2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
Plan to Reimburse Services Provided by Community Health Workers

Item 292 #14s

Item 292 #14s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2025 $0 FY2026 $100,000 GF
FY2025 $0 FY2026 $100,000 NGF

Page 395, line 2, strike "$352,158,338" and insert "$352,358,338".

Page 402, after line 29, insert:

"MM. Out of this appropriation, $100,000 from the general fund and $100,000 from nongeneral funds the second year shall be provided for the Department of Medical Assistance Services to convene a work group of stakeholders to: (i) design a state plan amendment to provide reimbursement for services provided by certified community health workers; (ii) identify opportunities to expand use of community health workers within Medicaid managed care organizations; and (iii) determine the feasibility of developing a flexible training and certification program for community health workers to allow community health workers to use their education and experience to satisfy some of the requirements for qualification as a doula or registered peer recovery specialist. The department shall report to the Chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations, Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations, and the Joint Commission on Health Care regarding the workgroup's findings and recommendations by October 1, 2025."


(This amendment provides $100,000 from the general fund and $100,000 from nongeneral funds the second year to the Department of Medical Assistance Services to convene a work group of stakeholders to design a state plan amendment to provide reimbursement for services provided by certified community health workers, identify opportunities to expand use of community health workers, and determine the feasibility of developing a flexible training and certification program for community health workers. This is a recommendation of the Joint Commission on Health Care.)