2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Tata
Address Child Trafficking

Item 324 #1h

Item 324 #1h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Social Services FY2025 $0 FY2026 $350,000 GF

Page 435, line 29, strike "$64,798,852" and insert "$65,148,852".

Page 437, after line 11, insert:

"K. Out of this appropriation, $350,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to develop a combined statewide landscape assessment and strategic response plan to human trafficking in Virginia and to establish a statewide referral mechanism to connect victims of human trafficking to services. The Department of Social Services shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of existing resources, gaps, and challenges in addressing child trafficking in Virginia, convene governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders, and develop a strategic plan that includes (i) a review of best practices for providing treatment and services to trafficking victims, (ii) analysis of data gaps and recommendations for addressing them, (iii) recommendations to improve and establish additional long-term support services for trafficking cases, and (iv) training policies for mandatory reporters of suspected trafficking cases. The Department shall also support the implementation of a referral mechanism to connect human trafficking survivors to appropriate services, collect and analyze data, and report to law enforcement through a technology-based platform that has multilingual capability and robust privacy measures to protect the identity and personal identifying information of survivors and individuals reporting trafficking cases. The Department shall provide an annual report to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees by December 1 each year detailing progress on the combined assessment and strategic response plan, outcomes from the referral mechanism, and recommendations for future funding and program expansion."


(This amendment provides $350,000 the second year from the general fund to create a statewide landscape assessment and strategic response plan to human trafficking as well as to establish a statewide referral mechanism to connect survivors to appropriate services and collect data on trafficking trends. This amendment includes $100,000 for the assessment and strategic response plan and $250,000 to contract with an external agency, such as Safe House Project, to implement the referral mechanism to connect survivors to services, collect and analyze data, and report to law enforcement through a technology-based platform that has multilingual capability and robust privacy measures to protect the identity and personal identifying information of survivors and individuals reporting trafficking cases. This amendment also includes an annual report detailing progress on the assessment and response plan, outcomes from the referral mechanism, and recommendations for future funding and program expansion.)