2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Restore Increase to PAPIS

Item 482.20 #39c

Item 482.20 #39c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2021 $500,000 FY2022 $1,000,000 GF

Page 205, line 1, strike "($754,015,992)" and insert "($753,515,992)".
Page 205, line 1, strike "($1,335,540,477)" and insert "($1,334,540,477)".

Page 205, line 9, strike "($754,015,992)" and insert "($753,515,992)".
Page 205, line 9, strike "($1,335,540,477)" and insert "($1,334,540,477)".

Page 219, line 43, strike "($1,000,000)" and "($1,000,000)" and insert:

"($500,000)" and "$0".

Page 219, line 52, strike "($13,878,574)" and "($13,878,574)" and insert:

"($13,378,574)" and "($12,878,574)".


(This amendment restores $0.5 million the first year and $1.0 million the second year from the general fund to increase the amount available to the Department of Criminal Justice Services for pre-release and post-incarceration services. These funds were included in the budget passed in March, but subsequently unallotted in April due to the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminated in the introduced budget for the 2020 Special Session I.)