2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

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SB 1286: Increase Auxiliary Grant Slots for Supportive Housing (language only)

Item 343 #1s

Item 343 #1s

Health and Human Resources
Department of Social Services


Page 380, line 19, strike "60" and insert "120".


(This amendment increases the number of Auxiliary Grant recipients in supportive housing slots from 60 to 120 pursuant to Senate Bill 1286, which allows individuals receiving an Auxiliary Grant to select supportive housing without any requirement to make such selection. The state provides 80 percent of the funding for an Auxiliary Grant and localities provide 20 percent of the funding. Currently, the number of Auxiliary Grant recipients in a supportive housing setting is capped at 60 individuals. No funding is needed to support the cost to provide an Auxiliary Grant to the additional individuals, who may select supportive housing pursuant to the legislation, because the Auxiliary Grant program expenditures continue to decline and the budget is sufficient.)