| First Year - FY2005 | Second Year - FY2006 | Totals |
Office of Commerce and Trade | $861,211,740 $861,607,158 | $835,782,540 $860,334,018 | |
Secretary of Commerce and Trade | $547,753 $658,171 | $548,709 $797,149 | |
95 | Administrative and Support Services | $547,753 $658,171 | $548,709 $797,149 | |
Board of Accountancy | $586,000 | $586,000 | |
96 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $586,000 | $586,000 | |
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | $47,382,114 | $47,282,390 $47,688,525 | |
97 | Administrative and Support Services | $8,040,059 | $8,040,335 $8,249,685 | |
98 | Nutritional Services | $2,023,277 | $2,023,277 | |
99 | Agricultural and Seafood Product Promotion and Development Services | $4,736,361 | $4,636,361 | |
100 | Animal and Poultry Disease and Pest Control | $4,976,273 | $4,976,273 $5,103,058 | |
101 | Commerce and Agricultural Markets Development and Improvement | $9,192,452 | $9,192,452 | |
102 | Plant Pest and Disease Control | $3,667,962 | $3,667,962 $3,737,962 | |
103 | Consumer Affairs Clearinghouse Services | $1,450,006 | $1,450,006 | |
104 | Regulation of Business Practices | $2,268,624 | $2,268,624 | |
105 | Regulation of Food | $6,226,364 | $6,226,364 | |
106 | Regulation of Products | $4,800,736 | $4,800,736 | |
Department of Business Assistance | $13,196,771 | $12,748,887 $13,547,587 | |
107 | Industrial Development Services | $13,196,771 | $12,748,887 $13,547,587 | |
Department of Forestry | $24,053,792 | $24,175,671 $24,992,796 | |
108 | Forest Land Management | $24,053,792 | $24,175,671 $24,992,796 | |
Department of Housing and Community Development | $95,042,307 $95,277,307 | $96,080,971 $116,293,971 | |
109 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,386,088 | $2,385,752 $2,408,252 | |
110 | Housing Assistance Services | $45,048,692 | $45,048,692 $46,548,692 | |
111 | Economic Development Research, Planning, and Coordination | $40,077,706 | $40,127,706 | |
112 | Industrial Development Services | $1,960,000 | $2,960,000 | |
112.10 | Economic and Community Development Services | $235,000 | $18,623,000 | |
113 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $5,235,822 | $5,224,822 $5,292,322 | |
114 | Governmental Affairs Services | $333,999 | $333,999 | |
Department of Labor and Industry | $11,991,688 | $11,983,489 $12,248,923 | |
115 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,473,810 | $3,475,611 | |
116 | Industrial Development Services | $878,901 | $868,901 | |
117 | Regulation of Business Practices | $708,093 | $708,093 | |
118 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $6,441,135 | $6,441,135 $6,706,569 | |
119 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $489,749 | $489,749 | |
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $27,390,519 | $27,390,538 | |
120 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,659,688 | $2,659,707 | |
121 | Land Management | $14,854,093 | $14,854,093 | |
122 | Minerals Management | $4,836,586 | $4,836,586 | |
123 | Resource Management Research, Planning, and Coordination | $1,038,362 | $1,038,362 | |
124 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $4,001,790 | $4,001,790 | |
Department of Minority Business Enterprise | $435,013 | $463,163 | |
125 | Industrial Development Services | $435,013 | $463,163 | |
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | $11,472,485 | $11,472,485 $13,175,129 | |
126 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $11,472,485 | $11,472,485 $13,175,129 | |
Virginia Agricultural Council | $490,334 | $490,334 | |
127 | Agricultural and Seafood Product Promotion and Development Services | $490,334 | $490,334 | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $15,933,880 | $15,401,939 | |
128 | Industrial Development Services | $15,933,880 | $15,401,939 | |
Virginia Employment Commission | $597,148,040 $597,198,040 | $571,854,736 $571,954,736 | |
129 | Employment Assistance Services | $593,677,395 $593,727,395 | $568,384,091 $568,484,091 | |
130 | Industrial Development Services | $3,470,645 | $3,470,645 | |
131 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Racing Commission | $3,796,130 | $4,208,130 | |
132 | Industrial Development Services | $1,790,000 | $1,920,000 | |
133 | Regulation of Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Betting | $2,006,130 | $2,288,130 | |
Virginia Tourism Authority | $11,744,914 | $11,095,098 | |
134 | Tourist Promotion | $11,744,914 | $11,095,098 | |