2008 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 388 Amendments

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Member Request
388#1sRichmond City Jail (Language Only)
388#2sVirginia Beach Jail Work Release Center (Language Only)
388#3sSouthern Virginia Regional Jail Authority (Language Only)
388#4sChesapeake City Jail (Language Only)
388#5sPeninsula Regional Jail (Language Only)
388#5sRichmond City Jail (House Version) (Language Only)
Committee Approved
388#1sRichmond City Jail (Language Only)
388#2sVirginia Beach Jail Work Release Center (Language Only)
388#3sSouthern Virginia Regional Jail Authority (Language Only)
388#4sChesapeake City Jail (Language Only)
388#7sVirginia Peninsula Regional Jail (Language Only)
388#8sPrince William-Manassas Regional Jail (Language Only)
388#9sJail Project Reporting (Language Only)
388#10sBoard of Corrections Jail Oversight (Language Only)
388#11sPortsmouth City Jail (Language Only)
Conference Report
388#1cMoratorium Exemption -- Charlotte County (Language Only)
388#2cRichmond City Jail (Language Only)
388#3cVirginia Beach Jail Work Release Center (Language Only)
388#4cSouthern Virginia Regional Jail Authority (Language Only)
388#5cChesapeake City Jail (Language Only)
388#6cPrince William-Manassas Regional Jail (Language Only)
388#7cVirginia Peninsula Regional Jail (Language Only)
388#8cJail Project Reporting (Language Only)
388#9cBoard of Corrections Jail Oversight (Language Only)