2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

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Route 29 Eastern Bypass Evaluation (language only)

Item 449 #2s

Item 449 #2s

Department of Transportation


Page 465, following line 17, insert:

"E. The Virginia Department of Transportation shall evaluate the feasibility of an eastern bypass for U.S. Route 29 around Charlottesville, Virginia. In conducting this evaluation, the Department shall review and catalog the land east of U.S. Route 29, consider the current traffic conditions on U.S. Route 29 in Charlottesville, meet with local business owners and employees of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Health System, and evaluate possible funding options for such development, including revenues from the potential sale of right of way properties acquired for the western bypass project that are not currently designated for other purposes. The Department shall complete its review by November 30, 2019 and provide a copy of its evaluation and recommendations to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Transportation and Appropriations and the Senate Committees on Transportation and Finance, no later than December 13, 2019."


(This amendment directs VDOT to review possible options for an eastern bypass for U.S. Route 29 around Charlottesville.)