2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Reenrolled)

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-46

Item C-46

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Comprehensive Capital Outlay Program (18049)$21,066,000$0
Fund Sources:  
Bond ProceedsFY2019 $21,066,000FY2020 $0

A. In addition to the amounts previously authorized in Item C-39.40, Chapter 806, 2013 Acts of Assembly and in Item C-48.50, Chapter 836, 2017 Acts of Assembly, the Virginia College Building Authority, pursuant to § 23.1-1200 et seq., Code of Virginia, is authorized to issue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $21,066,000, plus amounts needed to fund issuance costs, reserve funds, original issue discount, interest prior to and during the acquisition or construction and for one year after completion thereof, and other financing expenses, to finance the capital costs of the project described in paragraph C. of this Item.

B. Debt service on the bonds issued under the authorization in this Item shall be provided from appropriations to the Treasury Board.

C. Included in the appropriation for this Item is $21,066,000 in bond proceeds the first year to supplement the funding for the following project previously authorized in Item C-39.40, Chapter 806, 2013 Acts of Assembly:

247-George Mason University

Construct Life Sciences Building, Prince William (18000)

D. The title of this project is hereby changed to "Construct Bull Run Hall IIIB Addition".