2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Reenrolled)

Department of Social Services

Item 339

Item 339

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Program Management Services (45100)$42,408,598$42,408,598
Training and Assistance to Local Staff (45101)FY2019 $4,986,679FY2020 $4,986,679
Central Administration and Quality Assurance for Benefit Programs (45102)FY2019 $12,541,044FY2020 $12,541,044
Central Administration and Quality Assurance for Family Services (45103)FY2019 $8,491,978FY2020 $8,491,978
Central Administration and Quality Assurance for Community Programs (45105)FY2019 $9,992,656FY2020 $9,992,656
Central Administration and Quality Assurance for Child Care Activities (45107)FY2019 $6,396,241FY2020 $6,396,241
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2019 $16,701,948FY2020 $16,701,948
SpecialFY2019 $100,000FY2020 $100,000
Federal TrustFY2019 $25,606,650FY2020 $25,606,650

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 54; Title 63.2, Chapters 2 and 21, Code of Virginia; Title VI, Subtitle B, P.L. 97-35, as amended; P.L. 103-252, as amended; P.L. 104-193, as amended, Federal Code.

A. The Department of Social Services, in collaboration with the Office of Children's Services, shall provide training to local staff serving on Family Assessment and Planning Teams and Community Policy and Management Teams. Training shall include, but need not be limited to, the federal and state requirements pertaining to the provision of the foster care services funded under § 2.2-5211, Code of Virginia. The training shall also include written guidance concerning which services remain the financial responsibility of the local departments of social services. Training shall be provided on a regional basis at least once per year. Written guidance shall be updated and provided to local Office of Children's Services teams whenever there is a change in allowable expenses under federal or state guidelines. In addition, the Department of Social Services shall provide ongoing local oversight of its federal and state requirements related to the provision of services funded under § 2.2-5211, Code of Virginia.

B.1. By November 1 of each year, the Department of Planning and Budget, in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, shall prepare and submit a forecast of expenditures for cash assistance provided through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, mandatory child day care services under TANF, foster care maintenance and adoption subsidy payments, upon which the Governor's budget recommendations will be based, for the current and subsequent two years to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.

2. The forecast of expenditures shall detail the incremental general fund and federal fund adjustments required by the forecast each year in the biennial budget. The Department of Planning and Budget shall convene a meeting on or before October 15 of each year with the appropriate staff from the Department of Social Services, and the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees to review current trends and assumptions used in the forecasts prior to their finalization.

C. The Department of Social Services shall provide administrative support and technical assistance to the Family and Children's Trust Fund (FACT) Board of Trustees established in Sections 63.2-2100 through 63.2-2103, Code of Virginia.

D. Out of this appropriation, $1,829,111 the first year and $1,829,111 the second year from the general fund and $1,829,111 the first year and $1,829,111 the second year from nongeneral funds shall be provided to fund the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) contract cost.

E.1. Out of this appropriation, ten positions and the associated funding shall be dedicated to providing on-going financial oversight of foster care services. Each of the ten positions, with two working out of each regional office, shall assess and review all foster care spending to ensure that state and federal standards are met. None of these positions shall be used for quality, information technology, or clerical functions.

2. By September 1 of each year, the department shall report to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget regarding the foster care program's statewide spending, error rates and compliance with state and federal reviews.