2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Committee Approved)

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Legal Aid Eviction Attorneys

Item 482.20 #2h

Item 482.20 #2h

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2021 $1,000,000 FY2022 $1,000,000 GF

Page 205, line 1, strike "($754,015,992)" and insert "($753,015,992)".
Page 205, line 1, strike "($1,335,540,477)" and insert "($1,334,540,477)".

Page 205, line 36, strike ($1,500,000) and "($1,500,000)" and insert:

"($500,000)" and "($500,000)".

Page 205, line 39, strike "($1,500,000)" and "($1,500,000)" and insert:
"($500,000)" and "($500,000)".


(This amendment restores $1.0 million each year in the general fund provided by the 2020 General Assembly for the State Bar to contract for additional civil indigent defense attorneys to represent individuals in eviction cases. A companion amendment in Item 51 appropriates a nongeneral fund match provided by a private sector contributor.)