2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Disaster Sheltering and Contracting (language only)

Item 255 #3s

Item 255 #3s

Secretary of Finance


Page 263, after line 32, insert:

"D. The Secretary of Finance shall develop a plan to contract for services and supplies needed for disaster response based on reasonable and competitive costs.  The Secretary may work with the Secretaries of Education and Health and Human Resources to determine an optimal plan for using state institutions of higher education or the private sector for sheltering displaced persons during a disaster.  Any agreement with the institutions of higher education shall consider use of existing bathroom and kitchen facilities at the institution before contracting with a vendor to bring in mobile facilities for such uses.  The plan shall also consider agreements for family-based pricing structures for families that can stay together at a lower cost than staying individually.  The Secretary shall report on such plan to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2019."


(This amendment directs the Secretary of Finance to develop a plan for competitive contracting for supplies and sheltering needed during natural disasters and emergencies.)