2020 2

Budget Bill - HB5005 (Introduced)

Item 482.20 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
482.20#1hRestore Tuition Moderation Funding$54,750,000$25,000,000
482.20#4hRestore Online Virginia Network Funding$1,000,000$1,000,000
482.20#5hRestore Tuition Moderation Funding$54,750,000$25,000,000
482.20#6hRestore Funds to Eliminate 40 Qtr. Medicaid Eligibility Rule for Legal Permanent Immigrants$1,172,091$3,289,890
482.20#7hRestore HB 599 Funding$8,628,574$8,628,574
482.20#8hFull Restoration for the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (Language Only)
482.20#9hFull Restoration of the Virginia Talent Accelerator Program (Language Only)
482.20#10hFull Restoration of the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (Language Only)
482.20#11hFully Restore Funding for the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (Language Only)
482.20#12hRestore HB 599 Funding$8,628,574$8,628,574
482.20#13hRestore Nursing Facility Funding$6,794,541$6,984,788
482.20#14hRestore Funds to Eliminate 40 Qtr. Medicaid Eligibility Rule for Legal Permanent Immigrants$1,172,091$3,289,890
482.20#15hRestore Board of Local and Regional Jails Funding$170,125$226,832
482.20#16hRestore Virginia Western CC Health Science and Technology Pilot$0$350,000
482.20#17hUnderwater Archaeology Positions$159,479$159,479
482.20#18hRestore Funding for FAMIS MOMS' Postpartum Coverage to 12 months$1,114,936$2,116,376
482.20#19hRestore Funding to Increase Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities$0$7,599,696
482.20#20hRestore Medicaid Rate Increase for Skilled & Private Duty Nursing$6,245,286$6,245,286
482.20#21hRestore Overtime for Medicaid Personal Care Attendants$9,609,223$0
482.20#22hRestore Housing Attorney Funding$1,500,000$1,500,000
482.20#23hRestore Medicaid Rate Increase for Anesthesiologists$253,376$262,491
482.20#24hPartial Restoration of PAPIS Funding$500,000$0
482.20#25hGeriatric Conditional Release$42,319$42,319
482.20#26hRestore Funds to Exempt Live-in Caretakers from Medicaid EVV Requirements $507,500$373,000
482.20#27hRestore Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) Funding$4,100,000$7,900,000
482.20#28hRestore Masons Neck State Park Staffing$160,800$160,800
482.20#29hRestore Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Funding$250,000$0
482.20#30hRestore Funding for Mental Health Facility Pilot Project to Reduce Census$7,500,000$7,500,000
482.20#33hRestore K-12 Funding Initiatives$178,344,517$304,970,121
482.20#34hRestore GMU Enrollment Funding$10,000,000$0
482.20#35hRestore ODU Enrollment Funding$10,000,000$0
482.20#36hRestore Massey Cancer Center Funding$7,500,000$2,500,000
482.20#37hRestore Expanded Access to School Meals$5,300,000$5,300,000
482.20#38hRestore VCCS G-3 Program Funding$36,000,000$35,000,000
482.20#40hReduce HB 599 Funding by 10%-$11,408,892-$11,408,892
482.20#41hReduce HB 599 Funding by 25%-$41,465,090-$41,465,090
482.20#42hReduce State Police Funding by 10%-$29,035,294-$29,009,410
482.20#43hReduce State Police Funding by 25%-$72,588,235-$72,523,525
482.20#44hRestore Funds for Va. Sexual & Domestic Violence Prevention Fund$750,000$750,000
482.20#50hRestore Medicaid Rates for Mental Health Providers$2,374,698$2,458,479
482.20#52hRestore Medicaid Funds for DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data$0$22,037,077
482.20#57hRestore Funds to Adjust Minimum Salaries for Local DSS Family Service Workers$0$5,592,707
482.20#58hRestore Funds to Eliminate 40 Qtr. Medicaid Eligibility Rule for Legal Permanent Immigrants$1,172,091$3,289,890
482.20#59hRestore Funds for Medicaid MCO Reimbursement for DME$345,621$352,534
482.20#60hRestore Funding for FAMIS MOMS' Postpartum Coverage to 12 months$1,114,936$2,116,376
Committee Approved
482.20#1hRestore Online Virginia Network Funding$1,000,000$0
482.20#2hLegal Aid Eviction Attorneys$1,000,000$1,000,000
482.20#3hRedirect Restoration for Virginia Jobs Investment Program-$2,000,000$0
482.20#4hRestore Funding for Blue Ridge PBS$350,000$0
482.20#5hRestore Funding for Census Reduction Programs at State Psychiatric Hospitals$3,750,000$3,750,000
482.20#6hRestore Board of Local and Regional Jails Funding$170,125$226,832
482.20#7hRestore Funding for Grants to Recovery Residences$250,000$250,000
Floor Request
482.20#2hRestore HB 599 Funding$8,628,574$8,628,574
Floor Approved
482.20#1hRestore Online Virginia Network Funding$1,000,000$0
482.20#2hLegal Aid Eviction Attorneys$1,000,000$1,000,000
482.20#3hRedirect Restoration for Virginia Jobs Investment Program-$2,000,000$0
482.20#4hRestore Funding for Blue Ridge PBS$350,000$0
482.20#5hRestore Funding for Census Reduction Programs at State Psychiatric Hospitals$3,750,000$3,750,000
482.20#6hRestore Board of Local and Regional Jails Funding$170,125$226,832
482.20#7hRestore Funding for Grants to Recovery Residences$250,000$250,000
Conference Report
482.20#1cRestore Funding for Census Reduction Programs at State Psychiatric Hospitals$3,750,000$3,750,000
482.20#2cRestore Funding for Grants to Recovery Residences$250,000$250,000
482.20#3cRestore Mental Health Provider Rates$0$2,458,479
482.20#4cRestore Funds to Eliminate 40 Qtr. Medicaid Eligibility Rule for Legal Immigrants$293,023$3,289,890
482.20#5cRestore Funding for Medicaid Adult Dental Benefit$0$17,486,839
482.20#6cRestore Funding for Overtime for Personal Care Attendants$3,209,470$9,609,223
482.20#7cRestore Funding for FAMIS MOMS' Postpartum Coverage to 12 months$278,734$2,116,376
482.20#8cRestore Funds for Medicaid MCO Reimbursement Requirement for DME$0$352,534
482.20#9cRestore Medicaid Rate Increase for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing$0$6,245,286
482.20#10cRestore Medicaid Rate Increase for Anesthesiologists$0$262,491
482.20#11cRestore Funding to Finalize Rate Study for Private Day Programs$250,000$0
482.20#12cRestore Funds for Medicaid Rate Setting Analysis$300,000$0
482.20#13cRestore Full Funding for Medicaid Graduate Medical Education Residency Slots$1,350,000$2,600,000
482.20#14cRestore Funds for Statewide Discharge Assistance Plans$7,500,000$10,000,000
482.20#15cRestore Funds for Permanent Supportive Housing$3,000,000$17,000,000
482.20#16cRestore Funds for the Virginia Mental Health Access Program$2,112,194$4,224,388
482.20#17cRestore Funds for STEP-VA$0$30,151,414
482.20#18cRestore Funds for Increase in TANF Cash Assistance Payments$579,951$1,159,901
482.20#19cRestore Funding for Emil and Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center$250,000$0
482.20#20cRestore Funding for 19th District Judicial Position$161,719$323,437
482.20#21cSCHEV-Restore VIVA Funds $400,000$0
482.20#22cRestore Funding for Blue Ridge PBS$350,000$0
482.20#23cRestore Expanded Access to School Meals$2,500,000$4,100,000
482.20#24cRestore Funding for District Court Clerk Positions$1,424,522$7,596,300
482.20#25cRestore Funding for Public Defender Positions$949,682$5,698,089
482.20#26cRestore Online Virginia Network Funding$1,000,000$1,000,000
482.20#27cRestore Funds for Medicaid Behavioral Health Redesign$0$10,273,553
482.20#28cRestore DD Waiver Provider Rates for Group Homes, Sponsored Residential and Group Day Support Using Updated Data$10,697,611$22,037,077
482.20#29cRestore DD Waiver Rates for Community Integration Services $0$3,748,853
482.20#30cRestore Funding for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Rates$0$7,599,696
482.20#31cRestore Early Childhood Expansion$0$37,313,648
482.20#32cRestore At-Risk Add-On$0$35,173,962
482.20#33cRestore Board of Local and Regional Jails Funding$170,125$226,832
482.20#34cWoodville School$100,000$0
482.20#35cWomen's Suffrage Memorial $250,000$0
482.20#36cNatural Bridge State Park$376,364$376,364
482.20#37cGreen Pastures Recreation Area$342,678$209,509
482.20#38cRestore Increase to Local Pretrial and Probation Funding $1,150,000$2,300,000
482.20#39cRestore Increase to PAPIS$500,000$1,000,000
482.20#40cRestore Increase for Post Critical Incident Law Enforcement Grants$200,000$200,000
482.20#41cRestore Electronic Health Records System Funding$3,000,000$3,000,000
482.20#42cRestore Funds for GMU and ODU Enrollment$20,000,000$14,000,000
482.20#43cRestore Funding for 250 DD Waiver Slots$0$4,133,500
482.20#44c Restore Funding for Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement$0$6,984,788
482.20#45cMason Neck State Park$160,800$160,800
482.20#46cRestore Funds for Local Department of Social Services Prevention Services$0$8,718,731