2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Dunnavant
Modify LARC Pilot Program (language only)

Item 292 #1s

Item 292 #1s

Health and Human Resources
Department of Health


Page 305, line 29, after "ovulation." insert:

"The department shall allow organizations to apply for the program in each year of the pilot program.  No grantee shall be awarded more than $500,000 in a year."

Page 305, line 33, after "requirement." strike the remainder of the line.

Page 305, line 34, strike "removal of LARCs at Medicaid rates." and insert:

"The funding for this pilot shall only be used for the purchase of the IUD device.  The department shall work with grantees to develop partnerships with 340B providers or through other mechanisms to ensure the lowest purchase cost for the IUDs."


(This amendment modifies the Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) program to limit the use of the funds to only the purchase of the IUDs and to encourage partnerships with other organizations to access 340B pricing or other innovative methods to reduce the average cost of the device. In addition, the amendment directs the Virginia Department of Health to allow other organizations to apply for the second-year funding.)