2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Stuart
Co-Patron(s): Reeves
CO - Planning Pool - UMW - Construct Theatre and Fine Arts Complex (language only)

Item C-44.20 #4s

Item C-44.20 #4s

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay


Page 538, after line 42, insert:

"215     University of Mary Washington     Construct Theatre and Fine Arts Complex"


(This amendment provides funding to support planning costs for a capital project that will include construction of a new Theatre building and an extensive renovation of the existing Fine Arts Complex, consisting of DuPont, Melchers and Pollard Halls at the University of Mary Washington. The University reports that the current facilities for the departments of Art & Art History, Music, and Theatre are outdated, lacking in ADA compliance and do not adequately support academic programming need and are overcrowded. Under the proposed project, a new Theatre will be constructed and will include a 3-story building with various recital halls, art studios (drawing, painting, design, photography, print making, ceramics, sculpture, digital fabrication), classroom and seminar rooms, and faculty offices. The amendment is silent on the amount of the project as it will be done in a pool of planning projects.)