| First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 | Totals |
Office of Commerce and Trade | $591,067,606 | $611,590,300 | |
Secretary of Commerce and Trade | $744,539 | $744,539 | |
89 | Administrative and Support Services | $744,539 | $744,539 | |
Department of Housing and Community Development | $75,735,151 | $75,739,953 | |
90 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,724,140 | $1,732,052 | |
91 | Housing Assistance Services | $43,065,694 | $43,065,694 | |
92 | Economic Development Research, Planning, and Coordination | $28,701,169 | $28,698,169 | |
93 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $2,244,148 | $2,244,038 | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $33,780,681 | $40,074,281 | |
94 | Industrial Development Services | $12,813,133 | $14,474,633 | |
95 | Tourist Promotion | $15,860,922 | $19,172,322 | |
96 | Administrative and Support Services | $5,106,626 | $6,427,326 | |
Department of Economic Development | $13,885,096 | $16,009,095 | |
97 | Industrial Development Services | $13,885,096 | $16,009,095 | |
Department of Minority Business Enterprise | $945,344 | $967,450 | |
98 | Industrial Development Services | $945,344 | $967,450 | |
Department of Labor and Industry | $10,356,161 | $10,420,023 | |
99 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,608,744 | $3,672,606 | |
100 | Regulation of Business Practices | $711,447 | $711,447 | |
101 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $5,043,345 | $5,043,345 | |
102 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $416,509 | $416,509 | |
103 | Industrial Development Services | $576,116 | $576,116 | |
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | $8,994,321 | $8,623,293 | |
104 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $8,994,321 | $8,623,293 | |
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | $38,122,298 | $37,944,054 | |
105 | Administrative and Support Services | $6,131,060 | $5,976,022 | |
106 | Consumer Affairs Clearinghouse Services | $795,021 | $795,021 | |
107 | Regulation of Business Practices | $1,755,419 | $1,755,419 | |
108 | Regulation of Food | $5,090,784 | $5,090,784 | |
109 | Regulation of Products | $3,584,494 | $3,584,494 | |
110 | Agricultural and Seafood Product Promotion and Development Services | $4,174,423 | $4,174,423 | |
111 | Animal and Poultry Disease and Pest Control | $4,081,676 | $4,081,676 | |
112 | Commerce and Agricultural Markets Development and Improvement | $7,688,873 | $7,665,667 | |
113 | Plant Pest and Disease Control | $3,441,969 | $3,441,969 | |
114 | Nutritional Services | $1,378,579 | $1,378,579 | |
Virginia Agricultural Council | $290,334 | $290,334 | |
115 | Agricultural and Seafood Product Promotion and Development Services | $290,334 | $290,334 | |
Milk Commission | $683,260 | $662,360 | |
116 | Commerce and Agricultural Markets Development and Improvement | $683,260 | $662,360 | |
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $22,972,013 | $22,970,542 | |
117 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,165,834 | $2,164,363 | |
118 | Land Management | $13,046,059 | $13,046,059 | |
119 | Minerals Management | $4,034,225 | $4,034,225 | |
120 | Resource Management Research, Planning, and Coordination | $38,362 | $38,362 | |
121 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $3,687,533 | $3,687,533 | |
Virginia Employment Commission | $355,318,217 | $367,904,185 | |
122 | Employment Assistance Services | $349,067,841 | $361,653,809 | |
123 | Industrial Development Services | $6,250,376 | $6,250,376 | |
124 | Language Only | | |
Department of Forestry | $18,403,435 | $18,403,435 | |
125 | Forest Land Management | $18,403,435 | $18,403,435 | |
Virginia Racing Commission | $1,100,000 | $1,100,000 | |
126 | Regulation of Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Betting | $1,042,000 | $1,042,000 | |
127 | Industrial Development Services | $58,000 | $58,000 | |
Innovative Technology Authority | $9,736,756 | $9,736,756 | |
128 | Financial Assistance for Educational and General Services | $9,736,756 | $9,736,756 | |