2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Richmond City Jail (language only)

Item 388 #2c

Item 388 #2c

Public Safety
Corrections, Department of

Page 354, after line 48 insert:
"g. The City of Richmond, in order to proceed in planning for the replacement of the existing jail and the development of associated community corrections services.  Included within the required submissions to the Department of Corrections from the City of Richmond shall be a report indicating the costs and benefits to the City and the Commonwealth of a regional versus a local jail, including a comparative analysis of the long term operating costs and documentation that the City has determined whether or not there is interest in the surrounding jurisdictions in developing a regional jail project."

(This amendment authorizes the City of Richmond to move forward through the statutory planning process to request the approval of the State Board of Corrections for a jail construction project and the associated community corrections services to replace the existing city jail. The amendment also encourages the city to consider partnering with other localities to propose a regional jail project.)