2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (introduced)

Item 313 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
313#1hAnnual Update & Rebasing of DD Waiver Provider Rates (Language Only)
313#2hIncrease Payment Rate by 19% for Nursing Homes with Special Populations$2,000,000$2,000,000
313#3hIncrease DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data$106,000,000$106,000,000
313#4hIncrease Rates for Personal, Respite and Companion Care$544,972,680$544,972,680
313#5hIncrease Rate for Consumer Directed Attendants$10,000,000$10,000,000
313#6hMedicaid Residential Neurobehavioral Treatment Program$4,000,000$4,000,000
313#7hAdd Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits$60,396,012$145,071,127
313#8hIncrease DD Waiver Slots$43,488,476$86,976,950
313#9hDMAS Advisory Panel on Behavioral Health Redesign (Language Only)
313#10hSupplemental Physician Payments for Children's National$1,419,064$1,419,064
313#11hAdvisory Group on Respite/Personal Assistance Services (Language Only)
313#12hMedicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (Language Only)
313#13hModify Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement$18,336,386$18,849,804
313#14hMedicaid Risk Adjustment Model for CCC Plus Dual Eligible BH Svs.$250,000$0
313#15hModify Medicaid MCO Contracts for CCC Plus & Medallion 4.0$6,200,000$6,200,000
313#16hIncrease Rates for Skilled & Private Duty Nursing Services$16,000,000$16,000,000
313#17hMedicaid Supplemental Payments to Private Hosptals (Language Only)
313#18hMedicaid Avoidable ER Utilization Program (Language Only)
313#19hMedicaid Definition of Hospital Readmissions  (Language Only)
313#20hMedicaid Peer Recovery Services (Language Only)
313#21hMedicaid Physician Rate Increase$332,599,279$342,577,257
313#22hMCO Enrollment Broker for Care Coordination of Inmates$765,590$765,590
313#23hChesapeake Regional Hospital Medicaid DSH Supplement (Language Only)
313#24hIncrease Rates for Psychiatric Facilities$22,705,154$22,705,154
313#25hEliminate Hospital Provider Assessment for 1115 Waiver Costs (Language Only)
313#26hAdd Care Coordination for Individuals in State Pyschiatric Hospitals Prior to Discharge (Language Only)
313#27hIncrease Rates for Psychiatric Facilities$22,705,154$22,705,154
313#28hMedicaid Pharmacy Benefit Management by DMAS (Language Only)
313#29hIncrease Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists$500,000$500,000
313#30hStaff Competency Requirements for Waiver Providers (Language Only)
313#31hIncrease Adult Day Health Care Rates by 70%$11,154,556$11,154,556
313#32hAdd Representative to Pharmacy Liaison Committee (Language Only)
313#33hRequirements for Personal Care Attendants (Language Only)
313#34h Increase Personal Care Rates by $2.00 Per Hour$147,168,848$161,396,361
313#35hOvertime Pay for Consumer Directed Home Care Workers$19,218,446$19,218,446
313#36hPaid Sick Days for Consumer Directed Attendants$2,975,532$2,975,532
313#37hHB1456 - MCO Contracts with Pharmacy Providers$50,000$0
313#38h Medicaid Coverage of Licensed Behavioral Analysts and Assistant Behavioral Analysts (Language Only)
313#39hMedicaid Coverage of Adult Dental & Vision Services & Preventive Benefits$134,704,292$181,062,711
313#40hHB 395 - Minimum Wage Increase Impact on Personal Care Services & EPSDT$25,934,140$80,000,000
313#41hHB 1445 - Reproductive Health Care Services$7,000,000$7,000,000
313#42hMinimum Staffing Standards for Nursing Facilities$33,255,578$34,253,246
313#43hExempt Live-in Caretakers from EVV Program (Language Only)
313#44h Increase DD Waiver Provider Rates $97,336,620$97,336,620
313#45hHB 409 - Medicaid Coverage of Orthotic Devices $10,000,000$10,000,000
313#46hHB 367 - Medicaid Coverage of Human Breast Milk$4,050,000$4,050,000
313#47hHB 826 - Perinatal Birth Workers$40,000,000$40,000,000
313#48hModify MCOs Regulations for Midwife Coverage (Language Only)
313#49hIncrease Rates for Personal, Respite & Companion Care$544,972,680$544,972,680
313#50hModify Locality Groupings for Medicaid Eligibility (Language Only)
313#51hIncrease DD Waiver Slots to Eliminate Priority 1 Waitlist$86,324,930$86,324,930
313#52hDMAS Management of Pharmacy Benefits-$32,000,000$0
313#53hHB 1489 - Purchase of HPV Vaccines for Medicaid Recipients$0$638,000
313#54hMedicaid Managed Care PBM Reimbursement for 340B Drugs (Language Only)
313#55h Increase Rates for Early Intervention Case Management$6,978,646$6,978,646
313#56hMedicaid Coverage of Adult Dental and Vision Services$134,704,292$181,062,711
313#57hRenegotiate Medicaid Expansion Waiver Approved in 2018$0$6,000,000
313#58hChange Fund Source in Medicaid from Increased Tobacco Taxes to General Fund$0-$117,000,000
313#59hModify Rules for Parents to Serve As Caregivers (Language Only)
313#60hMedicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment$6,085,804$6,207,521
313#61hModify Nursing Facility Operating Rates$1,466,606$1,508,494
313#62hModify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities (Language Only)
313#63hIndigent Care Program Eligibility at State Teaching Hospitals $6,500,000$6,500,000
313#64hMedicaid Special Earnings Allowance for Individuals with Disabilities (Language Only)
313#65hMedicaid Works Program for Individuals with Disabilities$228,838$457,676
313#66hHB 352 - DMAS Data for Fusion Center$4,450,000$3,700,000
313#67gReflect Updated Estimates of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Product Revenue (Language Only)
313#67hMedicaid Supplemental Payments for EVMS (Language Only)
313#68gAccount for Final CCC Plus Contract Rates-$17,453,074-$18,746,202
313#69gIncrease Rates for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing Services$5,156,774$5,156,774
Committee Approved
313#1hIncrease Payment Rate by 9.5% for Nursing Homes with Special Populations$1,000,000$1,000,000
313#2hIncrease DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data$42,790,442$44,074,154
313#3h Personal, Respite & Companion Care NoVA Rate Increase$10,585,982$17,509,204
313#4hHB 1291 Medicaid MCO Contracts with Pharmacy Benefits Managers-$10,920,915-$11,357,751
313#5hDMAS Advisory Panel on Behavioral Health Redesign (Language Only)
313#6hAdvisory Group on Respite/Personal Assistance Services (Language Only)
313#7hMedicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (Language Only)
313#8hModify Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement$13,589,081$13,969,575
313#9hAnalysis of Modifications to Medicaid MCO Contracts (Language Only)
313#10hMedicaid Supplemental Payments to Private Hosptals (Language Only)
313#11hMedicaid Workgroup on Avoidable ER Utilization  (Language Only)
313#12hMedicaid Value Based Payments (Language Only)
313#13hMedicaid Peer Recovery Services (Language Only)
313#14hChesapeake Regional Hospital Medicaid DSH Supplement$12,000,000$12,000,000
313#15hIncrease Rates for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities$15,624,904$15,624,904
313#16hIncrease Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists$500,000$500,000
313#17hAdd Representative to Pharmacy Liaison Committee (Language Only)
313#18hHB 395 Minimum Wage Impact on Personal /Respite/Companion Care$30,791,672$99,275,660
313#19hModify MCOs Regulations for Midwife Coverage (Language Only)
313#20hMedicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment$776,677$792,211
313#21hModify Nursing Facility Operating Rates at Four Facilities$1,466,606$1,508,494
313#22hModify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities$239,910$239,910
313#23hMedicaid Special Earnings Allowance for Individuals with Disabilities (Language Only)
313#24hMedicaid Payments for EVMS (Language Only)
313#25hCapture Savings From Suspension of ACA Health Insurance Fee$0-$61,130,544
313#26hReflect Updated Estimates of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Product Revenue (Language Only)
313#27hAccount for Final CCC Plus Contract Rates-$17,453,074-$18,746,202
313#28hIncrease Rates for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing Services$5,156,774$5,311,478
Floor Approved
313#1hIncrease Payment Rate by 9.5% for Nursing Homes with Special Populations$1,000,000$1,000,000
313#2hIncrease DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data$42,790,442$44,074,154
313#3h Personal, Respite & Companion Care NoVA Rate Increase$10,585,982$17,509,204
313#4hHB 1291 Medicaid MCO Contracts with Pharmacy Benefits Managers-$10,920,915-$11,357,751
313#5hDMAS Advisory Panel on Behavioral Health Redesign (Language Only)
313#6hAdvisory Group on Respite/Personal Assistance Services (Language Only)
313#7hMedicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (Language Only)
313#8hModify Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement$13,589,081$13,969,575
313#9hAnalysis of Modifications to Medicaid MCO Contracts (Language Only)
313#10hMedicaid Supplemental Payments to Private Hosptals (Language Only)
313#11hMedicaid Workgroup on Avoidable ER Utilization  (Language Only)
313#12hMedicaid Value Based Payments (Language Only)
313#13hMedicaid Peer Recovery Services (Language Only)
313#14hChesapeake Regional Hospital Medicaid DSH Supplement$12,000,000$12,000,000
313#15hIncrease Rates for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities$15,624,904$15,624,904
313#16hIncrease Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists$500,000$500,000
313#17hAdd Representative to Pharmacy Liaison Committee (Language Only)
313#18hHB 395 Minimum Wage Impact on Personal /Respite/Companion Care$30,791,672$99,275,660
313#19hModify MCOs Regulations for Midwife Coverage (Language Only)
313#20hMedicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment$776,677$792,211
313#21hModify Nursing Facility Operating Rates at Four Facilities$1,466,606$1,508,494
313#22hModify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities$239,910$239,910
313#23hMedicaid Special Earnings Allowance for Individuals with Disabilities (Language Only)
313#24hMedicaid Payments for EVMS (Language Only)
313#25hCapture Savings From Suspension of ACA Health Insurance Fee$0-$61,130,544
313#26hReflect Updated Estimates of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Product Revenue (Language Only)
313#27hAccount for Final CCC Plus Contract Rates-$17,453,074-$18,746,202
313#28hIncrease Rates for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing Services$5,156,774$5,311,478
Conference Report
313#1cModify Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement$13,589,081$13,969,575
313#2cChesapeake Regional Hospital Medicaid DSH Supplement$12,000,000$12,000,000
313#3cIncrease DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data$42,790,442$44,074,154
313#4cModify Nursing Facility Operating Rates at Four Facilities$1,466,606$1,508,494
313#5cModify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities$239,910$239,910
313#6cIncrease Payment Rate for Nursing Homes with Special Populations$986,194$1,013,806
313#7cMedicaid MCO Contracts with Pharmacy Benefits Managers-$10,920,915-$11,357,751
313#8cNursing Home Specialized Care Rates (Language Only)
313#9cMedicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment$776,677$792,211
313#10cDMAS Advisory Panel on Behavioral Health Redesign (Language Only)
313#11cAdvisory Group on Respite/Personal Assistance Services (Language Only)
313#12cMedicaid Peer Recovery Services (Language Only)
313#13cMedicaid Special Earnings Allowance for Individuals with Disabilities (Language Only)
313#14cMedicaid Payments for EVMS (Language Only)
313#15cAdd 250 DD Waiver Slots in FY 2022 $0$8,267,000
313#16cIncrease Rates for Personal, Respite and Companion Care$49,834,388$79,714,628
313#17cIncrease Rate for Adult Day Health Care$1,593,510$1,666,218
313#18cIncrease Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists$1,044,610$1,075,949
313#19cSupplemental Payments for Children's National Medical Center$709,532$709,532
313#20cMedicaid Works for Individuals with Disabilities$228,838$457,676
313#21cFully Fund Medicaid Graduate Medical Education Residency Slots$2,700,000$5,200,000
313#22cExpand Tobacco Cessation Coverage $69,436$69,436
313#23cCapture ACA Insurance Tax Savings$0-$91,804,162
313#24cAdjust the Health Care Fund for Updated Revenue Estimates (Language Only)
313#25cAccount for Lower Managed Care Rates for CCC Plus-$17,453,074-$18,746,202
313#26cIncrease Rates for Skilled & Private Duty Nursing Services$12,490,572$12,490,572
313#27cAllow Overtime for Personal Care Attendants$19,218,446$19,218,446
313#28cEmergency Room Utilization Program -$40,441,596-$41,250,428
313#29cMedicaid Hospital Readmissions Policy-$14,786,952-$15,067,474
313#30cMedicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (Language Only)
313#31cModify Medallion and CCC Plus Contracts (Language Only)
313#32cCommunity Behavioral Health Managed Care Requirements (Language Only)
313#33cRestore MSA Payment Distribution to Medicaid (Language Only)
313#34cEliminate TDO DSH Incentive Program-$32,413,924-$32,413,924
313#35cPlan to Pursue Mental Health Services Waiver (Language Only)
313#36cMedicaid Risk Adjustment Model (Language Only)
313#37cMedicaid Supplemental Payments to Private Hospitals (Language Only)
313#38cMedicaid Reimbursement for School-Based Services (Language Only)
313#39cRemove Outdated Language (Language Only)
313#40cModify Reporting Requirement on Medicaid Waivers & State Plan Changes (Language Only)
313#41cFreestanding Emergency Department Reporting (Language Only)
313#42cAdd Representative to Pharmacy Liaison Committee (Language Only)
313#43cModify Managed Care Contract Changes-$2,828,000-$2,828,000
313#44cResidential Psychiatric Facility Rates$15,199,392$15,199,392
313#45cRemove First Year Funds for New Home Visiting Benefit-$4,568,856$0
313#46cAdd Medicaid Adult Dental Benefit$32,144,926$93,032,850
313#47cExempt Live-in Caretakers from EVV Program (Language Only)
313#48cEvaluate Sick Leave Program for Personal Care Attendants (Language Only)
313#49cMedicaid Referral Program for Employment Services (Language Only)
313#50cWorkgroup on Medicaid Payment Policies and Care Coordination (Language Only)