2000 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Criminal Justice Services

Item 461

Item 461

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards (30300)$1,316,430$1,316,430
Correctional Officers Training and Education (30301)FY2001 $75,000FY2002 $75,000
Law Enforcement Technical Assistance (30305)FY2001 $858,012FY2002 $858,012
Law Enforcement Training and Education (30306)FY2001 $383,418FY2002 $383,418
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $1,281,430FY2002 $1,281,430
SpecialFY2001 $35,000FY2002 $35,000

Authority: Title 9, Chapter 27 Code of Virginia.

Out of this appropriation, $75,000 the first year and $75,000 the second year from the general fund is authorized to support statewide coordination of the Safe Return Program and to oversee training of law enforcement officers in managing persons afflicted with Alzheimer’s and other related mentally dysfunctional disorders. The Department will conduct a study to determine the best methods for providing protection of these individuals, including an examination of using Project Lifesaver effectively. The results of the study shall be reported to the Secretary of Public Safety no later than October 1, 2000.