Member Request | | |
147#1h | 80% unserved/20% Title 1 for At-risk 4s | $9,474,322 | $9,482,927 |
147#2h | At-Risk Four-Year-Old Program | $0 | -$1,500,000 |
147#3h | Restore School Construction Grants | $55,000,000 | $55,000,000 |
147#4h | JLARC Tier 1 - Dropped Admin Costs | $75,600,000 | $76,600,000 |
147#5h | JLARC Tier 1 - Dropped Admin Costs | $75,600,000 | $76,600,000 |
147#6h | Active Teacher Group Life | -$1,245,884 | -$1,342,730 |
147#7h | School Construction Funding | $27,500,000 | $27,500,000 |
147#8h | Eliminate Funding for Teaching Materials | -$3,208,790 | -$3,227,564 |
147#9h | Update SOQ for Inflation | -$22,175,903 | -$22,315,210 |
147#10h | Cost-of-Competing for All Other Divisions | $81,785,296 | $82,609,985 |
147#11h | NoVA Cost of Competing | $2,489,034 | $2,570,747 |
147#12h | Restore Remediation Language (Language Only) |
147#13h | Small School Division Grants | $400,000 | $400,000 |
147#14h | Comp. Index Using Median Income | $31,000,000 | $31,400,000 |
147#15h | Comp. Index Using Population Density | $110,200,000 | $111,100,000 |
147#16h | Comp. Index Using Alternate Weights | -$3,700,000 | -$4,500,000 |
147#17h | Assistance for Franklin City | $142,136 | $134,182 |
147#18h | Clarification on Salary Increases (Language Only) |
147#19h | Expand Cost of Competing Adj. | $2,933,736 | $2,988,607 |
147#20h | Speech Language Pathologist Caseloads | $2,938,077 | $8,152,668 |
147#21h | JLARC Tier 1 - Dropped Admin Costs | $75,600,000 | $76,600,000 |
147#22h | Transportation for Remedial Programs | $3,200,000 | $3,500,000 |
147#23h | Title 1 & At-risk Four Year Olds | $8,426,339 | $8,437,205 |
147#24h | Add Phonics Requirement to SOL Teacher Training (Language Only) |
147#25h | Use of At-risk Funding for Reading Texts (Language Only) |
147#26h | Phonics Textbooks in Early Reading Intervention | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
147#27h | Comp. Index Using Median Income/Revenue Neutral (Language Only) |
147#28h | JLARC Tier 1 - Deduction of Local Revenues | $49,351,848 | $49,678,550 |
147#29h | JLARC Tier 1 - Deduction of Local Revenues | $49,351,848 | $49,678,550 |
147#30h | Composite Index Transition Payments | $6,300,000 | $5,800,000 |
147#31h | Composite Index Hold Harmless | $33,607,332 | $34,581,536 |
147#32h | JLARC Tier II Recommendations | $199,900,000 | $202,100,000 |
147#33h | JLARC Tier II Recommendations | $199,900,000 | $202,100,000 |
147#34h | Local Share of Lottery Proceeds | -$5,444,662 | -$3,324,620 |
147#35h | Restore School Construction Grants | $55,000,000 | $55,000,000 |
147#36h | Restore School Construction Grants | $55,000,000 | $55,000,000 |
147#37h | Debt Service for SOL Technology Initiative | $0 | $200,000 |
147#38h | Urban Teacher Supplement | $50,000,000 | $0 |
147#39h | K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction | $669,065 | $514,581 |
147#40h | JLARC Tier 1 - Dropped Admin Costs | $75,600,000 | $76,600,000 |
147#41h | Eliminate Salary Increase for Teachers | -$28,317,854 | -$48,756,995 |
147#42h | Diagnostic Test for Early Intervention (Language Only) |
147#43h | JLARC Tier 1 - COCA for NoVA | $2,489,034 | $2,570,747 |
147#44h | JLARC Tier 1 - Dropped Admin Costs | $75,600,000 | $76,600,000 |
147#45h | JLARC Tier 1 - COCA for NoVA | $2,489,034 | $2,570,747 |
147#46h | Composite Index Adj. for Revenue Stress/Revenue Neutral (Language Only) |
147#47h | JLARC Tier II- Teacher Salary Increase | $11,200,000 | $89,500,000 |
Committee Approved | | |
147#2h | At-Risk Four-Year-Old Program | -$3,017 | -$1,503,017 |
147#6h | Group Life Premium Holiday | -$1,818,707 | -$1,804,511 |
147#9h | Update SOQ for Inflation | -$21,983,244 | -$22,146,798 |
147#12h | Restore Remediation Language (Language Only) |
147#34h | State Share of Lottery Proceeds | -$5,444,662 | -$3,331,080 |
147#37h | Debt Service for SOL Technology Initiative | $0 | $300,000 |
147#39h | K-3 Primary Class Size - Full Funding | $649,976 | $496,977 |
147#41h | Eliminate Salary Increase for Teachers | -$28,413,345 | -$48,951,943 |
147#48h | Fix Early Reading to Match Funding (Language Only) |
147#49h | SOL Teacher Training Program | -$17,257,815 | -$17,409,540 |
147#50h | Reading Recovery | -$141,581 | -$141,581 |
147#51h | Maintenance Supplement | -$9,626,367 | -$9,682,691 |
147#52h | Remove Goals 2000 Appropriation | $0 | -$8,684,679 |
147#53h | Technology Literacy Challenge Fund | $0 | -$2,851,387 |
147#54h | Truancy Payments | -$2,165,130 | -$2,165,130 |
147#55h | SOL Materials Funding | -$3,208,790 | -$3,227,564 |
147#56h | School Health Incentive Payments | -$1,734,390 | -$1,731,753 |
147#57h | Small School Division Grants | -$300,000 | -$300,000 |
147#58h | Reduction in At-Risk Program | -$12,941,753 | -$12,838,927 |
147#59h | Additional Teachers | -$28,902,912 | -$29,041,790 |
147#60h | Reading First Grants | $16,916,142 | $0 |
147#61h | Teacher Quality Grants | $52,135,869 | $0 |
147#62h | Summer School Balances | $0 | -$900,000 |
147#63h | K-3 Class Size Anticipated Balances | -$1,200,000 | -$1,000,000 |
147#64h | Required Local Effort - JLARC (Language Only) |
147#65h | VRS Support Cost Correction | -$2,613,508 | -$2,558,413 |
147#66h | End Deduction of Local Revenues | $24,727,285 | $49,741,414 |
147#67h | SOQ Costs - Administrative Positions | $24,869,865 | $65,036,377 |
147#68h | Amortize VRS | -$5,142,885 | -$5,197,088 |
Conference Report | | |
147#2c | Technology Grant Program in Consolidated divisions (Language Only) |
147#5c | CI Correction for Lit. Fund Loans (Language Only) |
147#6c | Group Life Premium Holiday | -$1,730,475 | -$1,790,083 |
147#9c | Update SOQ for Inflation | -$33,289,093 | -$33,493,614 |
147#12c | Restore Remediation Language (Language Only) |
147#42c | At-Risk Four-Year-Old Program | -$1,435,307 | -$2,935,307 |
147#46c | Basic Aid Offset Lottery Proceeds | -$6,312,844 | -$6,396,815 |
147#48c | K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction | $649,976 | $496,977 |
147#49c | Eliminate Salary Increase for Teachers | -$28,316,028 | -$48,755,144 |
147#49c | SOL Teacher Training Program | -$17,257,815 | -$17,409,540 |
147#50c | Reading Recovery | -$141,581 | -$141,581 |
147#51c | Maintenance Supplement | -$9,626,367 | -$9,682,691 |
147#51c | Correct Early Reading Intervention (Language Only) |
147#52c | Correct Basic Aid Language (Language Only) |
147#53c | Technology Literacy Challenge Fund | $0 | -$2,851,387 |
147#54c | Truancy Payments | -$2,165,130 | -$2,165,130 |
147#55c | SOL Materials Funding | -$3,208,790 | -$3,227,564 |
147#56c | Update Alt. Ed. Salaries | -$269,012 | -$191,675 |
147#57c | Correct VPSA (Language Only) |
147#58c | School Construction Funding | $27,500,000 | $27,500,000 |
147#59c | Additional Teachers | -$28,593,948 | -$28,514,908 |
147#60c | Reading First Grants | $16,916,142 | $0 |
147#61c | Teacher Quality Grants | $52,135,869 | $0 |
147#62c | Summer School Balances | $0 | -$900,000 |
147#63c | K-3 Class Size Anticipated Balances | -$1,200,000 | -$1,000,000 |
147#64c | Required Local Effort - JLARC (Language Only) |
147#65c | VRS Support Cost Correction | -$2,628,679 | -$2,663,186 |
147#66c | End Deduction of Local Revenues | $24,850,161 | $49,985,523 |
147#67c | SOQ Costs - Administrative Positions | $4,122,252 | $54,155,292 |
147#68c | Correct Halifax C.I. Basic Aid | $3,881,759 | $3,888,330 |
147#69c | Remove Goals 2000 Appropriation | $0 | -$8,684,679 |
147#70c | Correct Lexington/Rockbridge | -$13,078 | -$14,354 |
147#71c | Reduction in At-Risk Program | -$3,135,515 | -$3,659,642 |