Legislative Department | | |
Judicial Department | | |
Executive Department | | |
Office of Administration | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 69 | #1h | Funding for New staffing at Piedmont Regional Jail | $0 | $1,208,247 | | 70 | #1h | Remove Partial Overhead Cost Recovery for Piedmont Regional Jail | $0 | ($272,967) | | 70 | #2h | Exempt ICE Detainees from Overhead Cost Recovery (Language Only) | | | | 73 | #1h | Strike Prohibition Against Treasurers Collecting Fees on a Contingency Fee Basis (Language Only) | | | | 73 | #2h | Strike Prohibition Against Treasurers Collecting Fees on a Contingency Fee Basis (Language Only) | | | | 73 | #3h | Strike Prohibition Against Treasurers Collecting Fees on a Contingency Fee Basis (Language Only) | | | | 73 | #4h | Strike Prohibition Against Treasurers Collecting Fees on a Contingency Fee Basis (Language Only) | | | | 73 | #5h | Allow Spotsylvania Treasurer to Collect Overdue Fees on Contingency Basis (Language Only) | | | | 74 | #1h | Full-Time Position for Craig County Circuit Court Clerk | $0 | $35,700 | | 76 | #1h | Continue Workgroup Reviewing VARisk (Language Only) | | | | 76 | #2h | Adjust Positions Table to Reflect New Piedmont Regional Jail Staffing (Language Only) | | | | 76 | #3h | Full-Time Position for Craig County Circuit Court Clerk (Language Only) | | | | 80 | #1h | DGS - LED Bulb Procurement | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 80 | #2h | Virginia Indian Commemorative Commission | $0 | $100,000 | | 85 | #1h | Shared Savings Incentive Program (Language Only) | | | | 86 | #1h | Secure Electronic Ballots for Overseas Military Personnel | $0 | $400,000 | | 86 | #2h | HB 1598 - Proof of Citizenship Required to Vote | $0 | $200,000 | | 86 | #3h | HB 1431 - Tracking of Third-Party Voter Registration Groups | $0 | $100,000 | | 87 | #1h | Increase Salary for Registrars to Equal Treasurers | $0 | $5,704,958 | |
Office of Agriculture and Forestry | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 88 | #1h | Review Options to Expand Viability Farm Wineries (Language Only) | | | | 88 | #2h | Review Options to Expand Viability Farm Wineries (Language Only) | | | | 88 | #3h | Review Options to Expand Viability Farm Wineries (Language Only) | | | | 89 | #1h | Fund Study on Grocery Store Food Donations | $0 | $75,000 | | 91 | #1h | Restore Farmland Preservation Funding | $0 | $750,000 | | 91 | #2h | Encourage Focus on VA Grown Products at Farmer's Markets (Language Only) | | | | 93 | #1h | Restore Coyote and Vulture Control Funding | $96,250 | $192,500 | | 93 | #2h | Restore Beehive Grant Funding | $0 | $125,000 | | 97 | #1h | Eliminate Increase in Non-Restaurant Food Inspection Fee | $0 | ($80,000) | | 99 | #1h | Transfer Charitable Gaming to NGF Status | $0 | $0 | | 101 | #1h | Restore RT Funding | $0 | $300,000 | | 101 | #2h | Restore RT Funding | $0 | $300,000 | | 101 | #3h | Restore RT Funding | $0 | $300,000 | | 101 | #4h | Eliminate New Silvicultural Inspection Fee | $0 | $0 | | 101 | #5h | Restore RT Funding - No Use of AR System | $0 | $113,360 | | 101 | #6h | Restore RT Funding - No Use of AR System | $0 | $113,360 | | 101 | #7h | Require GA Approval of Forestry Land Sales (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Commerce and Trade | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 108 | #1h | Homeless Veterans Housing and Services | $0 | $250,000 | | 108 | #2h | Housing for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness (Language Only) | | | | 108 | #3h | Increases Housing Trust Fund; contingent | $8,250,000 | $8,250,000 | | 109 | #1h | Virginia Broadband Telecommunications Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 109 | #2h | City of Chesapeake (Language Only) | | | | 109 | #3h | Virginia Broadband Telecommunications Initiative | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 109 | #4h | Enterprise Zone Program | $2,000,000 | $1,835,533 | | 109 | #5h | Southwest Regional Planning District Commissions | $0 | $500,000 | | 116 | #1h | Child Labor Regulation and Prevention | $100,488 | $100,488 | | 119 | #1h | Big Stone Gap and Lebanon Offices | $0 | $35,000 | | 120 | #1h | Solar Energy Program | $0 | ($1,100,000) | | 123 | #1h | Small Business and Supplier Diversity | $0 | $25,000 | | 125 | #1h | Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund | $0 | $1,302,366 | | 125 | #2h | Host Cities Economic Development Incentive Program | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 125 | #3h | National Institute of Seafood and Aquaculture | $0 | $500,000 | | 129 | #1h | Tourism Promotion | $248,772 | $0 | | 129 | #2h | See Virginia First Program | $65,006 | $0 | | 129 | #3h | Southwest Regional Recreation Authority | $15,000 | $22,500 | | 129 | #4h | Virginia Tourism Authority Tax Credit | $0 | ($3,000,000) | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 130 | #1h | Develop Implementation Plan of BOE SOQ Recommendations (Language Only) | | | | 132 | #1h | Comprehensive Evaluation of School Discipline Practices | $0 | $50,000 | | 132 | #2h | Mental Health Screening Pilot | $0 | $436,250 | | 132 | #3h | Long-Range, Statewide Inclusion Plan (Language Only) | | | | 134 | #1h | Report of Pupil/Teacher Ratios | $0 | $100,000 | | 136 | #1h | Teacher Exit Survey | $0 | $125,000 | | 137 | #1h | Study the Adequacy of Resources to Divisions | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 138 | #1h | PreK Mixed Delivery Exemption (Language Only) | | | | 138 | #2h | Supplemental Education Assistance Programs | $0 | ($20,393,945) | | 138 | #3h | Targeted Extended School Year and Year Round Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 138 | #4h | Expand Teacher Residency Program | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 138 | #6h | Computer Science Teacher Training (Language Only) | | | | 138 | #7h | SPARK Summer Program | $0 | $200,000 | | 138 | #8h | College Partnership Laboratory School | $0 | $50,000 | | 138 | #9h | Vocational Lab Pilot (Language Only) | | | | 138 | #10h | Rappahannock County School Division | $0 | $1,300,000 | | 138 | #12h | Expand Tuition Eligibility for College Students (Language Only) | | | | 139 | #1h | Reduce K-6 Class Size Ratios | $0 | $3,701,352 | | 139 | #2h | Specific Type of Mandatory Vision Screening | $0 | $1,900,000 | | 139 | #3h | Fund COCA for Support Positions | $0 | $23,000,000 | | 139 | #4h | Additional Funding for Nurses | $0 | $1,800,000 | | 139 | #5h | Increase ESL Teachers | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 139 | #6h | Decrease Science Lab Class Size | $0 | $5,100,000 | | 139 | #7h | Dual Enrollment Policy (Language Only) | | | | 139 | #8h | Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts (Language Only) | | | | 139 | #9h | Establish Governor's School Funding Task Force (Language Only) | | | | 139 | #10h | Dual Enrollment for Homeschoolers | $0 | $6,700,000 | | 139 | #11h | Power Scholars Academy (Language Only) | | | | 140 | #1h | Federal Grant Programs (Language Only) | | | | 144 | #1h | SCHEV - Increase TAG Award (Language Only) | | | | 144 | #2h | SCHEV - Expand VMSDEP | $0 | $900,000 | | 146 | #1h | SCHEV - Increased Operating Support | $0 | $250,000 | | 146 | #2h | SCHEV - Restore VWIL Funding | $15,395 | $23,092 | | 146 | #3h | SCHEV - Substance Abuse Awareness | $0 | $25,000 | | 158 | #1h | RBC - Restore Reductions and APA Recommendations | $0 | $828,532 | | 162 | #1h | VIMS - Restore Cuts | $0 | $1,039,390 | | 165 | #1h | GMU - Increased Funding | $0 | $14,850,000 | | 189 | #1h | UMW - Regional Economic Development Initiatives | $0 | $250,000 | | 196 | #1h | UVA - Reductions | $0 | $0 | | 203 | #1h | UVA-Wise - O & M New Buildings | $546,649 | $1,089,617 | | 214 | #1h | VCCS - TANF Scholarship | $0 | $800,000 | | 216 | #1h | VCCS - Technoclogy and Advanced Manufacturing Center | $0 | $100,000 | | 216 | #2h | Virginia Western CC Mechatronics Pilot | $0 | $310,000 | | 224 | #1h | VT - Cybersecurity | $0 | $500,000 | | 226 | #1h | VT - Research Initiatives | $0 | $2,500,000 | | 229 | #1h | VT Extension - Fund Spit (Technical) | $0 | $172,640 | | 229 | #2h | VT Extension - Restore Cuts | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 229 | #3h | VT Extension Economic Development Opportunities (Language Only) | | | | 235 | #1h | FCM - Additional Staff | $0 | $300,000 | | 237 | #1h | JYF - Staffing | $0 | $165,433 | | 238 | #1h | JYF 2019 - Procurement (Language Only) | | | | 239 | #1h | LOV - Archive Management | $0 | $294,250 | | 240 | #1h | LOV - Library Services | $0 | $428,571 | | 241 | #1h | LOV - Local Library Aid | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 247 | #1h | EVMS DMAS Transfer (Language Only) | | | | 249 | #1h | NCI Restructuring (Language Only) | | | | 255.10 | #1h | Create Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority | $0 | $225,000 | | 255.10 | #2h | Create Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority | $0 | $225,000 | |
Office of Finance | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 284 | #1h | Eliminate Funding for Statewide Gap Analysis of MH System | $0 | ($4,500,000) | | 284 | #2h | Reduce Funding for Statewide Gap Analysis of MH System | $0 | ($500,000) | | 284 | #3h | Local Representation in Mental Health System Evaluation (Language Only) | | | | 284 | #4h | Modify Contract for Community-Based Mental Health System Analysis (Language Only) | | | | 284 | #5h | Implementation Plan for Kinship Navigator Program (Language Only) | | | | 285 | #1h | Eliminate Set Aside for CSA Wrap Around Services (Language Only) | | | | 285 | #2h | Fund Match Rate Change for CSA Special Education Wrap Around Services | $0 | $400,000 | | 285 | #3h | CSA Demonstration Grants (Language Only) | | | | 285 | #4h | CSA Demonstration Grants | $250,000 | $0 | | 285 | #5h | Remove Local Match in CSA for Residential Services | $0 | $28,526,197 | | 285 | #6h | Carve Out & Transfer CSA Funding for Students with Disabilities to DOE (Language Only) | | | | 288 | #1h | Restore Funds for Physician Loan Repayment Program | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 289 | #1h | Eliminate RSAF Set-Aside for 12-Lead EKG Monitors (Language Only) | | | | 290 | #1h | Restore Funds for Transportation of Decedents | $0 | $100,000 | | 291 | #1h | Electronic Death Registration System Requirements (Language Only) | | | | 291 | #2h | Fund Impact of HB 1846 Filing of Death Certificates | $25,000 | $0 | | 292 | #1h | Fund Fiscal Impact of HB 2317 Harm Reduction Program | $0 | $200,000 | | 296 | #1h | Southwest Virginia Graduate Medical Education Consortium (Language Only) | | | | 297 | #1h | Increase Funds for Water Supply Assistance Grant Fund | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 298 | #1h | Analyze Synthetic Turf Health Effects (Language Only) | | | | 298 | #2h | Restore Funding for Soil Scientists | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 300 | #1h | ED Care Coordination Technology Solution | $0 | $1,200,000 | | 300 | #2h | Review of Trauma Center Funding (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #1h | Restore Language Prohibiting Personal Attendant Overtime | $0 | ($17,071,688) | | 306 | #2h | Restore Language Prohibiting Medicaid Expansion (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #3h | Medicaid's Cap on Managed Care Organization Profits | $0 | $250,000 | | 306 | #4h | Improve Medicaid's Capitation Rate-Setting Process | $0 | $965,003 | | 306 | #5h | Medicaid Improvements in Long-Term Services and Supports Screening | $0 | $1,375,000 | | 306 | #6h | Report on Administrative Needs to Manage Medicaid Spending (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #7h | Restore FY 18 Inflation for Medicaid Hospital Inpatient Payments | $0 | $34,000,000 | | 306 | #8h | Supplemental Hospital Payments Program (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #9h | Modify Supplemental Payment Methodology for Public Nursing Homes (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #10h | Add 693 DD Waiver Slots to Transition Priority 1 Individuals from EDCD Waiver | $0 | $22,044,572 | | 306 | #11h | Allocate Funds for 144 FIS Waiver Slots and Add 400 FIS Waiver Slots | $0 | $12,721,600 | | 306 | #12h | Increase Nursing Facility Payments | $0 | $13,042,732 | | 306 | #13h | Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Demonstration Program | $0 | $150,000 | | 306 | #14h | Require Medicaid Waiver Consumer Directed Aides to Verify Visits (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #15h | Develop and Incentivize Use of Electronic Visit Verification System | $0 | $18,872,026 | | 306 | #16h | Medicaid Audit of Live-in Caretakers in Waiver Programs (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #17h | Revise IME Payments for CHKD (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #18h | Restore FY 18 Inflation for CHKD Medicaid Payments | $0 | $2,749,444 | | 306 | #19h | Medicaid Appeals (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #20h | Increase DD Waiver Group Supported Employment Payments | $0 | $500,000 | | 306 | #21h | Increase Reimbursement for Direct Support Staff in DD Waivers | $0 | $5,700,000 | | 306 | #22h | Review of DD Waiver Provider Rate Setting Methodology (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #23h | DD Waiver Provider Audit Hold Harmless Provisions (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #24h | Information on Sponsored Residential Services | $0 | $500,000 | | 306 | #25h | Increase DD Waiver Group Supported Employment Payments | $0 | $500,000 | | 306 | #26h | Supplemental Medicaid Payments to Certain Teaching Hospitals (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #27h | Report on CCC Plus Program Rates (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #28h | Medicaid Pharmacy Liaison Committee Meetings and Input (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #29h | MCO Reporting on Medicaid Pharmacy Claims (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #30h | Reassign Building Independence Waiver Slots to Family & Individual Support Waiver | $0 | $1,380,000 | | 306 | #31h | Evaluation of Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #32h | Modify Peer Group Assignment for Danville, Pittsylvania Nursing Facilities | $0 | $3,207,820 | | 306 | #33h | Funding for Medicaid Medical Residency Slots (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #34h | Strategies for Medicaid Financing of Supportive Housing Svs. (Language Only) | | | | 306 | #35h | Restore FY 18 Inflation for CHKD Medicaid Payments | $0 | $2,749,444 | | 306 | #36h | Paid Sick Leave for Consumer-Directed Care Providers | $0 | $2,975,532 | | 306 | #39h | Delay Changes in Medicaid Children's Residential Treatment Services | $0 | $2,975,532 | | 306 | #40h | Medicaid Enrollment of U.S. Military Health Care Providers (Language Only) | | | | 310 | #1h | Medicaid Workgroup on Brain Injury Data, Costs and Rates (Language Only) | | | | 311 | #1h | Regulation of Providers (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #1h | Validation of the SIS (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #2h | Psychiatric Patient Registry | $0 | $100,000 | | 313 | #3h | DD Waiver Reporting Requirements (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #4h | Maintain Nursing Unit at CVTC (Language Only) | | | | 314 | #1h | Increase Early Intervention Case Management Rate | $0 | $6,055,160 | | 314 | #2h | HB 1975 Fiscal Impact Minimum TDO Period | $0 | $400,000 | | 314 | #3h | Special Olympics Healthy Athlete Program | $0 | $10,000 | | 314 | #4h | The Chas Foundation | $165,582 | $0 | | 315 | #1h | Child Psychiatry and Children's Crisis Response | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 315 | #2h | Expand Supportive Housing for Mentally Ill | $0 | $10,260,000 | | 315 | #3h | Require Inclusion of Private Providers Similar for Same Day Access & Other Services (Language Only) | | | | 315 | #4h | Mobile Crisis Team for Colonial Behavioral Health | $800,000 | $730,000 | | 315 | #5h | Funding for the Northwestern Community Services Board | $0 | $500,000 | | 315 | #6h | Valley CSB Planning Grant for Detox & Crisis Stab. Unit | $400,000 | $0 | | 315 | #7h | Medication Assisted Treatment (Language Only) | | | | 332 | #1h | Increase Funds for Vocational Rehabilitation Services | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 332 | #2h | Increase Funding for Brain Injury Services | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 332 | #3h | Increase Funds for Extended Employment Services | $0 | $703,746 | | 332 | #4h | Increase Funds for Extended Employment Services | $0 | $703,746 | | 332 | #5h | Increase Funds for Extended Employment Services | $0 | $703,746 | | 332 | #6h | Long Term Employment Support Services Program | $0 | $400,000 | | 332 | #7h | Transition Long Term Employment Support Services to Integrated Settings (Language Only) | | | | 332 | #8h | Restore Funds for Centers for Independent Living | $200,000 | $0 | | 332 | #9h | Restore & Add Funds for Long-Term Employment Support Services | $200,000 | $600,000 | | 332 | #10h | Increase Funding for Brain Injury Services | $375,000 | $0 | | 333 | #1h | Restore & Add Funds for Care Coordination for Older Virginians | $1,040,000 | $490,000 | | 333 | #2h | Restore & Add Funds for Care Coordination for Older Virginians | $1,040,000 | $490,000 | | 333 | #3h | Restore Pharmacy Connect Program | $145,834 | $0 | | 333 | #4h | Dementia Care Management | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 341 | #1h | Technical - Transfer Funds for 2-1-1 System to Admin. Budget | $0 | $111,000 | | 342 | #1h | Change Locality Grouping for TANF Assistance Payments | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 342 | #2h | Reform Locality Groupings for TANF Program | $2,590,000 | $2,590,000 | | 342 | #3h | TANF Child Support Payments | $0 | $8,000,000 | | 342 | #4h | Increase TANF Benefit Payments by Inflation Adjustment | $0 | $15,800,000 | | 342 | #5h | Increase TANF Benefit Payments by 10% | $0 | $4,462,661 | | 348 | #1h | Virginia Early Childhood Foundation | $0 | $0 | | 348 | #2h | Child Advocacy Centers Funding | $0 | $0 | | 348 | #3h | TANF Funds for Local Community Wealth Building Programs | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 348 | #4h | TANF Funds for Employment and Training | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 348 | #5h | Restore Funds for Va Alzheimer's Association Chapters | $0 | $70,000 | | 348 | #6h | Technical Transfer of Funds to Adminstrative Budget | $0 | ($111,000) | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 363.10 | #1h | Create Secretary of Coastal Protection and Flooding Adaptation | $0 | $250,000 | | 364 | #1h | Lake Arrowhead Dam Funding | $400,000 | $0 | | 364 | #2h | Lincolnshire Dam Funding | $0 | $300,000 | | 364 | #3h | Fully Fund Ag BMP Requirements | $0 | $43,434,326 | | 364 | #4h | Provide Ag BMP Funding | $0 | $10,000,000 | | 364 | #5h | Use WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs | $0 | $8,274,474 | | 364 | #6h | Use WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs | $0 | $8,274,474 | | 364 | #7h | SWCD Engineering Support | $0 | $200,000 | | 364 | #8h | Encourage Resource Mgmt Plans (Language Only) | | | | 364 | #9h | Natural Heritage Program Funding | $0 | $2,448,129 | | 364 | #10h | Reflect Increased Dedication of Recordation Fee to NRCF (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #1h | Partial Restoration of Funding for Swift Creek Bike Trail | $400,000 | $0 | | 365 | #2h | Restore Ch. 780 Language on Parkland Acquisition (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #3h | Youth Corps Funding | $612,537 | $612,537 | | 365 | #4h | Use of VOF Revenues for Admin Expenses (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #5h | Clarify Filing Fee Applies to Conveyancing Instruments (Language Only) | | | | 365 | #6h | Widewater Park Operating Costs | $0 | $487,945 | | 365 | #7h | VA Land Conservation Fund | $0 | $3,500,000 | | 367 | #1h | Site Assessment Work CVTC | $0 | $430,000 | | 368 | #2h | DEQ Data on Litter Contamination of Water and Soil | $0 | $300,000 | | 368 | #3h | Evaluation of Environmental Concerns in Buchannan Creek | $0 | $500,000 | | 370 | #1h | Stormwater Assistance Funding | $0 | $20,000,000 | | 370 | #2h | Stormwater Assistance Funding | $0 | $20,000,000 | | 370 | #3h | HRSD Extensometer | $0 | $1,350,000 | | 370 | #4h | Create Storage Tank Safety Program | $2,500,000 | $2,200,000 | | 371 | #1h | Inventory of Hazardous Sites | $190,000 | $190,000 | | 372 | #1h | Study of Zebra and Quagga Mussels (Language Only) | | | | 376 | #1h | Repair Historic Bob White Covered Bridge (Language Only) | | | | 376 | #2h | Restore Battlefields Preservation Funding | $207,615 | $323,472 | | 376 | #3h | Restore Battlefields Preservation Funding | $207,615 | $323,472 | | 376 | #4h | VA Memorial at Gettysburg | $90,000 | $0 | | 378 | #1h | Defer Privatization of Oyster Lease Surveying Services | $0 | $72,879 | | 380 | #1h | Restore Saltwater Fishing Tournament (Language Only) | | | | 381 | #1h | Report on Uses of the Saltwater Recreational Fishing Development Fund (Language Only) | | | | 382 | #1h | Design of Waynesboro Branch VMNH | $270,000 | $20,000 | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 383 | #1h | Fund State Match for Hampton Roads and Northern Neck Flooding Study | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 386 | #1h | ABC - Transfer Command Vehicle to VDEM (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #1h | HB 1856 - Indefinite Term of Probation Until Restitution Paid in Full | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #1h | HB 1913 - Purchase of Cigarettes for Resale | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #2h | HB 2288 - Installation of Ransomware on the Computer of Another | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #3h | HB 2253 - Display of a Firearm in Commission of a Felony | $0 | $4,175,024 | | 394 | #4h | HB 1616 - Felony Homicide & Distribution of Schedule I or II Substance | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #5h | HB 1441 - Financial Exploitation of Incapacitated Persons | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #6h | HB 1815 - Computer Trespass | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #7h | HB 1473 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #8h | HB 1788 - Exploitation of Incapacitated Persons | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #9h | HB 1769 - Acts Against Military Personnel | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #10h | HB 2062 - Sworn Municipal Park Rangers as Law Enforcement Officers | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #11h | HB 1522 - Eligibility for Capital Punishment of Individuals with Severe Mental Illness | $0 | $50,000 | | 394 | #12h | Prohibition on Sex Offenders from Being in Proximity to Children (Language Only) | | | | 394 | #13h | HB 2252 -Illegal Voter Registration | $0 | $50,000 | | 395 | #1h | Law Enforcement Training Standards (Language Only) | | | | 398 | #1h | Increase PAPIS Funding | $600,000 | $600,000 | | 398 | #2h | Appropriation for Comprehensive Community Corrections and Pretrial Services Programs | $0 | $600,000 | | 398 | #3h | Restore Local Victim-Witness Program Funding | $0 | $1,691,300 | | 398 | #4h | SOUTHWEST CARES Program | $0 | $50,000 | | 398 | #5h | Virginia Firearms Safety and Training for Sexual and Domestic Violence Victims Fund | $0 | $10,000 | | 398 | #6h | Model Addiction Recovery Programs | $0 | $153,600 | | 398 | #7h | Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Funding | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 398 | #8h | Virginia Law Enforcement Assistance Program | $0 | $60,000 | | 398 | #9h | Truancy Officer for Buckingham County | $0 | $75,000 | | 398 | #10h | Required Reporting of Law Enforcement Entities (Language Only) | | | | 398 | #11h | Community Corrections Program - Henrico County | $19,289 | $57,547 | | 398 | #12h | Newport News STEP Program | $0 | $250,000 | | 400 | #1h | HB599 Funding | $0 | $5,700,000 | | 403 | #1h | VALORS Participation of Hazardous Materials Officers | $0 | ($82,072) | | 405 | #1h | HB 2080: Funding Pursuant to Passage | $0 | $49,072 | | 419 | #1h | Engineering Study of Blues Armory | $0 | $50,000 | | 421 | #1h | Virginia General Assembly Commendation Medal | $0 | $8,740 | | 423 | #1h | Establish Area Office in New River Valley | $0 | $205,772 | | 423 | #2h | Nongeneral Fund Position for I-495 HOT/Express Lanes (Language Only) | | | | 423 | #3h | HB 1922 - Reporting Financial Exploitation of Adults | $0 | $1,080,362 | | 424 | #1h | Multi-Jurisdictional Commonwealth's Attorney Positions (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Technology | | |
Office of Transportation | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 436 | #1h | Amend Requirements for Year 2 MWAA Funding (Language Only) | | | | 436 | #2h | Elimination of 2nd Year Funding for MWAA | $0 | ($25,000,000) | | 436 | #3h | Host Cities Transportation Support Fund | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 436 | #4h | No Elimination of Free Passage for Clean Fuel Vehicles (Language Only) | | | | 442 | #1h | DMV Restoration of Work Permit | $761,250 | $350,000 | | 448 | #1h | WMATA Compact Revisions Required (Language Only) | | | | 449 | #1h | Requires Bridge Upgrades as part of Atlantic Gateway Project (Language Only) | | | | 449 | #2h | Rail EIS for Richmond to Hampton Rds Rail (Language Only) | | | | 452 | #1h | Reevaluation of Noise Abatement Studies | $0 | $25,000 | | 453 | #1h | Allocation of Funds for Specific Roadway Improvements (Language Only) | | | | 453 | #2h | Route 28 Improvements (Language Only) | | | | 453 | #3h | Regional Funds for Route 28 Improvements (Language Only) | | | | 455 | #1h | Reporting of Toll Violations and Revenues Generated (Language Only) | | | | 456 | #1h | Recreational Access Funds for Biscuit Run (Language Only) | | | | 456 | #2h | Increase Funding for Urban Maintenance Payments | $0 | $54,694,882 | | 464 | #1h | Portsmouth PILOT Payment from VPA | $0 | $1,700,000 | |
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | 474 | #1h | Restore Funds to Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth | $1,789,919 | $1,789,919 | | 475 | #1h | Adjust 2018 VRS Contribution Rate for Teacher Plan (Language Only) | | | | 475 | #2h | Adjust 2018 VRS Contribution Rate for Teacher Plan (Language Only) | | | | 475 | #3h | 3% Salary Increase Constitutional Offices | $0 | $2,964,037 | | 475 | #4h | 3% Salary Increase Constitutional Offices | $0 | $2,964,037 | | 475 | #5h | 3% Salary Increase Constitutional Offices | $0 | $2,964,037 | | 475 | #6h | Funding Across the Board Salary Increases in FY 2018 | $0 | $91,090,151 | | 475 | #7h | HB 1416 - Increase Line of Duty Benefit | $0 | $25,000 | | 475 | #8h | Report on Pharmacy Claims (Language Only) | | | | 478.20 | #1h | Restore INOVA research | $4,000,000 | $0 | |
Independent Agencies | | |
State Grants to Nonstate Entities | | |
General Conditions | | |
Office of Education | | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | | C-48.10 | #1h | IALR - Renovate Institute | $0 | $2,742,825 | | C-48.10 | #2h | DCR - Widewater State Park | $0 | $1,870,000 | | C-48.10 | #3h | DCR - Property Acquisition | $0 | $2,900,000 | | C-48.10 | #5h | VCCS - Center for Advanced Technology and Workforce | $0 | $25,000,000 | | C-48.10 | #6h | Stormwater Local Assistance Fund | $0 | $20,000,000 | | C-50 | #1h | CCAM Funding (Technical) (Language Only) | | | | C-52.20 | #1h | FCM - Plan Gallery Facility | $0 | $500,000 | | C-52.20 | #2h | SMV - Plan Danville Science Center Exhibits | $0 | $250,000 | |