2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Human Resource Capital System (language only)

Item 84.60 #2s

Item 84.60 #2s

Virginia Information Technologies Agency


Page 87, after line 49, insert:

"F.1. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency, in cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Management and the Department of Accounts, shall conduct an open and competitive procurement for a Software as a Service (Saas) based Human Capital Management (HCM) system.  Such procurement shall not mandate or suggest any requirement for use of a specific vendor or product.

2. The HCM shall replace the existing Commonwealth Integrated Payroll/Personnel System (CIPPS) and the Personnel Management Information System and the Benefits Eligibility System (PMIS & BES).

3. In developing the Request for Proposals, the Department of Human Resource Management and the Department of Accounts shall identify in detail, the specific information needs, work process needs and business rules, which the selected SaaS must address. The request for proposals shall require that the selected SaaS: (i) possess the technology and integration capabilities needed to interface with legacy financial systems, including the Commonwealth Enterprise Resource Planning System (Cardinal), or new systems as such legacy systems are phased-out; (ii) meet all Commonwealth security standards for cloud-based services to ensure the security of sensitive personally identifiable information; and (iii) be fully implemented in all user agencies not later than 18 months after contract extension. The request for proposals shall not include a requirement for subscription-based pricing to ensure that the Commonwealth is not encumbered by a long-term committment to a specific provider, technology or service that would prevent migration to newer technologies as they become available. The cost of such subscriptions shall be borne by the user agencies as an operating expense that is included as part of the biennial budget.

4. Prior to execution of a contract with a SaaS provider, the Department of Human Resources Management and the Department of Accounts shall recommend to the Governor a permanent system of governance for oversight of the HCM system and the associated SaaS contract."


(This amendment sets out a process for replacing the existing Commonwealth Integrated Payroll / Personnel System (CIPPS) and the Personnel Management Information System and the Benefits Eligibility System (PMIS & BES) using a best in market approach and an open competitive procurement. A companion amendment in Item 239 delays utilization of a working capital advance of up to $82,400,000 to the Department of Accounts to replace these systems using a sole source software vendor and systems integrator.)