| First Year - FY1999 | Second Year - FY2000 | Totals |
Office of Public Safety | $1,518,709,421 | $1,683,929,175 $1,696,819,458 | |
Secretary of Public Safety | $645,600 | $647,438 | |
447 | Administrative and Support Services | $645,600 | $647,438 | |
Department of Criminal Justice Services | $147,506,423 | $264,037,007 $270,650,478 | |
448 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,749,450 | $2,774,742 | |
449 | Criminal Justice Research, Planning, and Coordination | $944,403 | $1,090,471 | |
450 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $1,224,572 | $1,241,430 | |
451 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $558,322 | $560,646 | |
452 | Asset Forfeiture and Seizure Fund Management and Financial Assistance Program | $2,202,100 | $2,202,709 | |
453 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $24,756,856 | $26,401,993 | |
454 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $1,274,588 | $1,329,710 | |
455 | Financial Assistance for Administration of Justice Services | $46,912,216 | $62,677,492 | |
456 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $66,883,916 | $165,757,814 $172,371,285 | |
Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council | $523,323 | $528,221 | |
457 | Adjudication Training, Education, and Standards | $523,323 | $528,221 | |
Department of Fire Programs | $13,307,571 | $13,211,809 | |
458 | Fire Services Assistance | $3,269,187 | $3,273,425 | |
459 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $10,038,384 | $9,938,384 | |
Department of State Police | $170,902,297 | $177,638,610 | |
460 | Administrative and Support Services | $8,777,992 | $8,906,008 | |
461 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $24,443,204 | $26,358,333 | |
462 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $2,338,681 | $2,369,293 | |
463 | Ground Transportation System Safety | $12,523,087 | $12,685,148 | |
464 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $122,585,428 | $127,081,226 | |
465 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $233,905 | $238,602 | |
466 | Language Only | | |
Department of Corrections, Central Activities | $37,758,083 | $39,620,449 | |
467 | Administrative and Support Services | $33,448,173 | $34,896,684 | |
468 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $781,791 | $799,287 | |
469 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $3,019,582 | $3,409,598 | |
470 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $508,537 | $514,880 | |
Division of Institutions | $547,563,917 | $574,991,015 $580,992,827 | |
471 | Administrative and Support Services | $28,482,029 | $29,429,930 | |
472 | Secure Confinement | $322,289,851 | $345,108,287 | |
473 | Classification Services | $6,213,129 | $6,248,470 | |
474 | Administrative and Support Services | $183,589,528 | $187,376,351 $193,378,163 | |
475 | Community-Based Custody | $659,504 | $662,948 | |
476 | Agribusiness | $6,267,376 | $5,974,779 | |
477 | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $62,500 | $190,250 | |
478 | Language Only | | |
479 | Language Only | | |
480 | Language Only | | |
Division of Community Corrections | $63,288,626 | $65,878,211 | |
481 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,413,420 | $1,443,587 | |
482 | Community-Based Custody | $13,290,452 | $13,452,365 | |
483 | Probation and Reentry Services | $47,462,695 | $50,274,787 | |
484 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $331,131 | $332,472 | |
485 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $790,928 | $375,000 | |
486 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Correctional Enterprises | $32,723,567 | $32,770,130 | |
487 | Rehabilitative Industries | $32,723,567 | $32,770,130 | |
Department of Correctional Education | $41,357,646 | $42,531,250 | |
488 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,393,528 | $2,409,210 | |
489 | Instruction | $38,964,118 | $40,122,040 | |
Virginia Parole Board | $783,061 | $788,318 | |
490 | Probation and Reentry Services | $783,061 | $788,318 | |
Department of Juvenile Justice | $183,602,910 | $190,187,624 $190,462,624 | |
491 | Administrative and Support Services | $12,407,870 | $12,579,488 | |
492 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $11,949 | $11,949 | |
493 | Crime Deterrence | $1,812,809 | $1,812,809 | |
494 | Community-Based Custody | $13,164,628 | $13,671,873 $13,946,873 | |
495 | Probation and Reentry Services | $42,336,304 | $43,690,453 | |
496 | Protective Services | $2,205,000 | $2,220,000 | |
497 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $53,718,013 | $53,143,267 | |
498 | Language Only | | |
499 | Secure Confinement | $38,174,169 | $42,283,160 | |
500 | Language Only | | |
501 | Language Only | | |
502 | Administrative and Support Services | $19,772,168 | $20,755,125 | |
502.10 | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $0 | $19,500 | |
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control | $249,283,792 | $251,985,151 | |
503 | Alcoholic Beverage Merchandising | $230,380,530 | $233,068,307 | |
504 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $11,893,979 | $11,907,561 | |
505 | State Lottery Operations | $7,009,283 | $7,009,283 | |
Department of Emergency Services | $8,519,942 | $9,286,645 | |
506 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,209,066 | $1,236,394 | |
507 | Disaster Planning and Operations | $7,310,876 | $8,050,251 | |
508 | Language Only | | |
Department of Military Affairs | $20,942,663 | $19,827,297 | |
509 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,817,965 | $1,499,631 | |
510 | Defense Preparedness | $16,256,483 | $15,244,985 | |
511 | Disaster Planning and Operations | sum sufficient | |
512 | Instruction | $2,283,867 | $2,432,681 | |
513 | Higher Education Student Financial Assistance | $584,348 | $650,000 | |