2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Competitive Procurement for Data, Voice and Video Network Services and Equipment (language only)

Item 84.30 #1s

Item 84.30 #1s

Virginia Information Technologies Agency


Page 86, after line 4, insert:

"F. Not later than December 21, 2019, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall begin conducting new competitive procurements for data, voice and video network services and equipment.  Priority shall be given to those existing contracts for which competitive procurements have not been conducted within the past three years.  Such procurements may provide for multiple optional-use contract awards for the same or similar types of services and equipment so that state and local agencies and institutions may have choice in their technology procurement decisions."


(This amendment directs the Virginia Information Technologies Agency to begin conducting new competitive procurements for data, voice and video network services and equipment. Unlike other technology service tower contracts that were migrated from Northrop Grumman and re-competed, the network services tower contracts were migrated virtually intact. Some of these contracts have not been re-competed in almost 20 years.)