Enacting Clause | | |
Legislative Department | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 1 | #1h | HB 181 - Support for Legislator Participation on Commission for Historical Statues in the U.S. Capitol | $2,400 | $2,400 | | 1 | #2h | HJ 130 - Administrative Costs for Joint Subcommittee to Study the Development of a Framework for Regulated Adult Use | $34,720 | $0 | | 1 | #3h | HJ 29 - Joint Legislative Committee to Study Staffing, Employment Conditions, and Compensation at the Department of Corrections | $20,400 | $0 | | 1 | #4h | Live Stream and Archive All Subcommittee Meetings | $59,400 | $0 | | 1 | #5h | Extend Education and Tuition Benefits to GA Employees | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 1 | #6h | HJ 105 - Joint Subcommittee to Study Blockchain Technology | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 6 | #1h | HB 1256 - Supports the Creation of the Virginia Redistricting Commission | $500,000 | $100,000 | | 6 | #2h | HB 1056 - Commission on Wellness and Opportunity | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 6 | #3h | HB 124- Virginia Minority Business Commission | $25,000 | $25,000 | | 6 | #4h | Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee | $213,428 | $213,428 | | 6 | #5h | HB 658 - Commission to Investigate the May 31, 2019, Virginia Beach Mass Shooting | $100,000 | $0 | | 6 | #6h | Commission to Study Slavery and Subsequent De Jure and De Facto Racial and Economic Discrimination Against African Americans | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 10 | #1h | HJ 47- Joint Commission on Technology and Science Study | $125,000 | $0 | | 14 | #1h | Study of Feasibility Making Code Gender-Neutral | $100,000 | $0 | | 26 | #1h | HB 613 - Commission on Economic Opportunity for Virginians Aspiring in Diverse Communities | $20,000 | $0 | | 31 | #1h | Virginia State Crime Commission Positions | $280,000 | $280,000 | | 32 | #1h | HB 1320 - Production of Demographic Statements at JLARC | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 32 | #2h | HJ 41 - Teacher Pay Study | $150,000 | $150,000 | |
Judicial Department | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 36 | #1h | HB 401 - Fee Waivers for Additional Case Classes | $3,380,456 | $3,380,456 | | 36 | #2h | HB 137 - Guardian Ad Litem Investigations | $3,380,456 | $3,380,456 | | 39 | #1h | Additional Drug Court Funding | $1,250,250 | $1,250,250 | | 39 | #2h | Hope Card Program | $81,520 | $81,520 | | 39 | #3h | Electronic Filing System Study | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 39 | #4h | HB 1482 - Involuntary Admission Certification | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 39 | #5h | HB 290 - Reporting Limitations for Sexual Abuse | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 39 | #6h | HB 609 - Public Records Disclosure | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 39 | #7h | Transfer Drug Court Substance Use Disorder Funding to DBHDS | ($150,000) | ($150,000) | | 41 | #1h | New Judgeship in 23rd Judicial Circuit | $285,000 | $285,000 | | 41 | #2h | Compensation for Court-Appointed Counsel | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 41 | #3h | HB 820 - Court Appearances | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 42 | #1h | New Judgeship in 23rd Judicial District | $262,000 | $262,000 | | 42 | #2h | Additional Deputy District Court Clerk Positions | $1,864,015 | $3,728,030 | | 42 | #3h | New JDR Judgeships in 20th District | $524,000 | $524,000 | | 50 | #1h | Indigent Civil Defense | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 51.10 | #1h | Virginia Board for Court Reporters | $50,000 | $50,000 | |
Executive Department | | |
Executive Offices | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 57 | #1h | HB 569 - Out-of-state concealed handgun permits; reciprocity | $305,000 | $305,000 | | 57 | #2h | HB 1392 - Establish a Freedom of Information Act Ombudsman | $0 | $304,375 | | 57 | #3h | HB 761 - Preclearance of Covered Voting Practices by the Office of the Attorney General | $243,000 | $243,000 | | 57 | #4h | HB 624 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 57 | #5h | HB 827 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General | $50,000 | $0 | | 57 | #6h | HB 11 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General | $50,000 | $0 | | 57 | #7g | Hardware/Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 57 | #8g | Information Technology Support Staff Increase | $321,067 | $321,067 | | 59 | #1g | OAG Revolving Fund Restoration | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 61 | #1g | Increase Human Rights Division Staff | $193,332 | $193,332 | | 63 | #1h | HB 1525 - Tribal Land Repatriation Fund | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | |
Office of Administration | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 67 | #1h | Work Group to Evaluate the Impact of Moving Electric Fleet to (Language Only) | | | | 67 | #2h | Transparency in Database, Enterprise Data Dictionary, and Cloud-Based Data Catalog Development (Language Only) | | | | 67 | #3h | HB 524 - Volunteer Registry of Cybersecurity and IT Professionals | $100,000 | $20,000 | | 68 | #1h | Statewide Automated Victim Notification System (SAVIN) | $600,000 | $600,000 | | 68 | #2h | Use of Data Collected by SAVIN System (Language Only) | | | | 68 | #3h | Fund Additional Sheriff Positions | $8,004,052 | $9,805,897 | | 68 | #4h | Fund Additional Sheriff Positions | $8,004,052 | $9,805,897 | | 68 | #5h | Salary Increase for Sheriffs | $1,240,927 | $1,353,738 | | 69 | #1h | Increase Local and Regional Jail Per Diems | $10,635,020 | $10,635,020 | | 69 | #2h | Federal Inmate Overhead Recovery for Western Tidewater Regional Jail (Language Only) | | | | 69 | #3h | Federal Inmate Overhead Recovery for Western Tidewater Regional Jail (Language Only) | | | | 69 | #4h | Increase funding for Nottoway County for Offender Commitments to Piedmont RJ from VCBR | $98,664 | $115,939 | | 73 | #1h | Restores General Fund Operating Support to Circuit Court Clerks | $1,485,000 | $1,485,000 | | 73 | #2h | Restores Operating Funds for Circuit Court Clerks | $1,485,000 | $1,485,000 | | 73 | #3h | Funding for the Circuit Court Clerks' & Deputy Clerks' CDPs | $358,578 | $391,176 | | 73 | #4h | Funding for the Circuit Court Clerks' & Deputy Clerks' CDPs | $358,578 | $391,176 | | 75 | #1h | Eliminate Interest on Court Fines and Fees (Language Only) | | | | 75 | #2h | Review of CDPs to Ensure Equity and Fairness (Language Only) | | | | 76 | #1h | Provide Lab Services for Coal Ash Medical Monitoring Program | $650,000 | $650,000 | | 78 | #1h | HB 133 - Purchase of Verification Software | $50,000 | $0 | | 78 | #2h | HB 452 - Increasing the Small Purchase Exemption | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 79 | #1h | Consolidates the Process for Calculating, Collecting, and Remitting Payments in Lieu of Taxes (Language Only) | | | | 79 | #2h | HB 587 - Baby Changing Facilities | $50,000 | $0 | | 79 | #3h | HB 599 - Weapons in State Buildings | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 80 | #2h | HB 592 - Naming a State Fruit | $50,000 | $0 | | 83 | #1h | HB 581 - Required Online Training for LGBTQ Cultural Competency | $150,000 | $0 | | 83 | #2h | Recruitment of Persons with Disabilities for Employment in State Government | $25,000 | $0 | | 83 | #3h | Fund New Public Employee Relations Board | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 84 | #1h | HB 1113 - Expand Eligiblilty for Local Choice Plan | $0 | $30,000 | | 84 | #2h | HB 1106 - Expand Eligiblilty for Local Choice Plan | $0 | $30,000 | | 86 | #1h | HB 1210 - Language Accessibility of Voting and Election Materials | $0 | $100,000 | | 86 | #2h | Language Accessibility of Voting Materials | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 86 | #3h | Improved State Supervision of Local Election Administration and Development | $90,000 | $90,000 | | 86 | #4h | HB 895 -Enforcement of Campaign Contribution Limits | $150,000 | $100,000 | | 86 | #5h | HB468 - Office of Election Fraud Ombudsman | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 86 | #6h | HB 201 - Same-day Voter Registration, In-person Absentee Voting, and Election Day Voting | $30,000 | $30,000 | | 86 | #7h | HJ 23 - Blockchain Study at the Department of Elections | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 86 | #8h | HB 215 - Voter Registration for Persons Age 16 or Older | $33,200 | $0 | | 86 | #9h | Regulations for Ranked Choice Elections | $0 | $40,000 | | 86 | #10h | HB 209 - Updates to VERIS, Removing Certain Codes | $8,814 | $0 | | 86 | #11h | HB 208 - New Absentee Voting Reason | $10,000 | $10,000 | | 86 | #12h | Voter Referendum; School Modernization | $150,000 | $0 | | 87 | #1h | HB 207 - No Excuse Required Absentee Voting | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 87 | #3h | Increase Compensation for General Registrars to Equal Treasurers | $3,514,134 | $3,514,134 | | 87 | #4h | Increase Compensation for General Registrars to Equal Treasurers | $3,514,134 | $3,514,134 | | 87 | #6h | Increase Compensation for General Registrars to Equal Treasurers | $3,514,134 | $3,514,134 | | 88 | #1h | HB 1003 - Moving Item 88 to the Department of Emergency Management | ($2,755,882) | ($2,755,882) | | 89 | #1h | HB 1003 - Moving Item 89 to the Department of Emergency Management | ($22,928,217) | ($22,928,217) | | 92 | #1h | HB 852 - Information Security Awareness for State Employees | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 92 | #2h | HB 957 - Virginia Cyber Initiative | $750,000 | $750,000 | |
Office of Agriculture and Forestry | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 95 | #1h | HB 1509 - Virginia Food Access Investment Program and Fund | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 95 | #2h | Virginia Agriculture Surplus System | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 97 | #1h | Dairy Producer Margin Coverage Premium Assistance | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 97 | #2h | Farmland Preservation Fund | $1,750,000 | $1,750,000 | | 97 | #3h | Farmland Preservation Fund | $2,750,000 | $2,750,000 | | 97 | #4h | Virginia Horse Center | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 97 | #6g | Increase Deposit to the Wine Promotion Fund | $444,321 | $444,321 | | 98 | #1h | Local Food and Farming Infrastructure Fund | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 99 | #1h | Beehive Grant Program | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 99 | #2h | Wildlife Damage Management Plan | $90,000 | $90,000 | | 101 | #1h | HB 640 - BPA Regulation | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 107 | #1h | Southwest Virginia Forester | $100,000 | $100,000 | |
Office of Commerce and Trade | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 112 | #1h | Decreases Funding for Governor's Motion Picture Opportunity Fund | ($6,500,000) | ($6,500,000) | | 113 | #1h | Increase Appropriation to the Housing Trust Fund | $20,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 113 | #2h | HB 149 - Report on Reducing Barriers in Accessing State and Federal Housing Funds | $50,000 | $0 | | 113 | #3h | HB 854 - Study on Incentives for Affordable Housing Development | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 113 | #4h | HB 148 - Residential Sale Form Created on DHCD's Housing Educational Opportunities | $50,000 | $0 | | 113 | #5h | HB 152 - Local Zoning Ordinances | $50,000 | $0 | | 113 | #6h | HB 147 - Housing Needs Study | $100,000 | $0 | | 113 | #7h | HB 1516 - Virginia Residential Rental Property Registry | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 113 | #8h | HB 1229 - Manufactured Home Parks Listing | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 113 | #9h | HB 151 - Development and Use of Accessory Dwelling Units | $50,000 | $0 | | 113 | #10h | HB 150 - Derelict Residential Buildings | $50,000 | $0 | | 114 | #1h | Increase VATI Funding | $35,000,000 | $35,000,000 | | 114 | #2h | Virginia Main Street Program | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 114 | #3h | Partially Restore PDC Funding | $294,000 | $294,000 | | 114 | #4h | Proceeds from Joining RGGI | $39,000,000 | $39,000,000 | | 114 | #5h | VATI Eligibility (Language Only) | | | | 114 | #6h | Elevated Septic System Pilot Project in Rural Coastal Virginia (Language Only) | | | | 114 | #7h | Bonder and Amanda Johnson Community Development Corporation | $100,000 | $0 | | 114 | #8h | Project NEED | $250,000 | $0 | | 114 | #9h | VATI Increase; Sunset of the Railroad Rolling Stock Tax Credit | $0 | $20,000,000 | | 115 | #1h | Enterprise Zones; Real Property Improvement Grant | $4,100,000 | $4,100,000 | | 115 | #2h | Commits Funding to the Urban Public-Private Partnership Redevelopment Fund | $0 | $5,000,000 | | 116 | #1h | Work Group on AED Density in Commercial and Residential Buildings (Language Only) | | | | 120 | #1h | Enforcement of Nonpayment of Wages at DOLI | $612,816 | $612,816 | | 120 | #2h | HB 123 - Private Cause of Action Nonpayment of Wages | $4,000,000 | $0 | | 120 | #3h | HB 898 - Paid Sick Leave | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 120 | #4h | HB 395 - Enforcement of Increasing the Minimum Wage | $309,138 | $309,138 | | 120 | #5h | HB 356 - Enforcement of Labor Laws; Tobacco | $100,948 | $100,948 | | 120 | #6h | HB 801 - Investigation of Worker Misclassification | $164,874 | $164,874 | | 120 | #7h | State Wage Survey Program; Planning | $100,000 | $0 | | 124 | #1h | Brownfield and Coal Mine Renewable Energy Grant | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 125 | #2h | Nuclear Energy Strategic Plan (Language Only) | | | | 125 | #3h | Green New Deal Act | $575,000 | $575,000 | | 125 | #4h | Public Power Renewable Grant Program | $12,500,000 | $12,500,000 | | 125 | #5h | Office of Offshore Wind | $1,025,000 | $1,025,000 | | 125 | #6h | Va Energy and Economy Transition Council | $575,166 | $575,166 | | 125 | #7h | Remove Clean Energy Loan Reserve | ($10,000,000) | $0 | | 128 | #1h | Small Business Assistance and Youth Entrepreneurship Pilot Program | $773,491 | $773,491 | | 128 | #3h | HB 1134 - Definition of a Small Business | $1,254,000 | $54,000 | | 128 | #4h | HB 1221 - Guidance for Maintaining a Business | $10,000 | $10,000 | | 128 | #5h | Microloans for Veterans Program | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 130 | #1h | Increases Brownfield Restoration Funding | $2,750,000 | $4,750,000 | | 130 | #2h | HJ 82 - Economic Potential of Blockchain Study at VEDP | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 130 | #3g | Increase support for the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 130 | #4g | Fund the International Trade Strategic Plan | $2,065,000 | $4,160,000 | | 131 | #1h | HB 825 - Administration of a Paid Family Medical Leave Program | $73,000,000 | $73,000,000 | | 131 | #2h | HJ 98 - Regional Skills Gap Study for Green Industries | $50,000 | $0 | | 131 | #3h | HB 328 - Paid Family Medical Leave Program | $30,000,000 | $14,000,000 | | 132 | #1h | HB 1189 - Coal and Energy Worker Relief Taskforce | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 134 | #1h | VA Energy & Economy Transition Council | ($84,491) | ($84,491) | | 134 | #2h | Birthplace of Country Music | $50,000 | $0 | | 134 | #3h | Governor's Airline New Service Incentive Fund | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 134 | #4h | Restore Virginia Sports Hall of Fame Funding | $125,000 | $125,000 | | 134 | #5h | Reduces Funding to Support New VA Energy and Economy Transition Council | ($490,075) | ($490,075) | | 134 | #6h | Reduces Funding at the Virginia Tourism Authority | ($50,000) | ($50,000) | | 134 | #7g | Amend Language to Reflect Funding for Welcome Centers (Language Only) | | | | 135 | #2h | Restores funding for the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative | $10,000,000 | $15,000,000 | | 135 | #3h | Technical Assistance for Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority | $125,000 | $125,000 | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 136 | #1h | Plan for Phased Removal of SOQ Support Position Cap (Language Only) | | | | 136 | #2h | HB 953 - College and Career Readiness Steering Committee | $30,000 | $30,000 | | 137 | #1h | HB 332 - Reading Diagnostic Tests | $1,185,000 | $1,185,000 | | 137 | #2h | New Database for CTE Resource Center | $1,200,000 | $0 | | 137 | #3h | HB 1089 - Success Sequence Instruction | $50,000 | $0 | | 137 | #4h | HB 939 - Firearm Safety Education Programs | $20,000 | $0 | | 137 | #5h | HB 1139 - English Learner Programs | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 137 | #7h | STEAM Education Fund | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 138 | #1h | HB 12 - Office of Civil Rights | $600,000 | $600,000 | | 138 | #2h | HB 716 - Mental Health Awareness Training Module | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 138 | #4h | HB 49 - Educational Placement of Certain Students | $88,000 | $88,000 | | 138 | #5h | Restraint & Seclusion Training | $5,116,954 | $5,116,954 | | 140 | #1h | School Nutrition Integration and Procurement Specialists | $1,228,680 | $1,228,680 | | 140 | #2h | SB4 - Public School Assistance Fund | $20,000 | $20,000 | | 140 | #3h | SB 5 - Standards of Modernization | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 143 | #1h | HB 40 - Mental Health Break Space | $50,000 | $0 | | 143 | #2h | HB 678 - Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts | $400,000 | $350,000 | | 144 | #1h | HB 1355 - Community Schools Planning Fund | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 144 | #2h | Virginia Arts Festival | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 144 | #4h | Emil and Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center | $250,000 | $0 | | 144 | #5h | Emil and Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center | $250,000 | $0 | | 144 | #6h | Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center | $332,000 | $0 | | 144 | #8h | HB 928 - Chesterfield Recovery High School | $864,000 | $890,000 | | 144 | #9h | Center in the Square - Get Schooled Program | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 144 | #11h | Action for Healthy Kids | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 144 | #12h | Alleghany County - Covington School Division Consolidation | $0 | $1,500,000 | | 144 | #13h | Virginia Arts Festival | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 144 | #14h | Hispanic College Institute | $200,000 | $0 | | 144 | #15h | School Supplies Assistance | $28,120,652 | $28,291,152 | | 144 | #16h | Capital Improvement Grants | $100,000,000 | $100,000,000 | | 144 | #18h | Virginia Preschool Initiative Minority Fellowship | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 144 | #19h | Kairos Freedom School of Virginia | $40,000 | $40,000 | | 144 | #20h | SB 4 - Public School Assistance Fund | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 144 | #21h | Blue Ridge PBS | $500,000 | $600,000 | | 144 | #22h | Soundscapes | $90,000 | $90,000 | | 144 | #23h | HB 1140 - Clean School Bus Grants | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 144 | #24h | Brooks Crossing Innovation Center | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 144 | #25h | Walk In It | $35,000 | $35,000 | | 144 | #26h | Racial Equity in Collegiate Baseball | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 144 | #28h | Policy Pathways | $149,850 | $0 | | 144 | #29h | SAT Assessment Financial Assistance | $325,000 | $325,000 | | 144 | #30h | HB 693 - Paid Maternity Leave | $6,000,000 | $6,000,000 | | 144 | #31h | HB 405 - Menstrual Supplies | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 144 | #32h | HB 1124 - Yellow Schools | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 144 | #33h | Pilot Mental Health Counselor Program | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 145 | #1h | Academic Year Governor's School Payments | $907,536 | $915,247 | | 145 | #2h | Winchester School Board | $40,500 | $40,500 | | 145 | #3h | Cost of Competing Adjustment | $24,808,233 | $25,886,016 | | 145 | #4h | National Average Teacher Salary Phase-in | $506,371,794 | $1,530,340 | | 145 | #5h | Compensation Adjustment Flexibility (Language Only) | | | | 145 | #6h | School Counselor Ratio Flexibility (Language Only) | | | | 145 | #7h | School Counselor Ratio Flexibility (Language Only) | | | | 145 | #8h | Remove Certain Positions from Support Cap | $100,000,000 | $100,000,000 | | 145 | #9h | Enrollment Loss Payments | $4,493,409 | $5,483,762 | | 145 | #10h | Increase Compensation Supplement to 5% | $0 | $96,736,286 | | 145 | #11h | Enrollment Loss Payments | $1,500,000 | $2,000,000 | | 145 | #14h | HB 797 - Lead Testing in School Buildings | $6,000,000 | $6,000,000 | | 145 | #15h | Licensed Family and Marriage Therapists - At-Risk Add-On (Language Only) | | | | 145 | #16h | Eliminate Support Cap | $406,435,058 | $407,088,908 | | 145 | #20h | Early Reading Intervention Fund Utilization (Language Only) | | | | 145 | #21h | School Librarians | $80,100,000 | $82,800,000 | | 145 | #22h | Lottery Per-Pupil Allocation | $129,055,519 | $245,304,134 | | 145 | #23h | Remove Certain Positions from Support Cap | $93,595,116 | $96,402,969 | | 145 | #26h | Cost of Competing Adjustment | $24,808,233 | $25,886,016 | | 145 | #28h | Remove Certain Positions from Support Cap | $100,000,000 | $100,000,000 | | 145 | #29h | Eliminate Support Cap | $406,435,058 | $407,088,908 | | 145 | #30h | 2019 Standards of Quality | $551,316,131 | $492,082,545 | | 145 | #31h | Power Scholars - BELL | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 145 | #32g | Correct At-Risk Add-On Language (Language Only) | | | | 150 | #1h | SCHEV -Tuition Assistant Grant (TAG) Award | $8,600,000 | $10,300,000 | | 150 | #2h | SCHEV - HB 419 Virginia Diverse Educator Scholarship | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 150 | #3h | SCHEV - HB 1319 Cloud Computing Partnerships | $550,000 | $550,000 | | 150 | #4h | SCHEV -Tuition Assistant Grant (TAG) Award Restore Online Eligibility | $8,600,000 | $10,300,000 | | 150 | #5h | SCHEV - Sea Grant Fellowships | $288,000 | $288,000 | | 150 | #6h | SCHEV - Virginia Earth Science Scholars | $220,375 | $221,353 | | 150 | #7h | SCHEV -Tuition Assistant Grant (TAG) Award | $8,600,000 | $10,300,000 | | 150 | #8h | SCHEV - HB 804 Virginia Diverse Educator Scholarship | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 150 | #9h | SCHEV -Tuition Assistant Grant (TAG) Award Restore Online Degree Programs | $8,600,000 | $10,300,000 | | 150 | #10h | SCHEV - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Internships | $264,000 | $264,000 | | 150 | #11h | SCHEV - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Workforce Programs | $236,000 | $236,000 | | 150 | #12h | SCHEV - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Building Leaders Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST) | $168,000 | $168,000 | | 150 | #13h | SCHEV - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Virginia Aerospace, Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) Program | $340,000 | $340,000 | | 150 | #14h | SCHEV - Expand In-State Eligibility Per HB 1547 | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 152 | #1h | SCHEV - Board of Visitor Training (Language Only) | | | | 152 | #2h | SCHEV - Title IX Training | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 152 | #3h | SCHEV Internship Technical Change (Language Only) | | | | 152 | #4h | SCHEV - Partnership with Non-Profit Organization Edu-Futuro | $175,000 | $175,000 | | 152 | #5h | SCHEV - Student Ombudsman | $100,000 | $50,000 | | 152 | #6h | Innovative Institutional Partnership | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 156 | #1h | CNU - O & M Fine Arts Center | $750,000 | $1,600,000 | | 156 | #2h | CNU - Increase Staff Salaries 3% | $456,000 | $469,700 | | 156 | #3h | CNU - Access and Affordability | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 160 | #1h | CWM - O & M New Space Coming Online | $198,200 | $1,109,700 | | 164 | #1h | RBC - APA and SACS Compliance | $708,400 | $708,400 | | 164 | #2h | RBC - Student Success | $1,252,000 | $1,252,000 | | 164 | #3h | RBC - Advanced Manufacturing Academy | $410,000 | $410,000 | | 164 | #4g | RBC-Correct Distribution of GF Between Programs | $20,326 | $20,326 | | 165 | #1h | RBC - Additional Financial Aid | $650,000 | $650,000 | | 167 | #1g | RBC-Correct Distribution of GF Between Programs | ($20,326) | ($20,326) | | 168 | #1h | VIMS - Shellfish Aquaculture Management | $390,000 | $315,000 | | 168 | #2h | VIMS - Aquatic Disease Management | $225,000 | $225,000 | | 171 | #1h | GMU - Coastal Flooding Study | $500,000 | $0 | | 171 | #2h | GMU - Translational Research | $1,140,000 | $1,715,000 | | 175 | #1h | JMU - Enrollment Growth | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 183 | #1h | NSU - Center for African American Policy | $498,000 | $498,000 | | 183 | #2h | NSU - Virginia African American Cultural Center,Inc. | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 191 | #1h | Radford - Carilion Campus | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 196 | #1h | UMW - Fredericksburg Pipeline Initiative | $540,000 | $665,000 | | 197 | #1h | UMW - Student Financial Aid | $964,800 | $964,800 | | 203 | #1h | UVA - Loan Forgiveness Program | $11,000,000 | $0 | | 203 | #2h | UVA - Savings for HB 801 Costs | ($164,874) | ($164,874) | | 203 | #3h | UVA - Savings for HB 809 Costs | ($200,000) | ($200,000) | | 203 | #4h | UVA - Savings for HB 808 Costs | ($184,491) | ($184,491) | | 210 | #1h | UVA Wise - Enhance Enrollment, Retention and Educational Opportunities | $2,000,000 | $2,095,386 | | 214 | #1h | VCU - Wilder School of Government | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 214 | #2h | VCU - Center on Aging | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 220 | #1h | VCCS - Virginia Western CC Healthcare Programs from Radford Carilion Campus | $0 | $385,177 | | 220 | #2h | VCCS - Virginia Western CC Healthcare Programs from Radford Carilion Campus | $0 | $385,177 | | 220 | #3h | VCCS - Health Science and Technology Education | $796,026 | $930,824 | | 220 | #4h | VCCS - Credits to Careers | $1,205,000 | $895,000 | | 220 | #5h | VCCS - Central Va CC Bedford Campus (Language Only) | | | | 220 | #6h | VCCS - Lord Fairfax CC Shenandoah University Tech Center | $6,000,000 | $0 | | 221 | #1h | VCCS - TANF Scholarship | $800,000 | $800,000 | | 221 | #2h | VCCS - G3 Program (Language Only) | | | | 221 | #3h | VCCS - G3 Program (Language Only) | | | | 221 | #4h | VCCS - G3 Program Non-Credit (Language Only) | | | | 221 | #5h | VCCS - G3 Eligibility (Language Only) | | | | 223 | #1h | VCCS - Lord Fairfax CC Luray Center | $475,000 | $0 | | 226 | #1h | VMI - Leadership Course Redesign | $100,047 | $103,048 | | 226 | #2h | VMI - Math Resource Center | $122,500 | $126,000 | | 231 | #1h | VT - Savings for HB 412 Costs | ($50,000) | $0 | | 233 | #1h | VT - Expand Research | $2,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 234 | #1h | VT - Unique Military Activities | $193,215 | $386,430 | | 236 | #1h | VT Ext - SmartFarm Innovation Network | $3,005,000 | $3,005,000 | | 236 | #2h | VT Ext - Richmond County Extension Agent | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 236 | #3h | VT Ext - Extension Agent Compensation | $1,680,000 | $1,680,000 | | 236 | #4h | VT Ext - Extension Agent Compensation | $1,680,000 | $1,680,000 | | 236 | #5h | VT Ext - Extension Agent Staffing and Compensation | $11,200,000 | $11,200,000 | | 236 | #6h | VT Ext - 4 H Center | $332,000 | $332,000 | | 243 | #1h | Gunston Hall - 250th Anniversary of Declaration of Indepedence | $125,000 | $125,000 | | 243 | #2h | Gunston Hall - Virginia Revolutionary 250 Commission (HB 1424) | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 244 | #1h | JYF - Education Programs | $491,200 | $345,100 | | 244 | #2h | JYF - One-time Funding for Site Infrastructure | $167,113 | $0 | | 244 | #3h | JYF - Marketing and Tourism Promotion | $208,000 | $245,000 | | 244 | #4h | JYF - Commemoration Closeout Costs | $442,870 | $8,702 | | 245 | #1h | State Library - Archive Gubernatorial Records | $844,820 | $844,820 | | 245 | #2h | State Library - Archive Gubernatorial Records | $844,820 | $844,820 | | 247 | #1h | State Library - Local Library Aid | $2,750,000 | $5,500,000 | | 247 | #2h | State Library - Petersburg Library Support | $500,000 | $0 | | 248 | #1h | State Library - Women's Suffrage | $95,000 | $0 | | 249 | #1h | SMV - Security Upgrades | $425,000 | $425,000 | | 253 | #1h | VMFA - Lease Storage Space | $200,000 | $206,000 | | 253 | #2h | VMFA - IT Upgrades | $368,780 | $271,380 | | 254 | #1h | EVMS - O & M Walzer Hall | $1,188,138 | $1,188,138 | | 254 | #2h | EVMS - Base Operating Support | $1,740,722 | $1,740,722 | | 256 | #1h | NCI - Academic Support | $470,749 | $415,749 | | 256 | #2h | NCI - New Educational Solutions | $315,000 | $268,500 | | 259 | #1h | SVHEC - Workforce Training | $502,341 | $208,369 | | 262.50 | #1h | In-State Undergraduate Tuition Moderation | $26,500,000 | $26,500,000 | | 262.50 | #2h | In-State Undergraduate Tuition Moderation | $26,229,500 | $26,229,500 | | 262.50 | #3h | In-State Undergraduate Tuition Moderation | $85,000,000 | $85,000,000 | |
Office of Finance | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 264 | #1h | Medicaid Data to Quarterly Revenue Reports (Language Only) | | | | 273 | #1h | HB 363 - Reimburse Local Governments for State Manadated Tax Break | $50,000,000 | $50,000,000 | | 282 | #1h | HB 633 - Implementation Costs for Tax Deduction for Energy Saving Products | $87,945 | $87,402 | | 282 | #2h | HB 1109 - Combined Reporting for Corporate Income Tax | $0 | $350,000 | | 284 | #1h | HB 534- Plastic Bag Tax | $216,787 | $13,661 | | 285 | #1h | HB 460 - Compensation for Winston Lamont Scott | $159,546 | $0 | | 285 | #2h | Removes Language for Pilot Program at Credit Unions (Language Only) | | | |
Office of Health and Human Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 291 | #1h | HB 691 - Prescription Drug Affordability Board | $840,000 | $785,000 | | 291 | #2h | Workgroup on Expanding Health Care Coverage (Language Only) | | | | 291 | #3h | HB 529 - Study of Options for Financing Universal Health Care | $250,000 | $0 | | 292 | #1h | HB 920 - State Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program | $73,000 | $73,000 | | 292 | #2h | Eliminate Limit on Rate Increases for Private Day Special Education Services (Language Only) | | | | 295 | #1h | Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program | $2,250,000 | $2,250,000 | | 295 | #2h | Physician Loan Repayment Program | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 295 | #3h | Nursing Preceptor Incentive Program | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 296 | #1h | Emergency Medical Services Fund Transfer to the Trauma Center Fund (Language Only) | | | | 296 | #2h | Provide 500 AEDs to Community Organizations | $637,500 | $0 | | 296 | #3h | HB 1147 - Provide Epinephrine in Certain Public Places | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 297 | #1h | Prohibit Certain Medical Examiners Charges (Language Only) | | | | 299 | #1h | Immunization of School Children | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 300 | #1g | Establish Community Health Worker Pilot (Language Only) | | | | 300 | #2h | HB 1094 - Exempt Certain Facilities from COPN | $50,000 | $0 | | 300 | #3h | Prohibition on Funding for Abortions & Priority for Family Planning Grants (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #1h | Adult and Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 301 | #2h | Pediatric Cancer Treatment Centers | $560,000 | $560,000 | | 301 | #3h | Earmark MCH Support for Pediatric Cancer Treatment Centers (Language Only) | | | | 301 | #4h | HB 97 - Add Newborn Screening for Certain Diseases | $50,000 | $0 | | 301 | #5h | Coal Ash Medical Monitoring Program | $944,216 | $944,216 | | 302 | #1g | Restore Language Governing Fees and LARCS (Language Only) | | | | 302 | #2h | HB 1489 - Purchase of HPV Vaccines | $0 | $638,000 | | 302 | #3h | Comprehensive Sickle Cell Adult Program | $305,000 | $305,000 | | 302 | #4h | Sickle Cell Patient Assistance Program | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 302 | #5h | Eliminate Funding for LARC Pilot Program | ($2,000,000) | ($2,000,000) | | 302 | #6h | Insurance Navigators for Free Clinics | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 303 | #1h | Poison Control Centers | $3,500,000 | $3,500,000 | | 303 | #2g | Correctly Identify CHIP of Roanoke and Embedded Dollar Amounts (Language Only) | | | | 303 | #3h | Special Olympics Healthy Athletes | $40,000 | $40,000 | | 303 | #4h | Healthy Hearts Plus II | $125,000 | $125,000 | | 303 | #5h | Virginia Health Care Foundation - Rx Partnership | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 305 | #1h | HJR 106 - Study Use of Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems | $250,000 | $0 | | 305 | #2h | Water Sampling and Monitoring Study | $500,000 | $0 | | 307 | #1h | HB 687 - Certification Program for Doulas | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 307 | #2h | Emergency Department Care Coordination Program | $7,377,000 | $1,377,000 | | 307 | #3h | HB 808 - Treatment of Sexual Assault Survivors | $184,491 | $184,491 | | 307 | #4h | HB 608 - Health Enterprise Zones | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 307 | #6h | HB 586 - Study of Certain Substances in Drinking Water | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 307 | #7h | HB 39 - Enrollment in Health Plans by Pregnant Women | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 307 | #8h | HB 1097 - Estimate of Costs for Health Care Services | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 307 | #9h | HB 876 - Prescription Drug Price Transparency | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 309 | #1g | Remove Outdated Language (Language Only) | | | | 309 | #2h | Board of Social Work Licensure by Endorsement. | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 309 | #3h | HB 347 - Impact of Cannabis Processors Bill | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 309 | #4h | HB 42 - Screening for Prenatal & Postnatal Depression | $50,000 | $0 | | 312 | #1h | Enhanced Rates for Private Acute Care Hospitals | $15,402,333 | $15,402,333 | | 312 | #2h | Coverage of Prenatal Care Services | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 313 | #1h | Annual Update & Rebasing of DD Waiver Provider Rates (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #2h | Increase Payment Rate by 19% for Nursing Homes with Special Populations | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 313 | #3h | Increase DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data | $106,000,000 | $106,000,000 | | 313 | #4h | Increase Rates for Personal, Respite and Companion Care | $544,972,680 | $544,972,680 | | 313 | #5h | Increase Rate for Consumer Directed Attendants | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 313 | #6h | Medicaid Residential Neurobehavioral Treatment Program | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | | 313 | #7h | Add Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits | $60,396,012 | $145,071,127 | | 313 | #8h | Increase DD Waiver Slots | $43,488,476 | $86,976,950 | | 313 | #9h | DMAS Advisory Panel on Behavioral Health Redesign (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #10h | Supplemental Physician Payments for Children's National | $1,419,064 | $1,419,064 | | 313 | #11h | Advisory Group on Respite/Personal Assistance Services (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #12h | Medicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #13h | Modify Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement | $18,336,386 | $18,849,804 | | 313 | #14h | Medicaid Risk Adjustment Model for CCC Plus Dual Eligible BH Svs. | $250,000 | $0 | | 313 | #15h | Modify Medicaid MCO Contracts for CCC Plus & Medallion 4.0 | $6,200,000 | $6,200,000 | | 313 | #16h | Increase Rates for Skilled & Private Duty Nursing Services | $16,000,000 | $16,000,000 | | 313 | #17h | Medicaid Supplemental Payments to Private Hosptals (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #18h | Medicaid Avoidable ER Utilization Program (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #19h | Medicaid Definition of Hospital Readmissions (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #20h | Medicaid Peer Recovery Services (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #21h | Medicaid Physician Rate Increase | $332,599,279 | $342,577,257 | | 313 | #22h | MCO Enrollment Broker for Care Coordination of Inmates | $765,590 | $765,590 | | 313 | #23h | Chesapeake Regional Hospital Medicaid DSH Supplement (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #24h | Increase Rates for Psychiatric Facilities | $22,705,154 | $22,705,154 | | 313 | #25h | Eliminate Hospital Provider Assessment for 1115 Waiver Costs | $0 | $0 | | 313 | #26h | Add Care Coordination for Individuals in State Pyschiatric Hospitals Prior to Discharge (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #27h | Increase Rates for Psychiatric Facilities | $22,705,154 | $22,705,154 | | 313 | #28h | Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit Management by DMAS (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #29h | Increase Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 313 | #30h | Staff Competency Requirements for Waiver Providers (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #31h | Increase Adult Day Health Care Rates by 70% | $11,154,556 | $11,154,556 | | 313 | #32h | Add Representative to Pharmacy Liaison Committee (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #33h | Requirements for Personal Care Attendants (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #34h | Increase Personal Care Rates by $2.00 Per Hour | $147,168,848 | $161,396,361 | | 313 | #35h | Overtime Pay for Consumer Directed Home Care Workers | $19,218,446 | $19,218,446 | | 313 | #36h | Paid Sick Days for Consumer Directed Attendants | $2,975,532 | $2,975,532 | | 313 | #37h | HB1456 - MCO Contracts with Pharmacy Providers | $50,000 | $0 | | 313 | #38h | Medicaid Coverage of Licensed Behavioral Analysts and Assistant Behavioral Analysts (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #39h | Medicaid Coverage of Adult Dental & Vision Services & Preventive Benefits | $134,704,292 | $181,062,711 | | 313 | #40h | HB 395 - Minimum Wage Increase Impact on Personal Care Services & EPSDT | $25,934,140 | $80,000,000 | | 313 | #41h | HB 1445 - Reproductive Health Care Services | $7,000,000 | $7,000,000 | | 313 | #42h | Minimum Staffing Standards for Nursing Facilities | $33,255,578 | $34,253,246 | | 313 | #43h | Exempt Live-in Caretakers from EVV Program (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #44h | Increase DD Waiver Provider Rates | $97,336,620 | $97,336,620 | | 313 | #45h | HB 409 - Medicaid Coverage of Orthotic Devices | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 313 | #46h | HB 367 - Medicaid Coverage of Human Breast Milk | $4,050,000 | $4,050,000 | | 313 | #47h | HB 826 - Perinatal Birth Workers | $40,000,000 | $40,000,000 | | 313 | #48h | Modify MCOs Regulations for Midwife Coverage (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #49h | Increase Rates for Personal, Respite & Companion Care | $544,972,680 | $544,972,680 | | 313 | #50h | Modify Locality Groupings for Medicaid Eligibility | $0 | $0 | | 313 | #51h | Increase DD Waiver Slots to Eliminate Priority 1 Waitlist | $86,324,930 | $86,324,930 | | 313 | #52h | DMAS Management of Pharmacy Benefits | ($32,000,000) | $0 | | 313 | #53h | HB 1489 - Purchase of HPV Vaccines for Medicaid Recipients | $0 | $638,000 | | 313 | #54h | Medicaid Managed Care PBM Reimbursement for 340B Drugs (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #55h | Increase Rates for Early Intervention Case Management | $6,978,646 | $6,978,646 | | 313 | #56h | Medicaid Coverage of Adult Dental and Vision Services | $134,704,292 | $181,062,711 | | 313 | #57h | Renegotiate Medicaid Expansion Waiver Approved in 2018 | $0 | $6,000,000 | | 313 | #58h | Change Fund Source in Medicaid from Increased Tobacco Taxes to General Fund | $0 | ($117,000,000) | | 313 | #59h | Modify Rules for Parents to Serve As Caregivers (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #60h | Medicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment | $6,085,804 | $6,207,521 | | 313 | #61h | Modify Nursing Facility Operating Rates | $1,466,606 | $1,508,494 | | 313 | #62h | Modify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #63h | Indigent Care Program Eligibility at State Teaching Hospitals | $6,500,000 | $6,500,000 | | 313 | #64h | Medicaid Special Earnings Allowance for Individuals with Disabilities (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #65h | Medicaid Works Program for Individuals with Disabilities | $228,838 | $457,676 | | 313 | #66h | HB 352 - DMAS Data for Fusion Center | $4,450,000 | $3,700,000 | | 313 | #67h | Medicaid Supplemental Payments for EVMS (Language Only) | | | | 313 | #67g | Reflect Updated Estimates of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Product Revenue | $0 | $0 | | 313 | #68g | Account for Final CCC Plus Contract Rates | ($17,453,074) | ($18,746,202) | | 313 | #69g | Increase Rates for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing Services | $5,156,774 | $5,156,774 | | 317 | #1h | RFP for Specialty Plan for DD Waiver programs (Language Only) | | | | 317 | #2h | HB 530 - DMAS/SCC Health Benefit Exchg. Qualified Health Plans | $50,000 | $0 | | 317 | #3g | Increase Appropriation for Civil Money Penalties | $320,000 | $1,310,000 | | 320 | #1h | Move Substance Use Disorder Funding for Drug Courts | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 320 | #2h | Shift DSH Position Funding from Provider Assessment to General Fund | $0 | $0 | | 320 | #3h | Opioid Prevention Play for Schools | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 320 | #11h | Psychiatric Emergency Pilot Program | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 320 | #12h | Children and Adolescent Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Program Pilot | $2,500,000 | $0 | | 320 | #13h | Adult Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Program Pilot | $1,300,000 | $0 | | 320 | #15h | Children & Adolescents Specialized Behavioral Health Pilot | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 320 | #16h | Adult Specialized Behavioral Health Care Pilot | $800,000 | $800,000 | | 320 | #18h | Mount Rogers Community Services Board | $4,000,000 | $0 | | 320 | #19h | Comprehensive Treatment & Recovery Service | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 321 | #2h | Report on Federal Opioid Funding (Language Only) | | | | 321 | #4h | Partnership with Private Providers (Language Only) | | | | 321 | #5h | Jewish Foundation for Group Homes | $89,396 | $35,818 | | 322 | #1h | Mental Health Services | $1,250,250 | $1,250,250 | | 322 | #2h | Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative | $573,040 | $573,040 | | 322 | #3h | Outpatient Services | $575,968 | $3,075,020 | | 322 | #4h | Clarify Medication Assisted Treatment Funding Use (Language Only) | | | | 322 | #5h | Restore Community Services Boards Funding | $9,250,000 | $9,250,000 | | 322 | #6h | Employment Initiative for Transition Age Youth | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 322 | #7h | Data Sharing Pilot Program | $209,000 | $65,000 | | 322 | #8h | Restore Fairfax-Falls Church CSB Funding | $3,100,000 | $3,100,000 | | 322 | #9h | Fairfax County Adverse Childhood Experiences Interface Master Trainer Program | $50,000 | $0 | | 339 | #1h | Brain Injury Workforce Retention | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 339 | #2h | Cost of Living Increase for Employment Services Organizations | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 339 | #3h | Brain Injury Supported Housing | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 339 | #4h | Brain Injury Case Management | $1,900,000 | $1,900,000 | | 339 | #5h | Independent Living Satellite Offices | $287,651 | $287,651 | | 339 | #6h | Centers for Independent Living | $850,000 | $850,000 | | 339 | #7h | Domestic Violence Screening | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 339 | #8h | Culpeper Center for Independent Living | $250,000 | $0 | | 340 | #1h | Lifespan Respite Voucher Program | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 340 | #2h | Dementia Case Management | $300,000 | $300,000 | | 340 | #3s | Jewish Social Services Agency | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 340 | #4h | In-Home Services Funding for Older Virginians | $3,600,000 | $3,600,000 | | 344 | #2h | HB 841 - Guardianship Proceedings | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 345 | #1h | Brain Injury Services Contractor Compensation (Language Only) | | | | 350 | #1h | Increase TANF Standard of Need by 18% | $12,400,000 | $12,400,000 | | 350 | #2h | TANF for Individuals Convicted for Felony Drug Distribution or Conspiracy to Distribute Charge | $46,296 | $46,296 | | 350 | #3h | HB 786 - SNAP Drug Offenses | $274,983 | $187,483 | | 350 | #4h | HB 566 - Food Stamps/TANF Drug-related Felonies | $274,983 | $187,483 | | 350 | #5h | HB 786 - SNAP Drug Related Felonies | $274,983 | $187,483 | | 350 | #6h | HB 1130 - TANF Drug Related Felonies | $98,592 | $98,592 | | 350 | #7h | TANF for Food Incentive Pilot Program (Language Only) | | | | 353 | #1h | HB 1015 - Va Sexual & Domestic Violence Prevention Fund | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 353 | #2h | Increase the Auxiliary Grant Rate | $16,600,000 | $17,400,000 | | 354 | #1h | Kinship Navigator Program Plan | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 354 | #2h | Emergency Approval Process for Kinship Caregivers | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 354 | #3h | Foster Care Family Recruitment Grant Program | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 354 | #4g | Adjust Language to Reflect First Year Appropriation for Virginia Fosters (Language Only) | | | | 354 | #5h | Child Welfare Stipend Program | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 354 | #6h | Driver's License Program for Foster Care Youth | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 354 | #7h | HB 289 - Child Abuse Interviews | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 354 | #9h | HB 1006 - Human trafficking; Assessments by Local DSS | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 354 | #10h | Plan to Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect (Language Only) | | | | 354 | #11h | HB 809 - Support for Expanded Definition Child Abuse and Abandonment | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 355 | #1h | Increase Funding for General Relief Program | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 355 | #2h | HB 1209 - Office of New Americans | $581,250 | $581,250 | | 356 | #1h | Community Employment & Training Programs | $5,500,000 | $5,500,000 | | 356 | #2h | TANF Pilot Project for Individuals Incarcerated in Richmond City Jail | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | | 356 | #3h | Community Action Agencies | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 356 | #4h | Community Action Agencies | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 356 | #5h | Community Action Agencies | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 356 | #6h | Virginia Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 356 | #7h | Virginia Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 356 | #8h | Virginia Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 356 | #9h | Family and Children's Trust Fund (FACT) | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 356 | #10g | Adjust Language to Reflect Appropriation for Healthy Families America (Language Only) | | | | 356 | #11h | Community Action Agencies | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 356 | #12h | Laurel Center | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 356 | #13h | Laurel Center One-time Funding | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 356 | #14h | Visions of Truth STRIVE Program | $225,000 | $225,000 | | 359 | #1h | HB 1410 - Food Stamps Restaurant Meals Program | $250,000 | $0 | | 359 | #2h | Training Academy Model for Family Services Programs | $200,000 | $1,700,000 | | 359 | #3h | HB 287 - Retention of Records Unfounded Investigations Child Abuse or Neglect | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 359 | #4h | Increase Funds for 2-1-1 Virginia Contract | $1,341,365 | $1,971,089 | | 359 | #5h | HB 1477 - Review Records for Public Assistance Eligibility | $150,000 | $110,000 | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 372 | #1h | Commonwealth Resiliency Office | $275,000 | $275,000 | | 372 | #3h | HB 389 - Hurricane and Flood Risk Authority | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 373 | #1h | Virginia Conservation Assistance Program | $1,500,000 | $0 | | 373 | #2h | Karst Land and Water Resource Landowner Assistance | $503,842 | $443,842 | | 373 | #3h | Critical Staffing Needs for DCR: Public Access, Natural Areas Stewardship, and Conserve VA | $2,636,752 | $2,207,902 | | 373 | #4h | Natural Resources Commitment Fund | $46,568,133 | $55,755,466 | | 373 | #5h | Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | | 373 | #6h | Environmental Literacy | $170,000 | $170,000 | | 373 | #7h | Technical Assistance for Soil and Water Conservation Districts | $4,550,000 | $4,550,000 | | 373 | #8h | Virginia Conservation Assistance Program | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 373 | #9h | Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 373 | #10h | Critical Staffing Needs for DCR: Public Access, Natural Areas Stewardship, and Conserve VA | $2,636,752 | $2,207,902 | | 373 | #11h | Natural Resources Commitment Fund | $46,568,133 | $55,755,466 | | 373 | #12h | Natural Resources Commitment Fund | $46,568,133 | $55,755,466 | | 373 | #13h | Percival's Island Dam | $250,000 | $0 | | 374 | #2h | Land acquisition authority (Language Only) | | | | 374 | #3h | Riverfront Park | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 374 | #4h | Masons Neck State Park Staffing | $402,000 | $402,000 | | 374 | #5h | Mason Neck State Park Water | $1,800,000 | $0 | | 374 | #6h | Mason Neck State Park Internet | $200,000 | $50,000 | | 374 | #7h | Brandy Station - Cedar Mountain (Language Only) | | | | 374 | #8h | Natural Bridge State Park Staffing | $376,364 | $376,364 | | 374 | #9h | Pocahontas State Park - New Cabin O&M | $152,273 | $152,273 | | 374 | #10h | Loudoun County State Park Property | $563,568 | $350,648 | | 374 | #11h | State Trails Advisory Committe | $36,000 | $36,000 | | 374 | #12h | Redirect New VLCF Funding | ($15,500,000) | ($15,500,000) | | 374 | #13h | Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretative Center | $253,742 | $203,642 | | 374 | #14h | Rehabilitate Timberneck House | $350,000 | $0 | | 374 | #15h | Living Shoreline | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 376 | #1h | HB 1136 - Hazardous Waste Site Inventory | $210,000 | $210,000 | | 376 | #2h | HJ 116 - Waste Diversion and Recycling Task Force | $125,000 | $125,000 | | 376 | #3h | HB 1352 - Regulation and Cleanup of Dumps | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 377 | #1h | DEQ Technical Review of Point Source Nutrient Reductions and WQIF Grant Savings Proposal (Language Only) | | | | 377 | #2h | Stormwater | $135,000 | $135,000 | | 377 | #3h | Water Protection (Language Only) | | | | 377 | #4h | West Point Area Groundwater Monitoring Wells | $500,000 | $0 | | 377 | #5h | DEQ Technical Review of Point Source Nutrient Reductions and WQIF Grant Savings Proposal (Language Only) | | | | 377 | #6h | HB 1458 - Water Protection Permits | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 377 | #7h | HB 542 - Regional Water Resource Planning | $115,500 | $115,500 | | 377 | #8h | Workgroup Reviewing Water Regulations | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 377 | #9h | HJ 89 - Impacts of Litter on Aquatic Habits and Organisms | $0 | $350,000 | | 377 | #10h | HJ 35 - Study of Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed | $800,000 | $0 | | 378 | #2h | Greenhouse Gas Inventory | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 378 | #3h | HB 525 - Greenhouse Gas Inventory | $300,000 | $0 | | 379 | #1h | Flood Insurance Fund | $500,000 | $0 | | 380 | #2h | Fill and Debris Disposal Workgroup | $50,000 | $0 | | 380 | #3h | HJ 131 - Clean Transportation Plan | $250,000 | $0 | | 381 | #1h | Back Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 381 | #2h | Transport of Bait Fish | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 385 | #1h | Battlefield Preservation Fund | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 385 | #2h | Historic Stanton Family Cemetery | $200 | $200 | | 385 | #3h | Historical African American Cemeteries in Arlington | $1,330 | $1,330 | | 385 | #4h | Restore Confederate Graves Funding | $83,570 | $83,570 | | 385 | #5h | Newtown Cemetery | $2,000 | $2,000 | | 385 | #6h | Clermont Farm | $7,000,000 | $0 | | 385 | #7h | Shenandoah Valley African American History Center | $825,000 | $825,000 | | 385 | #8h | Saint Pauls's College Museum and Archives | $50,000 | $0 | | 385 | #9h | Riverview Cemetery | $240 | $240 | | 385 | #10h | Winfree Cottage | $375,000 | $375,000 | | 385 | #11h | Mt. Zion Old School Baptist Church Cemetery | $385 | $385 | | 385 | #12h | Wake Forest Cemetery | $655 | $655 | | 385 | #13h | Portsmouth Children's Museum | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 385 | #14h | Bob White Covered Bridge | $25,000 | $0 | | 385 | #15h | Battlefield Preservation Fund | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 | | 385 | #16h | Turning Point Suffragist Memorial | $250,000 | $0 | | 385 | #17h | Cuffeytown Cemetery | $525 | $525 | | 385 | #18h | African American Cemeteries in Portsmouth | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 385 | #19h | Underwater Archaeology Program | $159,479 | $159,479 | | 385 | #20h | Woodville School | $100,000 | $0 | | 385 | #21g | Amend Language to Provide Funding to Albermarle County (Language Only) | | | | 385 | #22h | Funding for Our Soldiers Cemetery | $1,000 | $1,000 | | 385 | #23h | Chrysler Museum of Art | $10,000,000 | $0 | | 387 | #2h | Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Foundation | $50,000 | $0 | | 387 | #3h | Tangier Island Jetty | $89,063 | $0 | | 387 | #4h | Marine Habitat and Waterways Improvement Fund | $250,000 | $250,000 | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 391 | #1g | Continue Studying Impact of Body Cameras on Employee Workload (Language Only) | | | | 392 | #1h | Virginia Shoreline Resilience Fund | $125,000 | $125,000 | | 399 | #1h | Community Residential Program | $2,836,444 | $2,836,444 | | 400 | #1h | HB 1284 - Prohibit Isolate Confinement | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 400 | #2h | Virginia Correctional Enterprises - Min. Wage for Inmates | ($14,521,312) | ($14,521,312) | | 400 | #3h | Reduce VCE Funding | $19,751,312 | $19,751,312 | | 400 | #4h | Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act | $350,000 | $350,000 | | 401 | #1h | Hepatitis C Treatment for DOC Inmates | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 401 | #2h | Prisoner Medical Copayments | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 402 | #1h | HB 1254 - Redistricting and Reallocation of Prison Populations | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 402 | #2h | HB 453 - Trespass with Unmanned Aircraft System | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #3h | HB 1192 - Aboveground Hazardous Storage Tanks | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #4h | HB 900 - Firearm Possession Following Certain Misdemeanor Convictions | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #5h | HB 269 - Legalization of Marijuana | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #6h | Payment in Lieu of Taxes | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | | 402 | #7h | HB 323 - Definition of Sexual Abuse | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #8h | HB 899 - Restricted Firearm Ammunition | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #9h | HB 1083 - Access to Firearms by Minors | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #10h | HB 252 - Sexual Abuse of Minor (Language Only) | | | | 402 | #11h | HB 253 - Sex Offender Registry | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #12h | HB 298 - Misdemeanor Sexual Offenses | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #13h | HB 87 - Possession of Non-Retail Marijuana | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #14h | HB 288 - Definition of Sexual Abuse | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #15h | HB 832 - Athlete Agent Registration | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #16h | HB 459 - Firearm Possession | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #17h | HB 458 - Possession of Firearms, Fugitives (Language Only) | | | | 402 | #18h | HB 1211 - Information for IDs | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #19h | HB 793 - Conditional Release | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #20h | HB 625 - Protective Orders, Family Abuse | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #21h | HB 157 - Stationary Vehicles | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #22h | HB 818 - Assault of officers | $160,177 | $0 | | 402 | #23h | HB 856 - Protective Orders, Firearms | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #24h | HB 853 - Access to Firearms | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #25h | HB 412 - Expand Definition of Household Member | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #26h | HB 1288 - Possession of Firearms, Certain Priors | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #27h | HB 251 - Violations of Prostitution Related Crimes | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #28h | Remove Woodrum Funding | ($250,000) | ($250,000) | | 402 | #29h | HB 1524 - Prostitution-Related Crimes | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #30g | Woodrum Funding for Electronic Gaming Device Violations | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #31h | HB 470 - Protective Orders on Behalf of Incapacitated Persons | $50,000 | $0 | | 402 | #33h | HB 1553 - Debt Settlement Providers | $50,000 | $0 | | 403 | #1h | Law-Enforcement Officer Tuition Grant Fund | $225,000 | $225,000 | | 403 | #2h | Human Trafficking Training | $50,000 | $0 | | 403 | #3h | Develop SRO MOU | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 403 | #4h | Law Enforcement Officer Tuition Grants | $500,000 | $500,000 | | 404 | #1h | Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Coordinator | $150,000 | $150,000 | | 404 | #2h | HJ 43 - Study of Enforcement of Firearms Provisions | $40,000 | $0 | | 404 | #3h | HB 883 - Deflection Treatment Study | $100,000 | $0 | | 404 | #4h | SRO and SSO Data Collection and Reporting | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 404 | #7h | Criminal Justice Data Collection and Reporting Standards | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 404 | #8h | HB 922 - Bail Data Collection and Reporting | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 406 | #1h | Additional Support for Pretrial Supervision | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 406 | #2h | Pretrial Services Program in Culpeper County | $280,500 | $280,500 | | 406 | #3h | Pretrial Services Program in Culpeper County | $280,500 | $280,500 | | 406 | #4h | Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention Grants | $354,756 | $3,806,342 | | 406 | #5h | Sexual Assault Crisis Centers | $1,250,250 | $1,250,250 | | 406 | #6h | Gun Violence Survivor Assistance Program (Language Only) | | | | 406 | #7h | Legal and Social Services to Low-Income Crime Victims | $425,000 | $0 | | 406 | #8h | Additional Support for Pretrial Services | $3,250,000 | $3,250,000 | | 406 | #9h | SRO and SSO Grants | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 406 | #10g | Grant Funds to Support Red Flag Lawn | $500,000 | $0 | | 407 | #1h | Towing Authorization Eligibility | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 408 | #1h | Aid to Localities with Police Departments | $8,600,000 | $16,000,000 | | 410 | #1h | Emergency Preparedness Information, Limited English Proficiency | $60,000 | $0 | | 410 | #2h | Incidents Involving Cyber Systems | $50,000 | $0 | | 410 | #3h | Shelter Upgrade Assistance Fund | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | | 411 | #1h | Restore Full Training Schedule Funding | $556,136 | $556,136 | |
Office of Public Safety | | |
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 421 | #1h | HB 477 - Increase Minimum Age for Trial As Adult | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 422 | #1h | Westhaven Boys Home | $500,000 | $0 | | 425 | #1h | Remove Funding for Assault Weapons Ban Positions | ($2,412,825) | ($1,587,203) | | 425 | #2h | Remove Positions Included for Various Firearms Bills | ($2,408,835) | ($1,228,233) | | 425 | #3h | HB 320 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #4h | HB 865 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #5h | HB 1207 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #6h | Registry for Individuals with Special Communication Needs | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 425 | #7h | Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #8h | HB 254 - Records Expungement | $50,000 | $0 | | 425 | #9h | HB 255 - Records Expungement | $50,000 | $0 | | 425 | #10h | HB 647 - Records Expungement | $180,000 | $180,000 | | 425 | #11h | Use of Force Data Collection | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #12h | HB 267 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #13h | HB 268 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #14h | Cold Case Searchable Database | $200,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #15h | HB 293 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #16h | HB 476 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #17h | HB 91 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #18h | Remove Positions Included for Various Firearms Bills | ($2,408,835) | ($1,228,233) | | 425 | #19h | HB 128 - Records Expungement | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 425 | #20h | Remove Funding for Assault Weapons Ban Positions | ($2,412,825) | ($1,587,203) | | 425 | #21g | Supplement Funding for Assault Weapon Ban Legislation | $466,700 | $125,870 | | 426 | #1h | State Police Helicopter | $3,687,143 | $587,143 | | 427 | #1h | YOVASO Funding | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 429 | #1h | HB 430 - Repeal Abolition of Parole | $100,000 | $100,000 | |
Office of Transportation | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 430 | #1h | Adjust Language Earmarking Funding to Reflect HB 1414 (Language Only) | | | | 430 | #2h | Review of Drainage Outfalls from Roads (Language Only) | | | | 430 | #3h | Transfer Management of the Commuter Choice Program (Language Only) | | | | 431 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | ($526,382) | ($814,249) | | 432 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | ($526,382) | ($992,747) | | 435 | #1h | Create Airport Opportunity Fund | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 436 | #1h | HB 1245 - Prohibition Against Withholding Vehicle Registrations | $2,300,000 | $2,300,000 | | 438 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | $1,920,000 | $1,768,890 | | 438 | #2h | Maintain Current Local Vehicle Registration Fees (Language Only) | | | | 438 | #3h | Special Communication Needs - Voluntary Registry | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 438 | #4h | HB 235 - Automatic Voter Registration Through DMV | $320,000 | $30,000 | | 442 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | $20,268,128 | ($18,436,095) | | 442 | #2h | Provide Funding for Connector Bus Between Roanoke and Clifton Forge | $75,000 | $75,000 | | 442 | #3h | Evaluation of Blue Line Extension | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 442 | #4h | Review Feasibility of Increased Off-Peak Usage on the Manassas & Fredericksburg Lines (Language Only) | | | | 442 | #5h | Allow for Adjustments of Budget for WMATA Service Increases (Language Only) | | | | 442 | #6h | HB 619 - Funding for Fredericksburg Regional Transit | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 442 | #7h | Conduct Evaluation of Need for Enhanced Public Transportation Services | $2,000,000 | $0 | | 443 | #1h | Reduce Fares for Virginia Railway Express by 10% | $4,381,000 | $4,381,000 | | 443 | #2h | Reduce Fares for Virginia Railway Express by 25% | $10,952,500 | $10,952,500 | | 443 | #3h | Evaluation of Phase 2 of Commonwealth Railway Mainline Project | $2,000,000 | $1,500,000 | | 443 | #4h | HJ55 - Study the Feasibility of an East-West Commonwealth Corridor Passenger Rail Service | $300,000 | $0 | | 443 | #5h | HJ 128 - Study Best Practices for Commuter Rail Systems | $1,000,000 | $0 | | 443 | #6h | Evaluate Extending the Virginia Railway Express Commuter Rail (Language Only) | | | | 446 | #1h | Funding to Support the Mobilty Talks International Conference | $50,000 | $0 | | 447 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | ($33,943,221) | ($51,290,343) | | 447 | #3h | HB 283 - Time Limitations on Highway Construction and Maintenance | $292,200,000 | $292,200,000 | | 447 | #4h | Funding for Traffic Light in Virginia Beach | $100,000 | $0 | | 447 | #5h | Funding to Support Contruction Project in Town of Glasgow | $138,000 | $0 | | 447 | #6h | Funding to Replace the Kings Highway Bridge | $35,000,000 | $35,000,000 | | 447 | #7h | Earmark Funding for Recommendations of Recent Study (Language Only) | | | | 447 | #8h | Funding for Rollins Ford Road Corridor Study | $0 | $4,160,000 | | 447 | #9h | HJ 57 - Study Congestion on Route 50 | $200,000 | $0 | | 448 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | $15,000,000 | ($11,377,992) | | 449 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | ($8,148,928) | ($16,163,174) | | 450 | #1h | Prohibition Against Assesing Fee for Unused or Infrequently Used Transponders (Language Only) | | | | 450 | #2h | I-66 Inside the Beltway Reverse Tolling (Language Only) | | | | 451 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | $5,000,000 | ($4,623,089) | | 451 | #2h | Funding Level for Richmond City Street Maintenance (Language Only) | | | | 451 | #3h | Adjust Financial Assistance to Localities for Street Maintenance for Inflation | $8,524,605 | $8,524,605 | | 451 | #4g | Correct Appropriation for Local Maintenance Programs | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 452 | #1h | Restore GF Support for Route 58 | $40,000,000 | $40,000,000 | | 452 | #2h | Require Issuance of Bonds to Complete Route 58 Corridor Project (Language Only) | | | | 452 | #3h | Buyout Contract for Elizabeth River Toll | $2,500,000,000 | $0 | | 452 | #4h | HB 429 - Exempt Public Service Employees from Paying Tolls | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | | 458 | #1h | Adjust Transportation Funding to Reflect HB 1414 | ($653,686) | ($1,489,549) | | 458 | #2h | Funding to Support Dredging Projects | $3,650,000 | $3,650,000 | | 458 | #3h | Funding for Commonwealth Railway Mainline Project | $2,000,000 | $1,500,000 | |
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 462 | #1h | V-CAMP Program | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | | 462 | #2h | Ft. Eustis Encroachment | $375,000 | $0 | | 464 | #1h | HB 411 - Information Regarding Services Available | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 464 | #2h | PSAs For Veterans Service Animals Organizations | $25,000 | $0 | | 464 | #3h | Virginia Women Veterans Program | $106,139 | $111,139 | |
Central Appropriations | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 477 | #1h | HB 649 - Include Police Dispatchers in Presumption Clause | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 477 | #2h | HB 395 - Fund Impact of Minimum Wage Increase | $1,459,551 | $7,000,000 | | 477 | #3h | Higher Education - Unified Faculty Salary Amendment | $68,094,400 | $138,231,600 | | 477 | #4h | Increase T & F Faculty Salary | $18,159,639 | $18,400,749 | | 477 | #5h | HB 1302 - Minimum Salary for All Deputy Sheriffs | $6,897,816 | $6,897,816 | | 477 | #6h | 3% Salary Increase for State Employees and State Supported Local Employees | $124,655,574 | $135,929,159 | | 477 | #7h | Funding 3% Salary Increase for Employees in Sheriffs' Offices | $9,045,873 | $9,868,225 | | 477 | #8h | 10% Salary Increase for Correctional Officers | $39,500,670 | $39,500,670 | | 477 | #9h | Salary Increase for DOC Correctional Officers - 7% | $27,650,469 | $27,650,469 | | 477 | #10h | Salary Increase for State Police - 3% | $4,543,944 | $4,543,944 | | 477 | #11h | Include DCR Law Enforcement Personnel in VaLORS | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 477 | #12h | VaLORS - Include DCR Law Enforcement Personnel | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 477 | #13h | HB 1350 - Include Sworn DMV Personnel in VaLORS | $325,000 | $325,000 | | 477 | #15h | Salary Increase for All Sheriffs Deputies and Regional Jail Officers - 7% | $35,216,971 | $35,216,971 | | 477 | #16h | HB 1087 - Funding Deductibles Through Health Savings Accounts for High Deductible Plans | $0 | $500,000 | | 477 | #17h | HB 58 - Address Balance Billing | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 477 | #18h | HB 645 - Health Coverage for Diabetes Treatment | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 477 | #19h | HB 579 - Coverage for Low-Dose Screening Mammograms | $600,000 | $600,000 | | 477 | #20h | HB 1494 & HB 1251 - Surprise Billing | $250,000 | $250,000 | | 477 | #21h | HB 840 - Coverage for Medically Necessary Formula and Enteral Nutrition Products | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 477 | #22h | HB 121 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 477 | #23h | HB 1536 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 477 | #24h | HB 733 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 477 | #25h | HB 438 - Include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Presumption Clause | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 477 | #26h | HB 169 - Include Correctional Officers in Presumption Clause for Certain Diseases | $125,000 | $150,000 | | 477 | #27h | Include PTSD Under Workers Compensation Act | $400,000 | $400,000 | | 477 | #28h | HB 617 - Cover Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Through Workers Compensation | $100,000 | $100,000 | | 477 | #29h | Adjust Annual Supplement for VaLORS | $0 | $2,800,000 | | 477 | #30h | HB 556 - Amend Judicial Retirement Cap | $792,000 | $792,000 | | 477 | #31h | HB 986 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs | $655,000 | $655,000 | | 477 | #32h | HB 1493 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs or SROs | $655,000 | $655,000 | | 478 | #1h | Redirect New DEQ Permitting Funding | ($12,620,652) | ($12,791,152) | | 479 | #1h | Reduce Amount Provided for Uncommitted Contingencies | ($8,004,052) | ($9,805,897) | | 479 | #2h | Strike Funding in Introduced Budget for New Reinsurance Program | $73,000,000 | $73,000,000 | | 479 | #3h | Redirect $200 Million in Unallocated Funding | ($100,000,000) | ($100,000,000) | | 479 | #4h | Remove Uncommitted Contingencies Funding (Language Only) | | | | 479 | #5g | Adjust Funding for Reinsurance Program | ($36,500,000) | $0 | | 479 | #6h | HB 439 - Notification of Plan to Relocate Call Centers to Foriegn Countries | $250,000 | $500,000 | | 479 | #7h | Redirect Portion of Uncommitted Contingencies - Fund VDACS for HB1194 | ($2,000,000) | ($2,000,000) | | 479 | #8h | Redirect Portion of Funding for Uncommitted Contingencies to K-12 for Cost to Compete | ($24,808,233) | ($25,886,016) | | 479 | #9h | Redirect Portion of Funding for Uncommitted Contingencies to DOC | ($50,000) | $0 | | 482.01 | #1h | Grants to City of Virginia Beach (Language Only) | | | | 482.02 | #1h | City of Virginia Beach Interest-Free Treasury Loan (Language Only) | | | |
Independent Agencies | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | 483 | #1h | HB 843 - Interest Rate Cap for Specific Loans | $50,000 | $50,000 | | 483 | #2h | Investigation of License Applications | $23,240 | $245,580 | | 483 | #3h | HB 523 - Oversight of Toll Roads | $250,000 | $0 | | 483 | #4h | HB 1546 - Independent Dispute Resolution for Surprise Billing | $200,000 | $200,000 | | 484 | #1h | HB 1295 - Clean Energy Development Fund | $0 | $84,491 | | 484 | #2h | Restores Public Service Company Fees and Taxes | $800,000 | $800,000 | | 486 | #1h | HJ 110 - Placing Telecommunication Facilities Underground | $150,000 | $0 | | 486 | #2h | HB 1297 - SCC Membership | $1,322,900 | $1,375,000 | | 487 | #1h | Specify Details for State Health Benefit Exchange (Language Only) | | | | 488 | #1h | HB 374 - Regulation of Casino Gaming (Language Only) | | | | 488 | #2h | HB 428 - Regulation of Casino Gaming (Language Only) | | | | 491 | #1h | VCSP - ABLEnow Program | $1,250,000 | $1,250,000 | | 491 | #2h | VCSP - SOAR Program | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 491 | #3g | Increase ABLEnow Program Appropriation | $1,250,000 | $1,250,000 | | 492 | #1h | Provide State Match for VOLSAP Program | $246,000 | $246,000 | | 494 | #1h | HB 986 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School Security Officers. | $344,218 | $0 | | 494 | #2h | HB 1493 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs or SROs | $344,218 | $0 | | 494 | #3h | HB 480 - Enhanced Retirement Benefits for 911 Dispatchers | $112,000 | $0 | | 497 | #1h | Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 | | 497.50 | #1h | HB 1301 - Office of the Children's Ombudsman | $1,800,300 | $1,800,300 | |
Office of Education | | |
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | | C-4 | #1h | CNU - Planning Technical Fund Source Change | $0 | $0 | | C-8.10 | #1h | CWM - Integrated Science Center, Phase 4 | $68,553,000 | $0 | | C-12.10 | #1h | GMU - School of Conflict Analysis Residential Facilities | $8,000,000 | $0 | | C-12.10 | #2h | GMU - Planning Academic VIII-STEM | $7,500,000 | $0 | | C-17 | #1h | JMU - Planning Technical Fund Source Change | $0 | $0 | | C-21.50 | #1h | UVA - Virginia Autonomous Systems and Technologies (VAST) Building | $10,000,000 | $0 | | C-22.10 | #1h | VCU - Construct Arts and Innovation Academic Building | $181,000,567 | $0 | | C-24 | #1h | VCCS - Workforce Center (Language Only) | | | | C-24.10 | #1h | VCCS - Renovate Franklin Campus, Paul D. Camp CC | $2,163,000 | $17,929,000 | | C-25.10 | #1h | VMI - Planning Leadership and Ethics Phase 2 | $2,100,000 | $0 | | C-33.10 | #1h | VT - Planning Replace Randolph Hall | $11,000,000 | $0 | | C-33.10 | #2h | VT - Construct Undergraduate Laboratory Building | $90,500,000 | $0 | | C-36.50 | #1h | VMFA - Repairs and Structural Issues | $2,750,000 | $0 | | C-36.50 | #2h | GUNSTON - Construct / Relocate Executive Directors Residence | $1,143,250 | $580,000 | | C-36.50 | #3h | GUNSTON - Planning Preschool Facility | $340,000 | $525,000 | |
Office of Natural Resources | | |
Office of Transportation | | |
Central Appropriations | | |