2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

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Adjust Funding for the Revenue Reserve

Item 266 #1s

Item 266 #1s

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments FY2019 ($284,810,000) FY2020 $0 GF

Page 269, line 41, strike "$784,797,895" and insert "$499,987,895".

Page 269, line 48, strike "$784,797,895" and insert "$499,987,895".

Page 270, strike lines 8 through 14.


(This amendment provides $500.0 million GF in the first year and $95.5 million GF in the second year for the Revenue Reserve Fund in the following amounts, and for the following purposes: 1) Base funding of $91.0 million GF that was included in Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Acts of Assembly; 2) $235.3 million GF to reflect the balances committed by the Comptroller for FY 2018, pursuant to Item 266, Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Acts of Assembly; 3) $199.7 million GF to reflect the estimated amount required to be deposited to the Revenue Stabilization Fund in FY 2021, based on the revenue estimates included in the Governor's proposed amendments to Chapter 2; and 4) $69.6 million GF in supplemental funding.)