2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Medicaid Coverage of Innovative Drugs & Emerging Technologies (language only)

Item 313 #30c

Item 313 #30c

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 321, after line 18, insert:

"GGGG. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall establish a workgroup of Medicaid managed care organizations, physicians and pharmacists and other stakeholders, as necessary, to assess policies and procedures, including risk sharing arrangements, reimbursement methods or other mechanisms to determine Medicaid coverage and reimbursement of FDA fast-track drugs and emerging-break-through technologies. The assessment shall include an examination of other states' approaches to determine Medicaid coverage, clinical criteria for coverage across the fee-for-service and managed care programs, risk sharing arrangements, and reimbursement methodologies including kick-payments or other pass-through arrangements that are consistent with the utilization and cost of the drug or technology.  The assessment will also examine and make recommendations regarding the timeline for providing coverage from the date of FDA approval of the drug or technology.  The workgroup shall report on issues and recommendations to the Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight by September 1, 2020, including any budgetary or regulatory authority required to implement changes for such coverage."


(This amendment adds language requiring the Department of Medical Assistance Services to establish a workgroup to assess and determine a process for Medicaid coverage and reimbursement of emerging technologies and innovative drugs that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Language requires the workgroup to report on issues and recommendations to the Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight by September 1, 2020.)