2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Floor Approved)

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Spearhead Trails Veteran's Rehabilitation Program

Item 126 #1s

Item 126 #1s

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Commerce and Trade
Virginia Tourism Authority FY2019 ($25,000) FY2020 $25,000 GF

Page 118, line 37, strike "$21,585,424" and insert "$21,560,424".
Page 118, line 36, strike "$20,810,424" and insert "$20,835,424".

Page 119, line 23, strike "$850,000" and insert "$825,000".

Page 119, line 23, strike "$550,000 the second year" and insert "$575,000 the second year".

Page 119, line 26, after "entity." insert "Of the amounts provided to the Southwest Virginia Recreation Authority for the Spearhead Trails initiative, $25,000 the second year from the general fund shall be used to establish a peer-support and recovery program for Virginia veterans with post traumatic stress disorder."


(This amendment provides funding to establish a peer-support and recovery program for Virginia veterans with post traumatic stress disorder in partnership with the Spearhead Trails initiative. Funding of $25,000 GF the second year for this initiative is offset by a like reduction in the first year. With this amendment, general fund support for the Spearhead Trails initiative totals $825,000 in FY 2019 and $575,000 GF in FY 2020.)