| First Year - FY2001 | Second Year - FY2002 | Totals |
Office of Public Safety | $1,935,502,179 | $1,927,267,582 | |
Secretary of Public Safety | $718,334 | $719,888 | |
430 | Administrative and Support Services | $718,334 | $719,888 | |
Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council | $525,732 | $525,897 | |
431 | Adjudication Training, Education, and Standards | $525,732 | $525,897 | |
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control | $272,622,272 | $272,512,663 | |
432 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $12,970,567 | $12,985,586 | |
433 | Alcoholic Beverage Merchandising | $252,642,422 | $252,517,794 | |
434 | State Lottery Operations | $7,009,283 | $7,009,283 | |
Department of Correctional Education | $49,796,311 | $49,857,605 | |
435 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,188,525 | $3,191,086 | |
436 | Instruction | $46,607,786 | $46,666,519 | |
Department of Corrections, Central Activities | $38,005,028 | $38,014,937 | |
437 | Administrative and Support Services | $33,168,995 | $33,175,805 | |
438 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $3,343,913 | $3,346,147 | |
439 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $973,888 | $974,511 | |
440 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $518,232 | $518,474 | |
Division of Community Corrections | $92,836,047 | $97,160,960 | |
441 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,840,780 | $3,843,422 | |
442 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,416,353 | $2,417,906 | |
443 | Community-Based Custody | $7,477,496 | $7,480,810 | |
444 | Probation and Reentry Services | $60,358,338 | $64,607,361 | |
445 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $198,421 | $198,592 | |
446 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $33,619 | $0 | |
447 | Secure Confinement | $18,511,040 | $18,612,869 | |
448 | Language Only | | |
Division of Institutions | $666,523,835 | $665,440,489 | |
449 | Administrative and Support Services | $38,123,708 | $38,129,248 | |
450 | Administrative and Support Services | $211,845,201 | $213,172,081 | |
451 | Community-Based Custody | $410,751 | $411,050 | |
452 | Secure Confinement | $398,743,285 | $401,026,342 | |
453 | Classification Services | $7,069,328 | $7,074,544 | |
454 | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $4,707,300 | $0 | |
455 | Agribusiness | $5,624,262 | $5,627,224 | |
456 | Language Only | | |
457 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Correctional Enterprises | $33,457,821 | $33,463,569 | |
458 | Rehabilitative Industries | $33,457,821 | $33,463,569 | |
Department of Criminal Justice Services | $287,191,948 | $298,438,060 | |
459 | Administrative and Support Services | $4,308,246 | $4,323,185 | |
460 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $560,644 | $560,644 | |
461 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $1,316,430 | $1,316,430 | |
462 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $28,901,995 | $28,901,995 | |
463 | Criminal Justice Research, Planning, and Coordination | $293,787 | $293,787 | |
464 | Asset Forfeiture and Seizure Fund Management and Financial Assistance Program | $2,202,709 | $2,202,709 | |
465 | Financial Assistance for Administration of Justice Services | $64,512,946 | $63,065,521 | |
466 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $1,347,402 | $1,347,402 | |
467 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $183,747,789 | $196,426,387 | |
Department of Emergency Services | $9,986,227 | $9,189,385 | |
468 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,341,849 | $1,342,727 | |
469 | Disaster Planning and Operations | $8,644,378 | $7,846,658 | |
470 | Language Only | | |
Department of Fire Programs | $13,331,943 | $13,332,998 | |
471 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $10,431,175 | $10,431,175 | |
472 | Fire Services Assistance | $2,900,768 | $2,901,823 | |
Department of Juvenile Justice | $234,118,872 | $219,936,335 | |
473 | Administrative and Support Services | $14,320,998 | $14,327,775 | |
474 | Administrative and Support Services | $22,968,063 | $22,977,643 | |
475 | Crime Deterrence | $2,018,732 | $2,018,732 | |
476 | Community-Based Custody | $14,793,500 | $14,794,387 | |
477 | Probation and Reentry Services | $53,036,455 | $56,567,482 | |
478 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $11,949 | $11,949 | |
479 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $72,071,266 | $54,402,282 | |
480 | Language Only | | |
481 | Secure Confinement | $52,484,133 | $52,596,585 | |
482 | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $193,776 | $19,500 | |
483 | Protective Services | $2,220,000 | $2,220,000 | |
Department of Military Affairs | $23,658,495 | $23,214,520 | |
484 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,528,877 | $1,529,547 | |
485 | Higher Education Student Financial Assistance | $1,000,000 | $1,600,000 | |
486 | Instruction | $2,853,981 | $2,854,196 | |
487 | Defense Preparedness | $18,089,431 | $17,044,571 | |
488 | Disaster Planning and Operations | sum sufficient | |
489 | Auxiliary Enterprise for National Guard Operations | $186,206 | $186,206 | |
Department of State Police | $211,867,555 | $204,598,013 | |
490 | Administrative and Support Services | $9,829,922 | $9,839,790 | |
491 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $31,037,034 | $26,057,350 | |
492 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $2,989,395 | $2,993,718 | |
493 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $152,562,855 | $150,239,453 | |
494 | Ground Transportation System Safety | $15,063,112 | $15,082,301 | |
495 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $385,237 | $385,401 | |
496 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Parole Board | $861,759 | $862,263 | |
497 | Probation and Reentry Services | $861,759 | $862,263 | |