2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
Additional Funding for Community Health Workers

Item 278 #1s

Item 278 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Health FY2025 $0 FY2026 $2,500,000 GF

Page 345, line 16, strike "$331,778,122" and insert "$334,278,122".

Page 348, line 26, after "J.", insert "1."

Page 348, line 26, strike "$4,200,000", and insert "$6,700,000".

Page 348, line 28, strike "and doulas".

Page 348, line 28, after "shall", insert "develop criteria that".

Page 348, line 28, strike "prioritize", and insert "prioritizes".

Page 348, line 29, strike "and doulas".

Page 348, line 29, strike "that serve localities".

Page 348, line 30, strike "with the highest rates of maternal mortality", and insert "based on community needs".

Page 348, after line 33, insert:

"2. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 in the second year from the general fund shall be provided to support doulas at Virginia's local health districts. The agency shall prioritize supporting doulas at local health districts that serve localities with the highest rates of maternal mortality."


(This amendment provides $2.5 million GF the second year to provide additional funding to support all remaining community health worker (CHW) positions initially supported by federal funding and removes language requiring the Virginia Department of Health to prioritize CHW positions in high maternal mortality areas to allow flexibility of localities to develop and implement CHW-led programs that address community needs. The amendment directs $1.0 million the second year from the appropriation to support doulas in local health districts that serve localities with the highest rates of maternal mortality. This is a recommendation of the Joint Commission on Health Care.)