2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Cole
Committee on Election Administration (language only)

Item 1 #2h

Item 1 #2h

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 14, after line 12, insert:

"W. The Chairmen of the House and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections shall convene a stakeholder group to advise the Committees on the funding of election administration in Virginia, to include current state support and expected future needs of a modern election system. This review shall include an examination of the current relative shares of state and local support for election administration, including trends in that support over time. The stakeholder group shall develop recommendations for ways in which greater state support could be provided for the administration of elections, such as through assistance with purchases of equipment, full reimbursement for salaries for general registrars and electoral boards, or other methods. The stakeholder group shall develop recommendations for potential cost-saving efficiencies in election administration, as well as advising the Joint Subcommittee on expected challenges in election administration in the future and recommendations to address those challenges. The workgroup shall include representation from the Department of Elections, general registrars, electoral boards, local governments, and others as deemed appropriate by the Chairmen. The stakeholder group shall report to the Chairmen of the House and and Senate Privileges and Elections Committees, as well as the Secretary of Administration and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2019.


(This amendment is self-explanatory.)