2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Chapter 854)

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 84.20

Item 84.20

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Emergency Response Systems Development Technology Services (71200)$22,896,338$22,896,338
Emergency Communication Systems Development Services (71201)FY2019 $6,919,730FY2020 $6,919,730
Financial Assistance to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications Services (71202)FY2019 $10,984,640FY2020 $10,984,640
Financial Assistance to Service Providers for Enhanced Emergency Communications Services (71203)FY2019 $4,991,968FY2020 $4,991,968
Fund Sources:  
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2019 $22,896,338FY2020 $22,896,338

   Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, and Title 56, Chapter 15, Code of Virginia.

A.1.a. Out of the amounts for Emergency Communication Systems Development Services, $1,000,000 the first year and $1,000,000 the second year from dedicated special revenue shall be used for development and deployment of improvements to the statewide E-911 network.

b. These funds shall remain unallotted until their expenditure has been approved by the Wireless E-911 Services Board.

2. Out of the amounts for Emergency Communication Systems Development Services, $4,000,000 the first year and $4,000,000 the second year from dedicated special revenue shall be used for wireless E-911 service costs as determined by the Wireless E-911 Services Board.

B. The operating expenses, administrative costs, and salaries of the employees of the Public Safety Communications Division shall be paid from the Wireless E-911 Fund created pursuant to § 56-484.17.

C.1. Pursuant to § 3-2.03 of this act, a line of credit up to $15,000,000 shall be provided to the 911 Services Board as a temporary cash flow advance. Funds received from the line of credit shall be used only to support implementation of next generation 911 service and shall be distributed in a manner consistent with § 56-484.17 (D), Code of Virginia. The request for the line of credit shall be prepared in the formats as approved by the Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Administration.

2. The Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Administration shall approve draw downs from this line of credit prior to the expenditure of funds.

D. During next generation 911 service planning and deployment, the 911 Services Board may reimburse a provider for its wireless E-911 CMRS costs, in lieu of reimbursing the provider's costs to deliver 911 calls to the ESInet points of interconnection pursuant to § 56-484.17(D), Code of Virginia. The 911 Services Board may establish the process, criteria, and duration for such reimbursement of CMRS costs but shall continue to ensure that necessary 911 service and ESInet objectives are achieved.