| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 | Totals |
Office of Commerce and Trade | $1,097,790,900 | $1,071,011,102 | |
Secretary of Commerce and Trade | $1,110,829 | $1,110,829 | |
111 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,110,829 | $1,110,829 | |
Economic Development Incentive Payments | $77,898,533 | $55,528,283 | |
112 | Economic Development Services | $77,898,533 | $55,528,283 | |
112.10 | Language Only | | |
Department of Housing and Community Development | $267,537,822 | $259,087,822 | |
113 | Housing Assistance Services | $130,060,089 | $126,060,089 | |
114 | Community Development Services | $115,532,362 | $111,082,362 | |
115 | Economic Development Services | $15,039,114 | $15,039,114 | |
116 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $2,981,943 | $2,981,943 | |
117 | Governmental Affairs Services | $364,081 | $364,081 | |
118 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,560,233 | $3,560,233 | |
118.10 | Language Only | | |
Department of Labor and Industry | $21,078,050 | $21,824,988 | |
119 | Economic Development Services | $2,542,650 | $2,542,650 | |
120 | Regulation of Business Practices | $1,773,255 | $2,520,193 | |
121 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $12,294,906 | $12,294,906 | |
122 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $583,694 | $583,694 | |
123 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,883,545 | $3,883,545 | |
123.10 | Language Only | | |
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $38,986,116 | $38,986,116 | |
124 | Minerals Management | $30,517,723 | $30,517,723 | |
125 | Resource Management Research, Planning, and Coordination | $3,689,051 | $3,689,051 | |
126 | Administrative and Support Services | $4,779,342 | $4,779,342 | |
126.10 | Language Only | | |
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | $25,028,025 | $25,026,017 | |
127 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $25,028,025 | $25,026,017 | |
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity | $7,401,214 | $7,771,779 | |
128 | Economic Development Services | $7,401,214 | $7,771,779 | |
128.10 | Language Only | | |
Fort Monroe Authority | $6,174,674 | $6,174,674 | |
129 | Economic Development Services | $6,174,674 | $6,174,674 | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $47,302,309 | $39,481,922 | |
130 | Economic Development Services | $47,302,309 | $39,481,922 | |
130.10 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Employment Commission | $558,430,056 | $555,225,400 | |
131 | Workforce Systems Services | $555,338,468 | $552,133,812 | |
132 | Economic Development Services | $3,091,588 | $3,091,588 | |
133 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Tourism Authority | $21,143,272 | $21,093,272 | |
134 | Tourist Promotion | $21,143,272 | $21,093,272 | |
134.10 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority | $25,700,000 | $39,700,000 | |
135 | Economic Development Services | $25,700,000 | $39,700,000 | |