2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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DGS - Statute of Limitations (language only)

Item 80 #1h

Item 80 #1h

Department of General Services


Page,. 75, after line 48, insert:

"A. In June 2016 the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) completed a report titled “Development and Management of State Contracts”.  A JLARC recommendation in that report included that the Department of General Services (DGS) should ensure agency compliance with state laws and policies regarding the development and administration of contracts and implementation of best practices for all aspects of contracting, including professional services and construction contracts.  The General Assembly directs DGS to evaluate current Virginia law and best practices as it relates to statute of limitations on state contracts for construction services and its fiscal implications.  DGS shall conduct this review in consultation with state and local government public bodies, the Office of the Attorney General, and representatives from the private sector construction community to include contractors, insurers, and legal representatives.  DGS shall report its findings and recommendations to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, Senate Finance Committees and the Governor by December 31, 2019.  JLARC shall provide oversight over DGS activities to complete its report."


(This amendment directs the Department of General Services to evaluate current Virginia law and best practices as it relates to statute of limitations on state contracts for construction services and its fiscal implications.)