Member Request | | |
143#1h | Discretion to Hire Truancy Officers (Language Only) |
143#2h | Carryforward Language - Construction Grants (Language Only) |
143#3h | Increase Remediation Positions in SOQ | $4,906,016 | $4,900,279 |
143#4h | Increase Remedial Positions in SOQ | $4,906,016 | $4,900,279 |
143#5h | Expand At-Risk Four-Year-Old Preschool Program to 80% of Unserved | $7,448,323 | $7,426,889 |
143#6h | 6% Teacher Salary Increase Both Years | $142,142,907 | $294,405,554 |
143#7h | Driver's Ed. Revenue Adjustment | -$2,173,000 | -$2,173,000 |
143#8h | Incentive Fund for Textbooks | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 |
143#9h | True Ratios and Class Size Caps for K-3 (Language Only) |
143#10h | Teacher Training-Career & Technical Teachers | $500,000 | $500,000 |
143#11h | Technology Assistant in Elementary Schools | $5,737,667 | $5,737,667 |
143#12h | Technology Assistant in Every School | $35,894,564 | $35,894,564 |
143#13h | Alternative Education Proposal | $17,805,495 | $17,805,495 |
143#14h | Replace Title I - At-risk 4 Yr. Olds | $10,552,456 | $10,519,446 |
143#15h | Technology Assistant in Every School | $35,894,564 | $35,894,564 |
143#16h | Encourage Use of Value Engineering (Language Only) |
143#17h | Family Involvement in Technology | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 |
143#18h | Add $25.0 M-School Construction Grants | $25,000,000 | $25,000,000 |
143#19h | Change Math SOQ from 25 to 1 to 24 to 1 | $4,835,503 | $4,900,973 |
143#20h | Excellence in Technology Training Program | $12,500,000 | $12,500,000 |
143#21h | Remove Restriction - Technology Funding (Language Only) |
143#22h | No.VA Cost of Competing Non-instructional to 24.61% | $2,363,298 | $2,451,354 |
143#23h | School Nurse in Every School | $18,299,686 | $18,210,966 |
143#24h | Discretion to Block Grant Remedial Payments (Language Only) |
143#25h | Administrative Computing Maintenance Costs | $15,000 | $50,000 |
143#26h | SOQ Funding-Admin Positions Voc-Tech Centers | $4,897,029 | $4,897,029 |
143#27h | Year-Round School Pilot Program | $800,000 | $800,000 |
143#28h | Teacher Salary to National Average | $170,568,388 | $232,688,499 |
143#29h | Reduce Middle School Class Sizes | $5,519,006 | $5,470,045 |
143#30h | Remove Restriction on Technology (Language Only) |
143#31h | Expand No.VA Salary Differential-Other Localities | $5,247,961 | $5,363,233 |
143#32h | Composite Index Transition Payment | $116,253 | $114,911 |
143#33h | Standards of Learning Remediation | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 |
143#34h | Technology Assistant in Every School | $35,894,564 | $35,894,564 |
143#36h | School Construction Grants Funding | $155,000,000 | $155,000,000 |
143#37h | School Safety Equipment (Language Only) |
143#38h | Expand At-Risk Four-Year-Olds Program | $194,595 | $190,853 |
143#40h | Change Local Match on At-Risk 4s Program | $2,742,171 | $2,768,801 |
143#41h | Alternative Ed Program for Bedford | $115,095 | $115,117 |
143#42h | Gifted Education Pilots | $200,000 | $200,000 |
143#43h | Health Insurance Changed From Prevailing Cost | $12,800,000 | $12,800,000 |
143#44h | All Lottery Profits Returned to Localities | $173,180,421 | $173,180,421 |
143#45h | Elementary Regional Alternative Education Programs | $1,654,064 | $1,654,064 |
143#46h | Sliding Fee Scale for Summer Credit Classes (Language Only) |
143#47h | Increase Floor: Basic Aid Positions Per 1,000 | $38,160,575 | $124,136,750 |
143#48h | All Lottery Profits to School Construction Grants | $118,180,421 | $118,180,421 |
Committee Approved | | |
143#2h | Carryforward Language-Construction Grants (Language Only) |
143#6h | 2.4% Teacher Salary Increase-Dec.1 | $32,665,008 | $56,300,824 |
143#16h | Encourage Use of Value Engineering (Language Only) |
143#24h | Discretion to Block Grant Remedial Payments (Language Only) |
143#27h | Year-Round School Pilot Program | $800,000 | $0 |
143#37h | School Safety Equipment (Language Only) |
143#42h | Gifted Education Pilots | $50,000 | $0 |
143#43h | Technology Program | -$41,553,291 | -$41,329,807 |
143#45h | Elementary Regional Alternative Education Programs | $500,000 | $500,000 |
143#46h | Financial Hardship-Summer Credit Classes (Language Only) |
143#49h | 20% More Alternative Education Slots | $933,913 | $933,860 |
143#50h | Technology Resource Assistants & Payments | $0 | $9,942,240 |
143#51h | Use Added Textbook Funding-SOL Materials (Language Only) |
143#52h | Authority for HB 291 (Language Only) |
143#53h | SOL Algebra Readiness (Language Only) |
143#54h | School Health Incentive Payments | $725,986 | $724,531 |
143#55h | Federal Technology Literacy Challenge Fund | $2,851,387 | $2,851,387 |
143#56h | Early Intervention Nonparticipation | -$125,000 | -$125,000 |
143#57h | Reduce SOL Instructional Materials by 50% | -$6,290,395 | -$6,328,759 |
143#58h | K-3 Nonparticipation | -$530,561 | -$517,027 |
143#59h | At-risk 4s: Head Start & Inflation & Participation | -$600,000 | -$700,000 |
143#60h | Error in Census Data | -$89,989 | -$94,679 |
143#61h | Basic Aid Offset-HBs 1094 & 106 | $71,006 | $79,702 |
143#62h | Update Inflation-1st to 3rd Quarter | -$1,257,297 | -$1,266,347 |
143#63h | VRS Valuation Change - SOQ Accounts | -$27,497,209 | -$29,678,979 |
143#64h | VRS Change-Incentive Accounts | -$464,055 | -$464,572 |
143#65h | New Regional Alternative Education Program | $77,640 | $77,650 |
143#66h | Remedial Summer School Participation | $0 | -$3,883,000 |
Conference Report | | |
143#1c | VRS Valuation Change - K-3 | -$1,270,112 | -$1,227,767 |
143#2c | Driver's Ed. Revenue Adjustment | -$2,173,000 | -$2,173,000 |
143#3c | Increase No.VA Cost of Competing Noninstructional Component to 24.61% | $1,144,371 | $0 |
143#4c | Encourage Use of Value Engineering (Language Only) |
143#5c | Technology Program | -$41,553,291 | -$39,728,034 |
143#6c | Composite Index Transition Payment | $2,868,340 | $0 |
143#7c | Student Management Info. Sys. Maintenance Costs | $1,135,345 | $0 |
143#8c | Discretion to Block Grant Remedial Payments (Language Only) |
143#9c | Financial Hardship-Summer Credit Classes (Language Only) |
143#10c | Remedial Summer School Participation | $0 | -$3,883,000 |
143#11c | Federal Technology Literacy Challenge Fund | $2,851,387 | $2,851,387 |
143#12c | K-3 Nonparticipation | -$530,561 | -$517,027 |
143#13c | At-Risk 4s: Head Start/Inflation/Participation | -$1,500,000 | -$2,500,000 |
143#14c | Basic Aid Offset-HBs 1094 & 106 | $71,006 | $79,702 |
143#15c | Projected Balances in Math Intervention | $0 | -$456,620 |
143#16c | Early Reading Intervention Participation | -$150,000 | -$150,000 |
143#17c | Census Correction Basic Aid | -$84,216 | -$89,691 |
143#18c | Census Correction - Enrollment Loss | -$4,773 | -$4,988 |
143#19c | 3rd Quarter Inflation Savings | -$1,280,913 | -$1,289,790 |
143#20c | VRS Rate Reduction Basic Aid | -$4,651,533 | -$4,722,008 |
143#21c | VRS Rate Reduction - Remedial Education | -$622,730 | -$617,600 |
143#22c | VRS Rate Reduction - Enrollment Loss | -$12,661 | -$14,322 |
143#23c | VRS Rate Reduction - At-Risk Funding | -$86,316 | -$86,604 |
143#24c | VRS Rate Reduction - Additional Teachers | -$389,573 | -$389,731 |
143#25c | VRS Rate Reduction - Alternative Education | -$121,210 | -$121,202 |
143#26c | Carryforward Language-Construction Grants (Language Only) |
143#27c | Speech-Language Pathologist Caseloads | $656,481 | $590,961 |
143#28c | Year-Round School Pilot Program | $400,000 | $0 |
143#29c | Elementary Regional Alternative Education Programs | $400,000 | $0 |
143#30c | Add Alternative Education Slots | $474,181 | $474,074 |
143#31c | Technology Resource Assistant Payments | $0 | $4,843,262 |
143#32c | SOL Algebra Readiness (Language Only) |
143#33c | School Health Incentive Payments | $367,837 | $367,176 |
143#34c | New Regional Alternative Education Program | $77,640 | $77,650 |
143#35c | School Safety Equipment (Language Only) |
143#36c | 2.4% Teacher Salary Increase-Dec.1 | $32,610,973 | $56,300,824 |
143#37c | Use Added Textbook Funding-SOL Materials (Language Only) |
143#38c | Reduce SOL Instructional Materials by 50% | -$6,290,395 | -$6,328,759 |