2000 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of State Police

Item 461

Item 461 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics (30200)$24,443,204$26,358,333
Criminal Justice Computer Network (30201)FY1999 $6,524,382FY2000 $8,191,259
Records Management (30203)FY1999 $6,397,690FY2000 $6,235,547
Telecommunications (30204)FY1999 $11,521,132FY2000 $11,931,527
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $22,782,906FY2000 $24,181,594
SpecialFY1999 $1,260,298FY2000 $1,276,739
Commonwealth TransportationFY1999 $400,000FY2000 $900,000

Authority: §§ 18.2-308.2:2, 19.2-387, 19.2-388, 27-55, 52-4, 52-4.4, 52-8.5, 52-12, 52-13, 52-15, 52-16, 52-25 and 52-31 through 52-34, Code of Virginia.

A. There is hereby reappropriated the unexpended balances of funding for communications equipment remaining at the close of business on June 30, 1998, in the appropriation for Item 446, Chapter 924, Acts of Assembly of 1997, in the subprogram Telecommunications, and the balances remaining in this subprogram on June 30, 1999.

B. The Department is authorized to accelerate the schedule for replacing its mainframe computer in the event that additional funds become available for this project.

C. Included in this appropriation is $1,750,000 in the second year from the general fund to develop a request for proposal for the design of a statewide-shared land mobile radio system. The Department of State Police may not enter into a contract for the financing, including leasing or other vendor financing, design, and engineering of a statewide-shared land mobile radio system until approval is given by the Secretaries of Public Safety, Technology, and Finance. The Attorney General shall review and approve the form and content of any proposed contracts. In addition, a technical steering committee comprised of representatives from the Department of Information Technology, Council of Information Management, Department of Planning and Budget, Secretary of Public Safety, and the Department of State Police, shall be established. This committee shall review and make recommendations, as directed by the Secretary of Public Safety, over all aspects of the statewide-shared land mobile radio system, including the development of any request for proposals. The Department of State Police shall submit periodic reports, as directed by the Secretary of Public Safety, to this committee regarding its progress in implementing the statewide-shared land mobile radio system. Within its request for proposals, the Department of State Police should direct vendors to submit private financing options, including leasing, as part of their proposals.

D. Out of the Motor Carrier Special Fund (0455), $400,000 the first year and $900,000 the second year shall be provided to the Department of State Police for the purchase of digital data lines for the Virginia Criminal Information Network and related expenses.

E.1.a. It is the intent of the General Assembly that wireless 911 calls be delivered directly by the Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) provider to the local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), in order that such calls be answered by the local jurisdiction within which the call originates, thereby minimizing the need for call transfers whenever possible.

b. On or before January 1, 2000, it is intended that the Cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach shall begin answering wireless 911 calls originating in their jurisdictions.

c. On or before July 1, 2000, it is intended that Chesterfield and Henrico County and the City of Richmond shall begin answering wireless 911 calls originating in their jurisdictions.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 (§ 56-484.8 et seq.), Chapter 15, Title 56, Code of Virginia, the Wireless E-911 Service Board shall make transitional or start-up payments to the PSAPs serving the localities identified in paragraphs E.1.b. and E.1.c. above for costs associated with the assumption of wireless 911 telephone call answering responsibilities from the Department of State Police. In furtherance of this objective, the localities referenced in paragraphs E.1.b. and E.1.c. above shall submit by July 1, 1999, their estimates of the wireless 911 PSAP transitional or start-up costs they expect to incur during fiscal year 2000. These estimates shall include the initial capital, installation, and maintenance costs of the 911 wireless emergency telephone systems and recurring maintenance, repair, and system upgrade costs, and salaries or portion of salaries of dispatchers or call-takers, for the purpose of assisting localities in complying with the provisions of this paragraph.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 (§ 56-484.8 et seq.), Chapter 15, Title 56, Code of Virginia, the Department of State Police is authorized to receive moneys collected in the Wireless E-911 Fund, not to exceed $750,000 in each fiscal year, to offset dispatch center operating costs incurred for answering wireless 911 telephone calls originating in localities for which the Department of State Police continues to serve as the PSAP for wireless 911 telephone calls. Such payments shall be made pursuant to procedures established by the Wireless E-911 Service Board.

4. The Wireless E-911 Service Board shall provide a progress report to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by October 1, 1999, on the progress in implementing the provisions of the Wireless Enhanced Public Safety Telephone Service Act of 1998. The Secretary of Technology and the Department of Information Technology shall provide such support as may be necessary to enable the Board to complete its report.