h | SOL Test Consolidations Savings | ($1,500,000) | ($1,500,000) | | 135 | #20h | Achievable Dream | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 283 | #1h | Federal State Loan Repayment Program | $800,000 | $800,000 | | 297 | #1h | Authority for Board of Medicine Training (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #1h | Supplemental Payments to Physician Affiliated with EVMS (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #26h | Modify Proposed Changes to DSH Funding Formula (Language Only) | | | | C-18 | #4h | VCCS Renovate Princess Anne Building, Tidewater | $2,230,000 | $0 | |
Surovell |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 37 | #1h | Virginia Community Dispute Resolution Center Grant Program | $750,000 | $750,000 | | 37 | #2h | Veterans Court Pilot Program - Fairfax County | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 37 | #3h | Fund Systems Impact of HB 250 | $315,000 | $0 | | 50 | #2h | Authorize Filling 3 Judicial Vacancies - 19th Circuit and 19th Gen District (Language Only) | | | | 56 | #2h | Report Expenditures for Special Outside Counsel (Language Only) | | | | 134 | #1h | Annual Report of Broadband Access, Services, & PC Ownership (Language Only) | | | | 361 | #1h | Interstate Commission on Potomac River Basin Dues | $151,000 | $151,000 | | 385 | #14h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 941 | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #15h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 945 | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #16h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of Sexting | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #17h | Correctional Bed Space Impact of HB 964 | $50,000 | $0 | | 419 | #1h | Data Scientist in Residence | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 439 | #2h | Route 1 Study (Language Only) | | | |
Torian |
Toscano |
Tyler |
Villanueva |
Ware |
Watts |
Webert |
Wilt |
Wright |
Yancey |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 105 | #1h | Remove Cap on # of Ent. Zones | $3,000,000 | $0 | | 147 | #1h | CNU Full-time Faculty | $977,000 | $977,000 | | 147 | #2h | CNU STEM Degrees | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 288 | #1h | Authority to Collect Patient Origin Data from Nursing Homes | $0 | $25,000 | | C-4 | #1h | CNU Preplan Admin Support Space | $250,000 | $0 | | C-4 | #1h | CNU Expand Dining Hall | $6,942,500 | $0 | | C-4 | #2h | CNU Fine Arts | $2,000,000 | $0 | | C-4 | #3h | CNU Library, Phase II | $46,750,000 | $0 | | 3-1.01 | #2h | GOF Balances for Ent. Zone Program (Language Only) | | | |
Yost |
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 | | 135 | #24h | Western Virginia Public Education Consortium | $50,000 | $0 | | 142 | #2h | SCHEV Student Fin Aid | $5,500,000 | $0 | | 221 | #1h | VT ICAT | $602,304 | $889,304 | | 223 | #1h | VT Brain Disorder Research | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 301 | #7h | Reinvest 50% of Medicaid Savings from Mental Health Skill Building Services | ($8,000,000) | ($15,000,000) | | 308 | #17h | Provide Funds for Prevention Services | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 308 | #18h | Crisis Response Treatment Pilot Programs | $4,124,000 | $4,124,000 | | 308 | #19h | Rate Increase for TDO Beds for Specialized Treatment | $750,000 | $750,000 | | 308 | #20h | Capture Savings from Mental Health Skill Building Services | $8,000,000 | $15,000,000 | | 308 | #21h | Fund Crisis Response Continuum | $4,800,000 | $4,800,000 | | 308 | #22h | Discharge Assistance Planning Funds | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 308 | #23h | Add Four PACT Teams | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 369 | #1h | Mary Draper Ingles Statue | $55,000 | $0 | | 415 | #3h | Divide VSP Area 40 into Two Areas | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 463 | #1h | Update Virginia Tech Veteran Report | $190,000 | $0 | | C-13 | #1h | Radford Whitt Hall | $6,283,642 | $0 | | C-19 | #2h | VT Renovate/Renew Academic Buildings | $26,302,000 | $0 | |