2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Pekarsky
GMU - Establish Virginia Climate Office (language only)

Item 151 #4s

Item 151 #4s

Education: Higher Education
George Mason University


Page 234, after line 45, insert:

"L. George Mason University is authorized to host the Virginia Climate Office, to develop and deliver data, analyses, assessments and expertise about Virginia's weather and climate related impacts, risks and risk management options to state and local government agencies, businesses, and communities of place or practice in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Climate Office will serve as representative to national meteorological, climatological, and hydrological associations to better leverage federal agency partnership and interstate collaboration to address real time weather and climate challenges."


(This amendment authorizes George Mason University to host the Virginia Climate Office, to develop and deliver data, analyses, assessments and expertise about Virginia’s weather and climate related impacts, risks and risk management options to state and local government agencies, businesses, and communities of place or practice in the Commonwealth.)